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��15�1�5� <br /> I3�E❑ �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 'I��2g4�73 ��ont�nued} Page 5 <br /> �MPDS�T�ON �F TA�ES, FEES AND GHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The fallvwing pro�isians re�atFng <br /> to go�ernmentaI taxes, fees and charges are a par�❑��his Deed ��Trust: <br /> Gur�en� Taxesr Fees and Charges. Upvn request by Lender, Trustar shaII execute such dvcumen�s �n additian t❑ <br /> �his Deed v�Trus� and �take whate�er oth�r act�an is reques��d by Lender to perfe�t and cantinue Lender's lien ❑n <br /> the Real Property. Trustor sha11 reimburse Lender �or aI[ taxes, as descrihed be�aw, tagether with all expens�s <br /> incurred in re�ording� perfec�ing ar con�inuing �his I�eed ❑f Trust, incIuding withaut limi�a�ion all taxes, fees, <br /> documentary s�amps, and other charges far recarding ❑r regis�ering�his Deed �f Trust. <br /> Taxes. The fo�lowing sha�l cans�i�u�e taxes �o which this section app�ies: t�� a speGifi� tax upon �his type ❑f <br /> Deed ❑�Trust or upon all or any part a��h� Indebtedness secured by this Deed af Trust; �2} a specitic tax ❑n <br /> Trustvr which Trus�or is authorized or required tv deduct�rom paymen�s ❑n the �nde�tedness secured l�y this fiype <br /> a�❑eed �f Trust; �3} a�ax❑n this�ype ❑�F D�ed ❑f Trus�chargeab�e against the Lender or the holder o�the Nate; <br /> and {4y a speci�ic fiax vn alI or any portion ❑f the Indebtedness or on paymen�s o�principal and in�erest made by <br /> Trustor. . <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. �� any tax to which this sectivn applies is enac�ed subsequen� ta.the date o� �his �eed of <br /> Trust, this eWenfi shal� ha�e th� same efFect as an E�ent ot ❑e�aulfi, and Lender may exercise any or all o�F its <br /> a�ailable remedies �or an E�ent of Default as pro�ided he�vw uniess Trustor �ither ��} pays �he tax be�are it <br /> �ecomes delinquent, ar {�} con�es�s the tax as pro�ided abaWe in the Taxes and Liens section and deposi�s wi�h � <br /> Lender cash or a suf��cient corparate surety bond or other secur�ty satisfac�ory�❑Lender. <br /> SECURETY AGREEMENT; F[NANCING STATEMENTS, The fivllowing pro�isions rela�ing t❑ this ❑eed o� Trusfi as a <br /> secur�ty agreement are a part vf this Deed o�F Trus�: ' , <br /> 5ecuri�y Agreemen#. This ins�rument shall �vnsti�u�e a Securi�y Agreement �o the ex�ent any ❑f the Property <br /> - �ons�i�utes �ixtures, and Lender shall ha�e all of�he righ�s ❑f a s�cured par�y under fihe UnE�arm Commercial Code <br /> as amended from time ta tim�. <br /> 5ecuri�y lnteres�. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shafl fiake whate�er actian is requested by Lender to perfec� <br /> and �ontinue Lender's se�urtty interes�in the Personal Pr�perty. ln addition to recvrding �his Deed of Trus�in�the <br /> real property records, Lender may, at any �ime and wi�hvut �urther authorizatian from Trustor, �File execu�ed <br /> caunfierpar�s, cvpies ❑r reprvductions ❑f �his I�eed vt Trust as a �inancing s�atemen�. Trust�r shall reimburse <br /> Lender for all expsnses incurred in p�rfec�ing ar c�n�ir�uing �his security in�erest. lJpon defauft, Trus�or shall no� <br /> rema�e, se�er o�- de�ach the Persvna� Property from �he Prvper�y. �pon defauf�, Trus�tor shall assemble any <br /> Persanal Praperty not a��ix�d�t� the Property in a manner and a� a place reasonably �on�en��nt �o Trustor and <br /> Lender and make i� a�ailable to Lender within �hree {3} days after �eceipt v� writ�en demand from Lender �o the <br /> extent permi�ted by applicab�e�aw. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor {debtv�} and Lender �secured par�yy from which in��rmation <br />� concerning the security in�eres� granted by this aeed o�Trust may be ob�ained �each as required by �he Uni�orm <br /> Commercial Code} are as stated on fihe fi�-s�page❑f�his Deed❑f Trus�. . <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-1N�FAGT. The �o��owing pro�isions r�lafiing to �urther assurances and <br /> at�arney--in--fact are a part of�khis Deed a�Trust: <br /> Fur�her Assurances. A� any�ime, and fram time to time, upon reques� ❑�f Lender, Trustar wilf make, execute and <br />� deli�er, or wi�1 cause tv be made, executed ❑r deli�ered,to Lender or ta Lender's designee, and when �equested by <br /> f Lender, Gause to be fiied, reco�-ded, refi[ed, or rere�orded, as �he case�may be, a�such �t€mes and in such of�Fices <br />� and places as Lender may deem appraprFa�e, any and al[ such mortgages, deeds ❑�trust, security deeds, securi�y <br />� agreemen�s, �inan�ing sta�ements, �vntinuafiion s�aternents, ins�ruments of �ur�he�- assurance. cer�tificafi�s, and <br /> E � other documents as may, in the sole ❑pinion ❑f Lender, be ne�essary or desirable in ❑rder�o effectuate, �ompl�te, <br /> r <br />� perfecfi, �ontinue, v� preserve t1} Trusfior's ❑bligations under �he Note, th�s Deed ❑� Trust, and th� Re�ated � <br /> Dvcumen�s, and {�} th� liens and security in�erests cr�a�ed by this Deed af Trus�on the Property, whether- nvw <br /> awned ❑r hereafter a�quired 1ay Trusfior. Llnless prohibified by law vr Lender agrees �o �he con�rary in wri�ing, <br /> Trusfior shal� reimburse L�nder fvr all costs and expenses incurred �n connec�ion with the matfiers referred�❑ in this <br />� paragraph. <br />� <br /> Attvrney-in�Fa��. jf Trustor�fails t❑ d❑ any of the�hings referred �to in th� preced�ng paragraph, Lender may d❑ s❑ <br /> #or and in the name o�Trus�or and at Trustor's expens�. Far suGh pu�poses, Trust�r here�y irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustor's a��orney-in-fact�vr the purp�se vf making, execu�ing, deiivering, filing, reco�ding, and doing all <br /> ❑ther things as may be necessary nr desirable, in Lender's so�e ❑p�nion, t❑ accamp[ish the matters referred t❑ in <br /> the preceding pa�agraph. <br /> FIJLL PERFnRMANCE. ��F Trustor pays a�I the lndebt�dness, including wi�haut limi�a�ion all future ad�ances, when due, <br /> and ❑�herwise performs all �he obligations imposed upon T�ustar under �his Deed o� Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> del���r to Trustee a reques� for full recvn�eyan�e and sha[I execute and deli�er fo Trus�or suitabie s�a�em�nts o�F <br /> termina�ion of any financing sta�ement �n file e�iden�ing Lender's secur�ty �nteres� in �he Renfis and the Persvnal <br /> Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee requi�ed by!aw sha�� be paid by Trus�ar, if permitted by applical�le law. <br /> EVENTS QF DEFAULT. At Lender`s op�ion, Trustor wil� be in de�ault under this Deed ❑f Trust if any v�f�he fallowing <br /> happen: � <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ; <br />