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. �1 <br /> � 200000988 <br /> 18.Mfeoelleneous Pfovislons •* • ' '# ' <br /> � (e) 8orrow�r No/Relas��d. Exteneion ol th�tim�for payment or modifioation ot ths'sume seoured by ll�ls deed ol Truet prented <br /> by lender to eny suooeseor in intereet ot Borrower ehnll not oper�le to reloeae, in any menner, the liebility ol the o�iph�nl 8orrower <br /> nnd 9orrower's s�wce�eors M interest. Lendor ehnll not he required lo commence prooeedinde npeinet tuch suoos�sor or reluee lo <br /> exlnnd Ilme for peymeM or olhorwise �nodily mi�ortirolion ot Ihe eurne aocuroJ by Ihis Deod ol Trust by roeeon ol eny demende <br /> mode by Ihe oripinn)Bonower end 8onowor'n eu�consora ii� intora9l. <br /> (b)L�nd��'�Pows►�. Witlwul elleoli�ip the liebilily ol eny olh�r pareon linble lo� Ihe peyrnonl oi eny obllgnlion hereln menlloned, <br /> end without elleating 1he lien Of CMOIp� OI IIIIN DAH(I o( T�uet upon ony porlion al Il�e P�operty not tl�en or Il�erolo(ors reles�ed ne <br /> re�urity fo� tha (ull emourit ol ell uripeid ohlipelionn, Lander mny, trom lime to time ond willwut noliae (f) teleese eny pereon eo <br /> lieble, (II�exleflfl Ille f1111�Ufl�Y Of BI�f1f Nfl�/ of tlie te�ms ot eny sucl� qt�lidatione, (iii) grent otlier indulgencee, (iv) releess or reconvey, <br /> or oeues to be releesed or reaonveyed at nny tNna at londer's oplio�� eny percel,poition or ell ol the Property, Iv) tske er releeee nny <br /> otlier eddit{onel seQu�ity lot eny obligetio�� I�erain mentioned, or (vi) ineke compoaitione or oll�e� arrenpema�ls will� deblors In <br /> �elelfon tl�ereto. <br /> Io) Forb�a►eno� by Lender Not w Weiver. !�i►y lo�benronco by Lender in OxAtC191t1(� eny ripht or �emedy herounder, or olherwiee <br /> nitorded by e���rliceble Inw, el►nll �wl be n weivor ol or pteck�de Ihe exeroi�e ol miy euch �ipht ot ro�nedy. Tha pteau�emenl ol <br /> innurenoe or the peyment ol texes o� otl�er liene or�p�s by Londer ehelf rwt be n w�`�dlul�ede�i',s tlpht to naoelerete the <br /> mnlurily of Ihe indeblednees eecurod by tl�i.+ Deed ot Tn�st. � " . '" ' � °' ` <br /> (d) Succ�a�o►• and Ae�lqn� Bound; Joint snd Severpl Unbilily: Captions. Tl+e ni�'vei�otCls�'�tPd�l�r�ldnenln heroin oonlained ehell <br /> Mind, m�d 11�e tiphle hereundm ehell in�ne lo, Iho rosnor.tive AUCC0390fA f111�I B9PI(�fl� OI LHI1fTlff eiid' Truetor. Al) oovenn�te end <br /> eprnomonle o( Truetor ehnll be joint m��l :oovornl. llro cn�ilionq nnd liendinpa ol the pnrnprnphe ol Ihfs Deed ol T�uet ero for <br /> convm�io�ir,e only nnd ere not to be used lo inlor��ral or dofino Iho►�rovisionn horeot. <br /> �e) iiequs�l (or Nodcs�. The pwrlion hareby raquoet ihnt e aopy ol enV nolice ot dc+feult hereunder snd e copy ol mry nolice of <br /> selo herounder he meilad to onch ��nrly l0 lhiq [lood ol Tiusl nt the ndJress eet (orth above in the me�ner preer.ribed by �pplir.nhlo <br /> Inw. Except (or eny olhet �iotice roryuirecl undm opplir.nblo Inw to he 4�ivan i►� nnoU�or mnn��o�, eny r�olioo provided lor in Ihir Ueed ot <br /> T�uet sl�nll be piven by mnilinq eucl� notico t�y �e�liliod mnil oddr�snod lo the other rnrlio+, et the eddreee set (ortli ebove. /1ny <br /> notice ptovfded lor in tliie Deed o( Tiu41 ehell be elfecliva upom m�ili�ig in Iho mnnner deaigneled herein. II Truelor ie more U�nn one <br /> person,notice eent to the eddreee set lo�ll� ehovo sliel)be nolice lo nll euch poreons. <br /> p) (n�p�cllon. Lender tT+ey mnke or (71111AA tn he medo reosonnhle enlrio4 upnn nr�d in9pe�lione el the P�operty, provided thel <br /> Lende� el�ell pivs Tiuslor notice prior to eny eur,l� inspeclion npecityii��� reesonal�le ceuee tliorelor releted lo lenJer's i��te�eel in 11�s <br /> Properly. <br /> (p) Reconve�anos. Upon paym�nl ot el) 9111119 aocurod