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� � � o — <br /> r � n n c� o� <br /> � <br /> y � (1 l� Z n = � � :��� ; ;�`m . ., p � <br /> _ � � <br /> rn N � x � � o � � � <br /> T <br /> f� 2 "•' o�, � -n � � c�. <br /> 7� � "*� � = m O N <br /> � � D � <br /> � � � r � � u <br /> _ Q r n �* <br /> �... �' ca <br /> ' � N �� � �`v oo � <br /> p �` W -.�`. cti <br /> 200000988 �' � � '� <br /> � � a <br /> DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> 28TH de ol JANUARY , � end emonp � <br /> TNi3 DEED OF tRUST,is mede es ol the Y <br /> the Tru�for, <br /> LARRY D FICKEN AND LYNN K FICKEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS � <br /> whoss msllinp eddress it 3026 WESTSIDE GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 <br /> thsrain "Trusto►." whslhe►ons or morel, <br /> tl�e Truslse, THE OVERLAND NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND � <br /> whoss meiflnp eddres�i� <br /> PO BOX 1688 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 (hersin 'Ttustee"1,end <br /> the Bsnsliais�y, THE OVERLAND NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND � <br /> wl�oee me{I{np eddreee is PO BOX 1688, GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 (herein "lender"1. <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA710N,includinp Le��do►'e exlonsion of credit identilied herein lo LARRY <br /> n �TruFnT eNn <br /> LYNN K FICKEN <br /> (heroi�� "8orrowe�", whalher one or more) end the truet hereM e�ented, Ihe <br /> r OWER OF SALE lot lhs benelit'ende e urity ort'Lenderirunder e1nd eub�eotrto the ter►ns and o ndition�sl�ereMa(terr�et (orth, Ihs resl <br /> P <br /> properly,desor{bed ss lollows: �' <br /> LOT THIRTY ONE (31) , IN ISLAND ACRES N0. 7, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF FRACTIONAL SECTION <br /> SEVEN (7) ; PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF (W�W�) OF SECTION EIGHT (8) ; AND PART <br /> OF LOT TWENTY-FOUR (24) , ISLAND ACRES, ALL IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) <br /> WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. , IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> PROPERTY ADDRES3s 3026 WESTSIDE, GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 <br /> Topall�er wlll� ell buildir�An, improvemont,. fixl�i�os. P�IHOI,. n11oYq. I��A9ApeWpY�• eenemente, riqhls, privileges end appurlenencee <br /> Ioceied lhereon or M e►�ywfee pertnininp tliereto, nnd 1he rent+, innuo+ pnd prolils, revereione nnd ron�ninders lherooT, 6nd euch pereonel <br /> property thel ie nttecl�ed to N�e improvemente so ne 10 conrlitute n lixture, includi���, but not limited to,heetinp and eoolinp eryuipmenl; <br /> ro�d lopether w{lh lhe home�tend or marilni kiter�+lq, i1 enV. w��ic�� h�lereel+ ere hereby roleesed end weived; ell ot which, h�cludinp <br /> replecemenle end edditlone Il�ereto, le I�ereby deola�ed lo be e peit o( tl�e reel eetete seoured by the lien ol this besd ol Trust end sll ol <br /> tf�e(oreqoinp bs{np relerred Io I�ere&�es the "Property". <br /> This Deed of T�ust sl�ell seaure(e) tlie payrnent ol tlie principel eum end interest evidenced by s p�omlesory nols or oredit <br /> eqroement deled JANUARY 28. 