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20o�oo9s� � - <br /> 7. Emin�nl Dom�ln. Lendor i� hereby aeeipned all oompeneelion, ewerds, demapee ond oti►er payment� or relief Ihetelnefter "P.roceeds"1 <br /> in oon�oolion wilti oondemnation or other Ieki►np of tl,►ePrapetty�ur pait tl�breol, ot (or conveyanca in liou ol ao�Jemn�lio�.Lender rl�dl <br /> lek�or demspad, Lender ol►sll t�eva tl►e option in ite eola and ebsolulo diacrelion, lo epply el)such Proceade, efle� deduotinp lhorefrom <br /> all cosis and expanose incurred by it in connectio� witli euch P�oceede, upon eny indebtedness sacurad haraby st►d in ouch otder es <br /> Lende�may delarmine, or to apply all such Proceods, atter such deJucliona, to Ihe reetorelion ot the Proparty upon such oondilions ea <br /> Lendbr may Jatsrmi�ie. Any applioetion of Proceeds to indebledness shull��ot extenJ or postpona lhe due dele ol eny paymento unJer <br /> Ibn Nuto,or curo eny deleult Iheraunder or hereunder. Any uneppliad IunJs�hull be paiJ to T�uetor. <br /> e. P�rlorm�nc� by l�nda. Upon the occurrence of en Event ol Dela�ilt iieraunder, o� it any ect is teken or lepel prooeeding <br /> cornmonced whicl�matsrielly atteots Lender'e uriereat in Il�e Property,Lende�may in ite own diacretion, but witliout oblipetion to do so, <br /> . and wi�hout nolios to or demand upon Truslor and wl�hout r�leasing Tr►�etor (rom any oblieation, do en�a�t anrluci�Ttualor hes egreed <br /> bul luils to Jo ���d may aloo do any otlier act it deemr nocasaary lo pro�acl the aecu�ily heieol. Truetor sl�ell, Inunedislely upon ilumur�J <br /> Iherofor by laide�, pey lo Lender all coets end nxpansee uicurreJ und qums exponJnd by ln�idar in conneclion wilh liw uxoroi�u by <br /> Lender ol tha (orepoinp �ipiits, topethet wilh intarest lliareon et tlia datault �ela provided in llie Nola, wl�icl► sl�all bs adJed lo Ilie <br /> indeblednese secured he�eby. Ls�der ehell no1 incur any liebilily becauae ot enylhinq it mey do or omit to do hareundar. <br /> 8.It�zudou� M�I�rld�. Truetor eliell keep tlie Property in oomplience will� all epplioable lewe, ordins�►oar and repulelion� �eleti�ip to <br /> 'a�dusUiul hypiana or environmental prolection (collactively referred to herain ea "Environmental Lewo"1. Truator ehell kaep 11►e Proparty <br /> trae from all subetanoes desmod lo ba I�ezardoua or toxio wiJat any Environmentel Lawe (collectively rslarraJ to harein ea "Nazatdous <br /> Meterials"1. Trueto� horeby werrante a�d reprasents to Lender Iliat tliere era no He:ardoue Meloriel on or u�dar liie Property. Trustor <br /> liareby epreas to indotnnily snd hotd (�arrnleas Lander, ile directoro, ollicera, employeea end epento, e�id eny eucces�or• to Ler►der's <br /> inleresl, Iro�n and apeinst any enJ ell clei�ne, damepea, loseea and liobililiea ariainy in canneclion willi llie preaance, ure, di�pu�el or <br /> 1►a�ieporl o( eny I�ezstdous Mslariele on,under, irom or about 1he P�oporly. TIIE FOREGOINO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, <br /> ANU TRLiSTOR'S OBUt3ATtONS PURSUANT TO TNE FOREQOINd INQEMNITY, SNALL SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE Of TFIIS DEEU OF <br /> TRUST. <br /> 10. A�slpnm�nt ol R�nt�. T�ustor hereby asaiene to Lender, and prent• Londer a eacurity interest in, sll pre�ent, tutu�� and �fler <br /> risinp rente, iesuso and profits of tfio Prope�ty; provided thet Trustor eliell, unlil tl�e occurrenco of en Event of Default horeundor, liavs <br /> Itie riQht lo oolleat end �elain suah renla, iesuea end profite ea tfisy beaome due end peyebls. Upon the oacurrencs o( en Event ol <br /> Deleult, lendsr may, eithor in person or by a�anl, will� o� williout brindi��p any action ot pronasdi�p, or