by 11►is Deed ol Trus1, Lc+ndar ehafl raquesl Truelee to roconvay the <br /> Property end ehnll su►render thia beed o( TniAt and oll no�os evidancinu indebtedness eer.ured by thie Deed ol T�unt to Trustae. <br /> Trustee eheU roconvey tlie Property wilhout wnrrnnty m�d wilhout CI1Nt(�0 to 1he peraon or peroone (egelly entUled lherelo. T��retor <br /> elinll pey ell coetr ol recordelion, il any. <br /> 11�► Ps��onel Property; S�cu�ily Agrseinent. /1s addi�ionnl seciirity lor Ihe pnyment o( the Note, Tnietor herehy grn�ts lende�unde► <br /> tl�e Nebrnqke Unilortn Cornmercinl Codo n eec�irity intorc+st in oll fixturen, eq�iip�nenl, end olhe� pereonel prope�ty ueed in connaclio�� <br /> wilh Ihe ron) eslale or improvemonl+ locntod Iha�oon, ond no� o�l��rwise doclnrod or deemed to be a pert ol 11�e reel e�lete eecured <br /> horeby. TI►ie fnelrument shell be cor�nttued oe n Socu�ily /1Wreeinant under snid Code, end the l.ender el�nll hnve sll Ihe ►iulile nnd <br /> remedie� ol e eecurod pnrly under Aeid Code ir� nJdilion to tho �iplNs nnd romedies crooled under end ecao►ded the Lende� puroumit <br /> lo Ihis Deed ol T�uel; ptovided thet Lendor's riphle nnd ►emedios uridnr Ihis rA�AA�Ani� ehell be oumulelive wilh, end in no wnY a <br /> limitntion o��, le��der'e riWhte er�d remedios undar nr�y nlhm sacutily n{�reeme�it si�nod by Borrowe�or Truetor. <br /> (i) lfen• snd Encumh►ence�. Trustor hereby warrm�ts �nd rol,rose��ta lhnt there is �o deteuk under Ihe provisfone of eny <br /> morlgope, doed ol tn�sl; leeee ot purchase aontrnct dascribing oll o� enV pnrl ot the Property, or olhe► conUeot, ineln�ment or <br /> npronment con�lilulinp e lien or encuinbrnnce npninat nll or nny pnrl o( U�o Proporly Icollc+clive, "Lfene"1. �xinlinp ee ol the dele ol <br /> this Deed ol T�uet, e�id Ihel eny nnd ell exiqlinq lions rmnein ��nmodifiod excopl ae disr.loeed lo Lendm in Truetor'e writlen <br /> disclo�uro ol lim�� end encu►nbreneee rrovided (or hnrein. Trunt�r shnll timely parlonh nll ol Truator'e oblipelione, covenenle, <br /> �ep►oeen�e�ionr end wnrrnrHiee undm nny niid nll oxiolin�� nnd (uturo Lian9, ahnll pro�npUy Imwerd lo Lender coriee of ell rwtf�es ol <br /> deladt se��f hi co�ineclion wllh nny end ell axiqlin�l or lulurn Lions, nnd shnlf not wilhaut Lender's prior w�ilten om�eenl in eny <br /> menner modily the p�ovi�ione of or allow nny (uture ndvonr,as undor eny oxistin� or lulure Liens. <br /> (j) Applicatlon of Payment�. Unleae olherwi90 req��ired I�y Inw, sumn pnid lo Londer hereundor, inoludinp wilhoul lir�ilelion <br /> poy�nenle ol p�incipnl n�id hNerest, k�aurnnct+ procooda, condo�nnntion praco�ds end rnnte end prolile, ehell be epplfed by Lender to <br /> �I►e emounls due end owinp Irom Truslor nnd borrower ir� sucl� order ns Lend�+r in ils aole discretion deems deei►nble. <br /> (K) Ssve�ebilily. If eny provisior� ot Il�is Deed ol Tniqt CO�IIIIC�9 witl� epplicable law or ie declnred invelid or oll►etwiee <br /> unenlorcenble, euch conllict or invelidity ehnll nol ollect Il�e other provisions ot Ihie Ueed ot Trusl or the Note whfch cnn be piven <br /> elleot williouf Il�e conllicth�p p►ovi�ion, and �o ��+is end Ilie provision� of tl�ia Deed o( Tn�et end tlis Note ers declared lo be <br /> eaverehle. <br /> (1� Tam�. The lerms "Truelor" end "Bo�rowe�" al�ol)inr.lude boll� ei�igular'and plu�ol, and when the Truelor end Bo�rower srs 1�e <br /> seme ps�sonlel,thoee lenrs es ueed hi 11iis Deed ol Tn�st sliell be inlercl�engeoble. <br /> (ml Oov�rn{np L�w.Tl�is Deed of Ttust sl�ell be qoverned by tlie lewe ot tl�e Stele o( Nebreaka. <br /> Tru�tor he�exeout�d thi�Dsed ol tru�t es ol tl�s dets wrlttan ebove. <br /> LARRY FICKEN <br /> Trustor LYNN FICKEN Truslor <br /> T�u�tor <br /> T�uelor <br /> Trwto► <br /> Trustor <br /> � <br /> I <br />