2000 ,heving a meturity dete of JANUARY 28 2007 — � <br /> {n Ihe o�iqi�el prinelpel emo�mt o( / 17,000.00 , end eny end ell tnodiliaelions, extensions end renewel� <br /> t��erenl o► Iherelo nnd eny end ell ful�ire ndvnncer end roedvences lo Bo►rower lor eny ol Il�em i( more Ihen one) hereunder purouenl �o <br /> one or more pron�ieenry nota� or crodit nnrecm�nta (l�eroin ceUod "Nota"h (bl the peyment of other sums edvenced by Lender to proteot <br /> the +ecurily ol the Nole; (c) the per(ormance of nll �ovononte nnd agroemenle ot Tru�for eet (orth herein; end (d) �n preeenl nnd lulure <br /> IhflHlliO(Ifll1!1S end o���ig^t�o��e ol Borrower (�r m�y ol lhmn i( more 11►nn one) to Lender whelher direol, indi�ecl, ebeok�fe o► cmdh��m+� <br /> nnd whether nri�inq by note, q�in►en�V� eve�d�e�t or olhmwine. 7he Nole, lhis Doed ol T�u�t end eny end sll other doauments 11ie1 eecu►e <br /> Ihe Nole or othe�wiee execuled in oonneation therewilh, includinp wilhout limitetion guerantees, seourity epreements end aseipnmente <br /> ol len!+ee end rente,eh�ll be refe�red to he►ein ee 1he "Loan inetrumente". <br /> Trueto� oovenents nnd nprees with Lender a+ (ollow+: <br /> t. Psymenl ol Indabledness. Al) indebtodness +�cured I�ereby qhnll bn pnid when due• <br /> 2. TIII�.Truelor fs Il�e owner ol tfie Propertv,���+ tlie ripld and eu11�o►ily to convey Il�e Properly.end werronle tl�nl tl�e lien creelod <br /> 1i�f�t�e axeouNon o( Iliier Dead ol'Truat nand•lhe ex��oi'�i„n�,J�����ery�orl tliie Deed of�tbusl ydoes/not vio`lels ny oonlrsott or otl e� <br /> belor <br /> obiiqat{on lo wl+loh Trustor Is eubjeal. <br /> 3. Tsxs�, A��s�tms„t�. To pey before deH��quen�y ell taxes, speciel eeseeamente end eli otha►oherpes apeinet the Properly now ot <br /> hereeller levied. <br /> 4. I�esu►enoa. Ta keen the Propetly insu�ed npninat demnpe by (ire, I�aznrds, inck�ded wi11�M the term "extended oovernps", en <br /> ���c�� elher h�zerde ee Lender tney raquire, in emo+inle m�d wiU� companioe saoepteble to Lender, neminp Lender ee an eddilionn)nnmed <br /> ineured, wilh loee pnynMe fe H�O I-ell(�0/. Ifl (:RA9 O� I094 unde+r qucli poticias, the Lender ie eulhorized lo ed�usf, colleat end oomp►omiee, <br /> nll r,lnbne Ihereunder nnd ehnll heve the option ol a���lyinu nll or pa�t of lhe in:+urence procoeds (i) to eny Mdebtedneen secured hereby <br /> end in eucl� orde� ee Lender mny detorrnine, lii) to U�o Trustor te be usod lo► Ihe repeir or reeloretion o( Ihe Properly or (iii) for eny olhnr <br /> purpoee or ob�eol entirleolory lo Lender wilhout etlectinp Ihe lim� o( this Oeed ol Trust lor U�e lull emounl securod hereby belore euch <br /> pnymerit ever took pleoe. /�ny npplicelien ol proaeeds lo indebtodne4e sl�oll nol exlend or poatpone tlie due dete of any peymenls under <br /> tlie Note,or cure eny de(eult thereu�da�or I�ete�mder. <br /> 5. E�crow. Upon written dernend by Lender,Tniator sl�all rny lo Lander, in euch mern�er ee Lender mny deeipnete, eu(liclent eum+ � <br /> to eneble Lender lo pey ea Ihey becoma due one or more ol tlie lollowi�g: (i) ell texes, eeeeeements end olhe► oherpss epeinsl tlie <br /> Property, (ii) lhe prerniums on ll�e property ineurenca required liereunder, end (iii) Ihe premiums on eny mortps{�s Msurenoe required by <br /> Lender. <br /> 6. Mninlennnr,e, Repebs �i�d Compifence witl► Lewe. Truql�r nhnll kear �he Pr�perty In geod condition end ropnir, ehnll prompl Y <br /> rnrnir, or rnrinc� nny imrrovmn�nt wl?Er.h InRy I�A tintnnpnc� or �lentroynd; shnll not crnnmit or pern�it nny weste or dofe�irnnlion ol Ihe <br /> r��r��iy: el�nil rrol remove. den�oli�h or subqlm�tieliy Rller any at tl�o improve�ne�ilr on the Prope�ly: ehel)nof commll. ��dl�� �r rnrmit <br /> ?�uslor's o st end e nenee sl)liene,enournbt n eie'end1ol�erpee Ievied�impo�+edlor ae essed n��inst ihelP opertry ot eny pert thereol.e et <br />