by e reoeivar eppointed by s <br /> courl and wilhout reperd to tl�e�dequecy of i�e raourity, enter upon end Ieko poesoasion of ltie Properly,or any pert Il�s�eof,In it� ow� <br /> nams or (n llis neme of lhs Truotee, end Jo any octs whicli it Jeeine necaeee�y or desire�la to proesrvs tl�s velue, marketability or <br /> �a�lability ot Ihs Property, o► eny part tl�erao( or interest tlierein, or to incroese the uiaome theretrom or p�olect tl�a'ecu�ity hereol end, <br /> witl�or witl�out tak(ng posasselon o( 11ie Property, eue to� or otliarwise collact tt�e renta, iseuea end ptotits tliareol, inaludinp ttioee paet <br /> due end unpaid, by notityinp tenante lo meke peymanta lo Lendar. Lander mey apply rente, isaues end prolite, les� oo�l�and expa�eea <br /> nt operetion and collectio�includinp attorneye' (eee, to any indebtednese aecured tiareby,all in such order es Lender may determine.Tlio <br /> enterinp upon and takinp poteeesion of the Properly, tlie collection oF such renta, iasues e►►d pro(ite, and lhe applicelion Ihereot ae <br /> afo�eeaid, ehall not cure ot waiva any dalault or notice ot deteult lidrow�der or uwaliJete eny act dona in reeponeo to euch dafault or <br /> pu�euant to •ucl► notice of dalault anJ, notwithelanJin� Ihe conlinuance in poseueaiun of the Prope�ly or U�e oulleolion, �soaipl and <br /> epplicalion of te�itr, leeus� or p�olitr, Truelao enJ Laiider ohall be n�NiUed �o uxnrcieo every ridhl provideJ (or b� pny ol Ihs Loen <br /> Inrtrument� or by Isw upon oocurrence of any Event of Defeult, including witliout limitation tl�e ripl�t to exetciee Ihe powe� of �ale. <br /> Furthar, Lendar'� rieht• and ramodieo under tF�ie perag�eph ahell be cumulalive with, and in no way e limitslion on, Lender'• riplits end <br /> remediae u�der sny sesiQnment of leaeee and �ente recorded againet tlie Prope�ty. Lender, Truatee end the reoeiver shall bs lieble to <br /> acoount only bt tho�e tent�eotually rocaived. <br /> 11.Ev�nl�ol D�I�ult.Ths tollowinp sliell conetituts an Eve�it ot Uefaull under Ihia Dead ol Trusl: <br /> (e)Failure to pay eny Inslelbnent o( principal ot uiterest of any otlier sum aecured lieraby wlian dus; <br /> (b)A brsacF►of or de(sult under a�y provision conteined in tiie Note, 11iie Daed ot Tniet, ar►y ot tlie Loan Inetrumonto,or a�y <br /> other liun o�enoumbranos upon the Property; <br /> (a)A writ o(exaoution or attachment or any eimitar prooees sliall be entered aeainet T�uetor which rhsll beoome�lien on tha <br /> Proparty or any portlon thereof o�interost therein; <br /> (d)Thore�hsll bs(iled by or apalnot Truetot or Borrowe� en aclion under eny present or future(edoral, �tets o►other rletue,lew <br /> ot repulelion reletinp to bankruploy, insolvanoy or otliar reliet (or dabtora;or thero shsN bs eppolnl�d any t�ust��, recave� or <br /> liquldetor of Trustor or Borrower or of sll or any pe�t of the Properly,or tl�e rente, iseuea or pro(its tiiereof, or Truotor o► 8o�rowor <br /> �hsll meks a�y pe�aal��sip�menl for ths banelil ol oredilore; <br /> (e1 TI►s�ale,trenefer,lsaes,a�elpnrtient,oonvsysnce or turtlier encumbranoe o( ell or any part of or eny fnterset In Il�e Ptoperly, <br /> eilher volu�tarily or involunterily, without Ihe oxptees wriltan coneent of Lender; provided lhet Ttu�to�riiell be petmilted lo exsoule <br /> e laaes o(tha Propetty that doea nol contain en option lo purcliase and tlie term of wl�ich doae not excead one year; <br /> (() Abandonment o(llie Proparty;or <br /> (p) It T�usto� ie �ot en indiviJual, ltie iaeuence, aele, trane(er, eaeipnment, aonvayenoe or encumbranoe of mors than (if e <br /> corporetion) e totel of peroenl o( ite isauad end outslendinp slock, o� (it a purtne�sliipl s total of N!A parcent