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��15�1541 <br /> B�RR��U�ER C4VENANTS that Borrow�r�s �awfu��y seised of the estate hereby conveyed ar�d has the right�o <br /> gran�an�can�v�y�he Proper�y and�hat�he Pr�perty�s unencumbered, except far encum�rances af record. <br /> Borrovc�er warrants an�wi11 defend gen�rally �h�t�tl�to the Proper�y against all c�aims and demands, subj�ct�o <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH7S SE�URITY�NSTRUMEN�'combines uniform�avenants for na�ianal us�a.nd�an-unifa�m�o�enan�s w�th <br /> Iimited�ariation�t�y jurisdi�tion�a constitu�e a uniform security znstrument c��ering real proper�y, <br /> Unifvrm Cv►renants. B�rrower and Lender c���nar��ar�d agre�as fo��ows: <br /> 7. Payment of Principa�, lnterest, Escrow �temsr Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges. Borr�wer <br /> sha��pa�v�h�n due th�principa� of, and in�eres��n, the debt ev�denced by th� Note and an.y pr�paymen� <br /> charges and late char�es du�un�.�r the No�e. Borr�wer sha�� als�pay funds for Eserow �tems pursuant�o <br /> �ect��n 3. Payments due under th�No�e and�his Securi�� �nstrument shai��e made�n U.S. �urrenc�. <br /> Hov��ver, if any�h�ck or other ins�rument recei�ed by Lender as paym.�nt under�h�Note or this Secur�ty <br /> �r�s�rument is r�turned�a Lend�r unpaid, Lender may require that any�r a�� subsequent pa�ments du�under <br /> th�No��and th�s Securi�y. �nstrument be made zn one�r mare of�he f�llowing farms, as selected by L�nder: <br /> �a}cash; �b}mone�arder; �c}eer�i�ed check, bank check, treasur�r's check or cashier's check, pravided any <br /> such check�s drav�n upon an�nst�tu�ion whose deposi�s are�nsured�y a federal agen�y, ins�rumen�a�it�r, or <br /> ent�ty; or�d} Elec�roriic Funds Transf�r. <br /> Pa�rments are deem�d r���i��d by Lender vvhen re�ei�ed a�the�o�at��n designated xn�he N�t�or at such <br /> o��er�ocation as ma�r be de�igna�e�by L�r�der in accordan��with the n���c�pro�r�szons�n Sect�fln 1.5. <br /> �.�nder may r�turn any pa�rment or par��a�pa�men��f the paymen�ar part�a�pa�ments are insufficient t� <br /> bring the Loan current. I�end�r r�ay accep�any pa�rment ar par�ial payment insuff�cient to bring �he Loan <br /> current, �xthou��a�ver of any r�ghts htreun�ier or pre�udzce t� i�s rights ta refuse such payment or par�ial <br /> paym,ent�in the fu�ure, bu�Lender�s not abli�a�ed to app�y such paymen�s a�the time such payments are <br /> a�cepted. If each Per��dic Pa�men��s appii�d as af its s��edu�ed due date, then Lender need no�pay inter�st <br /> on unapplzed funds. Lender ma�h��d such unappli�d f�xnds unt�� B�rrower makes paymen�s�o br�ng th� <br /> Loar�current. If Borrawer do�s nat do �a���hxn a reas�na�i�period of t�me, Lender sha�� either app�y such <br /> funds�r re�urn�hem�o Borrower. If nat appl�ed earizer, such fun�s vwill b�applit�to the�u�standing <br /> principal ba�ance und�r�h�Note�mmediately pri�r�a foreclosure. No affset�r claim which Borrov�er might <br /> ha�e now or in the futur�aga�nst Lender sha�� reli���Borra�ver fro�m.making�aym�nts du�und�r th�Nnt� <br /> and this Security In��rument or performin��he c�venants and agreements secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> �. Applicatian af Payment� �r Prviceeds. �xc�pt as othe�-�vxse describe�in�his Sec�ion�, all payments <br /> accepted and app�ied hy L�nd�r sha��be app�ied in the f��low�ng order of pri�rity: �a} interes�due under�he <br /> ��t�; �b}princ�pa� due under the Note; �c} amounts due under Sec���n 3. Such pa�men�s sha��b�appli�d to <br /> each Peri�dic Paymen��n the arder in which it b�carne due. Any rerna�ning am�un�s sha��be app�zed�rs�to <br /> late charges, second�� an��ther amoun�s due ur�der�his�ecurity �nstrum�nt, and then to redu��the <br /> pr�nc�pa�ba�ance af�he N��e. <br /> �f Lender recei�es a payment fr�m Barrawer f�r a����nqu�nt P�riodic Paymen��vh�ch�ncludes a suff�c�ent <br /> arnaunt to pay any late charge due, the payment ma�r be app�ied to�he de��nquent pay�nent and th��at� <br /> charge. �f mor�than��e Periodic Payment �s auts�and�ng, Lender�may app�y an�pa�xnent r�cez�ed from <br /> Borrawer to th�r�paym�n�af the Periodic Payments �f, and t� the exten�that, each payment can be pa�d �n <br /> full. To the extent that any exc�ss exists after�he paym�nt�s app�ied to the fui�paym�nt af on��r mare <br /> Periadic Paymer�ts, sueh excess ma�be app��ed ta any�a���harges due. Vo�untary prepaym�nts sha��be <br /> applied first to ar�.�prepayment charges and then as described in th�NQte. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�ann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM#NSTRUMENT Form 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPSZN�y�13�2y <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 4 of 3 7 <br />