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��15�1�5� <br /> �FED �F TRU�T <br /> Loan Na: '�D��g4273 �Cotltinued} Page � <br /> Paymen�De�ault: Trustor fails to make any payment when due under fihe lndebtedness. <br /> Break ��her Promises. Trus�or breaks any promise made t❑ Lender �r fails �❑ perform prompt�y at�he �ime and <br /> s�ri�t�y in fihe manner pro�ided in this Deed o�Trust or in any agreement related�v this ❑e�d o�f Trus�. <br /> � Compfian�e De�au[t. Fai�ure to camply with any ather �erm, o1�ligation, co�enant ❑r candi�ion contained in this <br /> �eed v�Trust,�he Nofie or in any❑�f the Rela�ed �o�uments. <br /> Default on ather Paymen�s. Fai�u�-e a�Trus�or wi�h�n the�ime required �y�his Deed af Trust t� make any payment <br /> for�axes ar insuran�e, ❑r any oth�r payment necessary t❑ pre�en�filing ❑�or�o efifecfi discharge v�any lien. <br /> False Sfiatemen�s. Any represen�a�ion vr statement made ar furnished�o Lender by Trustor or an Trust�r's beha�f <br /> -under this Deed at Trus�or�he Related Documents is false ❑r mis�eading in any material respec�, eifiher now or at <br /> �he fiime made or�urnished. <br /> Def�ctive Collateralization. This C�eed of Trust ❑r any a� �he Re�a'�ed Dacumen�ts ceases tv be in full force and <br /> sfFec� �including failure af any co�ia�eral document�o crea�e a �alid and perfe�ted security interest or lien} at any <br /> time and�or any reason. <br /> Dea�h vr lnsa[Wency. The death o�Trustvr,the insal�ency❑f Trus�or,�he appointment❑f a receiver�ar any par�o� ; <br /> Trus�or's prvperty, any assignment for the benefit ❑f creditors, any �ype of cred'ttar wvrkout, ❑r �he ' <br /> cvmmencemen�of any pr�ceeding under any bankrupt�y or insol��ncy laws by or against Trustor. <br /> Taking ❑f�he Property. Any creditvr or ga�ernmenta[ agency �kries tv take any vf�he Praper�y or any ❑ther of <br /> Trus�ar's property in which Lender has a �ien. This includes taking ❑f, garnishing vf or le�ying ❑n Trus�ar's <br /> accaunts wi-�h Lender. Hawever, it Trus�or dispu�es in gvod fai�h whe�her �the claim ❑n which the ta�ing o�the <br /> Prop�rty is I�ased is valid vr reasonab�e, and i�f Trus�kor gi�es Lender w�i�t�en nottce ❑f �khe claim and furnishes � <br /> Lender w�th monies or a surety band satisfact�ry t❑ Lender�o satis�y the claim, then this de�ault pravisian will not � <br /> appfy. <br /> Brea�h of�ther Agreement. Any breach by Trusfior under the terms ❑f any other agreement between T�ustor and <br /> Lend�r tha� is nat remedied wifihin any grace period proWided therein, in�luding withou� limi�at�on any agreement <br /> cancerning any indebtedness a�-��her abligatian v�Trustor tv Lender, whether exis�ing now or la��r. <br /> EWen�s Affec�ing Guarantor. Any of the preceding events ocGurs with respect t❑ any guarantor, endorser, sure�y, <br /> or acc�mmada�ian par�y ❑f any o��he lndebtedness ar any guaran�or, endorser, sure�y, ar accammodatian par�y <br /> dies ❑r becames in�ampetent, ❑r re�okes ❑r dispu�es �he �a[idity ❑f, or iiabili�ky under, any Guaran�y of �he � <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> Insecurity. Lender in gaod�a�th believes i�s�lf insecure. <br /> l <br /> Exis�ing lndeb#edness. The payment v�any ins�aflment af principal or any in�erest on the Exis�ing Indeb�edness �s � <br /> not made wi�hin the�ime required by�he promissvey n�te e�idencing such indeb�edness, ar a defaul�❑ccurs under <br /> �h� ins�rument securing such indelafiedness and is nat cured during any a�p[€cable grace period in such instrumen�, <br /> or any sui�❑r❑�kher ac�ian is comm�nced�o foreclose any existing lien❑n the Property. <br /> Right to�ure. �f any defaul�, other than a de�auft in paym�nt, is curabfe and if Trusfiar has no��een given a notice <br /> of a breach of the same provision a�this Deed ❑�Trust wi�hin fihe preceding tvuel�e �1�} months, �t may be cured i� <br /> Trustor, af�e�- Lender sends written no�iGe tv Trustor demanding cure o�such de�ault: ��� cures�he de�Fau[�within <br /> ten ��❑} days; or ��} if�he �u�re requ�res more than�en 4�0} days, immediafiefy initia�kes s�eps which L�nder deems <br /> in Lender's svle d3scre�ion�o be suf�icienfi�❑�ure the de�aulfi and thereafte�-�ontinues and comple�es all reasvnable <br /> and necessary steps sufficien�to produ�e�ampliance as soon as reasanably practical. <br /> R�GHTS AN❑ RE1111ED1E5 �N DEFAULT. lf an E�ent of De�aul� accurs unde�r�his �eed ��Trusfi, at any time�hereafter, <br /> Trustee or L�nder may exercise any one ar more of�he�ollawing rights and remedies: <br /> Acce[era�ivn Upvn Defaul�;Additional Remedies. lf any E�en�❑f Defauit occurs as per�he terms o�the Note <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all Indeb�edness secu�-ed by this ❑�ed o�F Trust to be due and payable and <br /> �he same shal�thereupon hecome due and payabl�wi�hau�t any p�-esentment, demand, pro�est or notice of any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a� Either in pe�-san or by agent, wi�h or withou� bringing any ac�ion o�- proceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appoinfied by a Gourt and wi�hout regard fio th� ad�qua�y of its security, en�er upon and take possession <br /> af the Pr�per�y, ❑r any par�therevf, in its vwn name ar-in the name o�Trustee, and do any ac�s which it <br /> deems necessary or des�rable t� preser�e the�alue, markefiabili�y ar ren�abi�i�y❑f the Propsrty, or part of <br /> the Praper�y or in�erest in the Praper�y; in�rease the incame��am the Property �r prate�t�he security of <br /> �he Prap�rty; and, with ❑r wi�hou� taking possession of the Prvperty, sue for ❑r otherwise collecfi the <br /> rents, issues and protifis af�he Property, inc�uding �hose pas�due and unpaid, and apply the same, [ess <br /> Gosts and expenses ❑�aperatian and collection a��orneys'��feesr tv any indebtedness secured by this Deed. <br /> of Trus�, all in such ❑rder as Lender may det�rmine. The entering upon and taking possessivn of the <br /> Prvperty, �he collection afi such ren�s, issues and p�o�Fi�s, and fihe application �thereof sha�l not cure �r <br /> waive any defauft❑r notice ❑fi default under�his Deed ❑�Trust or invalidate any act dane in respanse t❑ <br /> such de#aul�ar pu�-suant�a such no�ice o�de�auft; and, notwi�hstanding the c�ntinuance in possession of <br /> the Properfiy or the collection, receip� and applicativn o� ren�s, issues or profits, Trustee ar Lender shal� <br />