ol <br /> parinerel�ip intereet�, or i a imited liebility aompeny) a totel of N/� peroent of tl�e (imitad liebilily compeny nle�asta or votinp <br /> tiptits durinp ths period Ihis Deed of Truet remains a lien on tha Property. <br /> 12.R�m�dl�r Aao�l���tfon Upon Dd�ult.In tha evenl of any Event o( Doleult Lander may, without notiae sxaept sa required by lew, <br /> decle�e all Indabtednsa� •eaured horoby to be due and payabla and tlia aamo ehall tlie►eupon baoome dus and peyebls without any <br /> prarentment,demsnd,prots�t or notioo of eny klnd.Tl�ereulle�Ldnde�moy: <br /> (e) Demand that Trustas exeroirs tiis POWER OF SAIE grantaJ I�aroin, e�d Truetee oliall thereslter oau�s Ttustor'• MNarsot <br /> fn ths Propeity to be�old and ths prooseds to be distributad, ell in tt�e manner provided in Ilis Nobrssk�T�ust Deed�Aot; <br /> (b)Exeralae any and all right• provided for In sny of the Loen Inelrumente or by law upon 000urrenos of eny Event of <br /> Def ault;and <br /> (a) Commanoe en aotion to forecloss lhie Dead of Truat as a mortgepe, appoint e reoaiver,or opeoilioelly en(o►o��ny of the <br /> oovensnt�horeo(. <br /> No ramedy hersin oon(or�ed upon or �easrved to T�uotee or Lender (s intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy her�(n, In Ihs Loan <br /> Inaltument�or by law providod or penniltod, bul eaoh al�ell be cumulative, Bliell bs in aJdilion to evo�y other�amedy plvsn ha��under, ln <br /> 11��Loan In�trument� o�now or F�erea(ter axletinp el law or in equity or by elatute, end�{ney ba exa�cieeJ aoncurrently, M�dependauly or <br /> �uooes�ively. <br /> 13.TruN��.Th�Tru�tee may tesfpn at any tkne wltl�oul osuss, and Ler�dar mey s1 e�y tbns and wilhout oau�e�ppolnt •�uooss�or <br /> or �ubelilut�Trust�s. Truslse ohell�ot ba Ifeble to any perty, inah�ding witl�out limitetion Lenda�, Borrower, Tru�tor o� �ny puratu�e� ol <br /> Il�s Property, for any (ors o� de�napa unlase dua lo reckleea or willlul miaconduct, end shnll not be �equitad lo leks �ny aotion in <br /> oonneotion wllh the enlotoanent ot 1f�ie Dead of Truet unl�ae indemnilied, in �evrltine. for all coet�, aompensetion or expnn�e• wl�ich may <br /> be asrociated tharewllh. In edditlon, Truetae msy beaoms a purciiasar at eny eale ol liie P�opurty (juJioial or undat the power of sela <br /> prented i�erainl;po�tpons tl�e�ale of all or any portio�of llie Proparty, ae proviJnJ by law; or sell Itie Property es s whols, o� in �oporote <br /> parosls or lot��t Tru�tse'�dieoration. ' <br /> 14.F����nd E�p�o���.In lhe event Truetee�ell�the Property by exerciee o( powar ot oale,Tnietee shall be entllled to apply eny�sle <br /> prooaede (irst to psymant o( all uoste end expanees ot axercieing power of eale, including all Trurtee's leee, and Londe�'� and T�uetee'e <br /> attornay'� (ao�, ectuslly incurred to extont permiltad by appliaable lew. In tlie event Borrower or Truetor exerciss� ony �ipht provided by <br /> law to curs an Event ot Oo(ault, Lande� ei►all bs anlltled 10 recover Irom Truetot al) coste and expenses actuslly inaurred es • reeult of <br /> Trueto�'�de(sult,IncludK►p wllhout limilelion all Trustee'e end ettorney'e taes, to tlie extent permitted by applioable lew. <br /> 16. Futur� Adv�no��. Upon requeel ol Borrower, Lendet mey, et i1a option, muka adJilional and (ulure advance• end reedvoncse to <br /> Borrower. Such �dvenoe• end resdvanoe�, wi�h intereat theroon, sliell ba recured by �liie Deed of Trust� At no tims eh�ll the p�incipal <br /> en�ount o( lhe Indebledne�� •sauted by 11d� Dead ot Trurt, not inck�din� awne eJvn�ceJ lo �,roteat tlis �eourily ol Ihl� Qeed ot Truet, <br /> exceed th�orlpinel p�inofpsl amount�letad horsln,or / 17,000.00 , wliicl�sver Is�reste�. <br />