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��15�15�3 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borra�er sha��pay to Lender the amount necessar�to make up�he def�c�en�y in <br /> ac�ordance wi�h R�SPA, but �n no more than 12 m�nthly payments. <br /> Up�n payment in ful��f ai� sunzs �ecured by this Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender sha�� p�r�mptl�refund�o <br /> Borrow�r any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; L�ens. Barrow�r shal�pay a�l taxes, assessments, �harges, fines, and imp�sitions a�tributa�le ta <br /> �h�Prap�r�y which�an a�tain priarity o��r th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, leasehold paymen�s or ground ren�s on <br /> �he Pr�perty, �f any, and �ommunity As�ociation Du�s, Fees, and Assessmen�s, if an�. Ta th�extent tha� <br /> �hese items are���row ��ems, Borrawer shall pay�hem in�he manner pro��ded �n Sec�ian 3. <br /> Borrower shai�pro�mptly discharg�any�xen wh�ch has pri�rity aver this Se�urity �nstrument unless <br /> B�rrawer: �a} agre�s in writing t� �he pa�rment of the ob�igatinn secured b�the Iien in a manner acceptable <br /> ta Lender, bu�on�y sa �ong as Bnrrawer is p�rforming such agreemen�; �b} contests the Iien�n ga�d faith by, <br /> �r defends agains�enf�rcement af the��en in, l�gal proce�dings wh�ch in Lender's op�nian flperate to prevent <br /> the enforC�m�nt of the lien while�hose proceedzngs are p�nding, but aniy until such proceedings are <br /> c�nc�uded; or�c} secures fr�m th�holder of�he lien an agre�m�n�sa�isfactory �� Lender�ubordinating the <br /> lien to this Security �nstrument. If Lender d�termines that an�par�of the Proper�� xs sub�ect��a Iien whi�h <br /> can attain prior��y over th�s Securit�r Instrumen�, Lender may gi�e Borrawer a not�ce�den�zfyxng the���n. <br /> Wi�hin ��days of the date on which tha�no�ice is given, Barrawer shall satisfy�he lien�r take ane ar m.ore <br /> af the ac��ons set f�r�h abo�e in this Sec��nn 4. <br /> Lender may requ�re Borrower�a pay a one�time charge far a r�a� e�tate ta.x�erzficatzon arxdl�r repart�ng <br /> ser�ic�used by Lender�n c�nneCtion wi�h�his Loar�. <br /> 5. Pr�perty �nsurance, Barrower shal�k�ep the�mpra�emen�s navv existing ar hereaf�er erected an�he <br /> �r�per�y �nsured against l�ss by f�re, hazards inc�uded wi�hin the t�rm "�x�ended co�erage," and any ather <br /> hazards �nc�uding, but no��imited to, ear�hquakes and f�ond�, for wh�ch Lend�r r�qu�re� insurance. This <br /> i��uranc�shal� be mainta�ned in the am�unts ��nc�uding deduct�b�e�eve�s} and f�r the per�ods �hat Lender <br /> r�c�uxres. What Lender requ�res pursuant��the preceding sentences can change during the term of�he Loan. <br /> The�nsuran�e carrier prov�ding the�nsurance sha�� be chos�n by Borra�er subj e�t to Lender'�right ta <br /> disapprove Bnrr�wer's chaice, whi�h r�ght sha�� not be exercised unreas�nably. Lender may require <br /> Barrower�o pay, �n conne��ion�vi�h this Loan, ei�her: �a} a one-�ime charge for f�o�d zone determination, <br /> cer�ifica�ion and�rack�ng serv��es; �r�b} a one-time charge for f�aod zone determinatian and certi�catian <br /> services and subs�quent Charges each t�me remappings�r szmilar changes occur wh�ch reasonab�y m�ght <br /> affect such determinatian or�er�if�cation. Borr�wer shal� alsa be resp�nsib�e far�he payment of an�r fees <br /> imposed by�he Federal Emergency Managem�nt Agenc� in c�nnec�i�n with�he re�i��v af any flood zone <br /> determ�nat�on result�ng from an ob�ection by Barrower. <br /> If Borrower fai�s to ma�nta�n any of xh�c��erages d�scribed abo�ey Lender may�btain�nsuranC�coverage, <br /> at Lender's ap�ion and B�rr�w�r's exp�ns�. Lend�r is under no abliga�ion ta purchase any par��cu�ar�ype ar <br /> amoun�nf coverage. Therefore, such coverage�hal��over Lender, but might or m�ght no�protec�Borrow�r, <br /> Borrower's equ�ty �n the Praper�y, �r the cantents �f�h�Property, aga�ns� any r�sk, hazard or l�abili�y and <br /> might prov�de grea�er or Iesser co�erag�than was previou��y �n�ffect. Barrflw�r acknow�edg�s �ha��he cnst <br /> af the in�urance coverag�so ab�azned might s�gnif�cant�y e�ceed the co�t❑f insurance that Borrower cou�d <br /> have obta�ne�. Any a�moun�s d�s�ursed by Lender under this Section S shall become add�tianal d�bt af <br /> Borrawer s�cur�d�� �his Security Instrument. These amounts shal�bear int�rest at�he Note ra�e from the <br /> date af disbursement and shail be pa�able, with such �n�erest, upon no�ice fr�m Lender ta Borrawer <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> NESRASKA-5ingl�Family-Fannie Mael�redr�ie Mac ltNtF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 342$1141 <br /> VMP(� VMPB{NEy{13�2� <br /> WalEers Kluwer Financia!5er�ices Pa�e fi vf 17 <br />