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��15�15�3 <br /> Any applicat�on of paymen�s, �nsurance prflceeds, or Misc�llaneaus Pro�eeds ta princ�pai due under the No�� <br /> shal� not e�tend or postpone the due date, or chan�e the amoun�, of the Periodic Pa�men�s. <br /> 3. �unds for�scrow I�ems. Borrow�r shall pay �o Lender on the day Feri�dic Payments are due under the <br /> N�te, until the No�e is paid in fuli, a sum�the "Funds"}tfl pro�id�for pa}�ment of amoun�s due for: �a} taxes <br /> and assessments and flther�t�ms wh�ch can at�a�n pr�ori��r o�r�r th�s Security �nstrumen�as a l�en or <br /> encumbrance on the Praper�y; �b} �easehold pa�men�s or ground rents an the Property, �f an�; (�}premiums <br /> for any and all insurance required by Lend�r under�ection 5; and�d} Mor�gage �nsurance premiums, �f an}�, <br /> �r any sums payable b}� Borrower�a Lender in l�eu of the paymen�of Martgage�nsurance premiums �� <br /> accardance wit�.�he prov�s�ons of Section ��. Th��e items are cal�ed "�scraw ��ems." At or�g�nat�an or at <br /> any��me dur�ng�h�term of the Loan, Lend�r may require that Community Associa�ion Dues, �ees, and <br /> Assessments, if any, �e escrowed by B�rr�wer, c`�I�(�SllC�I C�Li�;Sy f�£5 �C� a55�S5IIlet7�5 5ha���E aI]ESCrQW <br /> I���n. Barrovver sha11 pramptly furnish to Lender ai�na�ices of amounts�n be paid under th�s Section. <br /> Bc�rrower sha��pay Lender the Funds for Es�row ���mE.s unless Lender waives Barrower's obli�ation�o pa� <br /> the Funds far an�r ar all Escrow I�ems. Lender�may wai�e Barrower's o�Iigation to pay ta Lender Funds for <br /> ax�y or ai� Escrow Items a�any time. An� su�h waiver may onl�be in writing. In the e�ent af such waiver, <br /> Borr�wer shai�pay direc��y, when and v�rhere payab��, the am�un�s due fnr an�r Escr�w �tems for which <br /> paymen�of Funds has been v�ra�Wed b�I,ender and, if Lender requires, sha�� furnish to Lender rece�p�s <br /> e�r�dencing such payment within�uch�ime period as Lender ma� require. Borrav�er's obligation to make <br /> such pa�ments and to provide r�ceipts shaii for al�purposes be de�med to b�a c�venant and agreemen� <br /> contained in this Secur�ty Instrument, as th�phrase "cavenant and agre�m�nt" is use�. in S���ion 9. �f <br /> Borrower�s obligated to pay Escrow ��ems direc��y, pursuant to a wa��er, and Borrower fa�ls�o pay�he <br /> amoun�due for an�scrow �tem, Len�ier rnay �xercise �ts r�ghts under Sec��nn� and pay such amount and <br /> B�rro�er shall then be obligated und�r Section 9 �o repay to L�nder an� such a�maun�. L.�nder may re�oke <br /> the v�aa��er as t� any or a11 Escraw Items at an�t�me by a not�ce g�ven in ac�or�ance wi�h Secti�n �5 and, <br /> upan such re�ocation, Barrower shail pay�o Lender all �unds, and in such amounts, �ha�are then required <br /> und�r this 5ec�ion 3. <br /> I.,ender rna�, at an��ime, �ol�ect and h�id Funds in an amount�a} suffic�en�ta permit Lender to app�}� �he <br /> Funds at the time spe�if�ed under RESPA, and �b}not to exceed�he maximum amount a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�� es�imate the amount of F�nds due on the basis of current da�a and reasonable <br /> estim.a�es of expenditures of fu�ure Escraw I�ems or oth�rwise in aGcordance v�ri�h App�icab�e Lav�. <br /> The Funds sha��be he�d in an inst�tut�an whose depasits are�nsured by a federa� agency, instrumenta�i�y, or <br /> entity �in��uding I.end�r, �f Lender�s an inst�tutifln whose dep�si�s are so insured} or in an�F�dera� �ome <br /> Laan Bank. L.ender shall app���he Funds to pay�he Escrovv Items no la�er�han the�im,e spe�if�ed under <br /> R.ESPA. L�nder shail no�charg�Borrovver f�r hoiding and applying the Funds, annually ana�yzing�he <br /> escraw ac�oun�, �r�rerifying the Escrovv �t�ms, unless Lender pays Borrawer in��rest on the Funds and <br /> Appi�cable Law permits Lend�r to make su�h a charge. Un�ess an agreement is made in writing or <br /> App��cal�le Lav�requ�res in��rest�a be paid on the Funds, L�nd�r shall no�b�r�qu�red�o pay�orrower any <br /> in�erest�r earnings on�he Funds. Barr�wer and Lender can agree in writing, howe�rer, tha�in�eres�sha11 be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shal� g��e�o Barrov�er, vv�thout charge, an annual accoun�ing af the Funds as <br /> r�qu�r�d by R�SPA. . � <br /> If there is a surplu�of Funds held �n es�r�w, as defined under RESPA, Lender shali account to Barro�ver�or <br /> the exce�� funds �n a��ordance v��th R.ESPA. �f there�s a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as d�fined under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha�l notif�r Borrow�r as requ�red by RESPA, and Borravver shal�pay to I..�nder��e amflun� <br /> necessary to make up �h�shor�age�n accordance with RESPA, but in no mare than �2 monthly payments. If <br /> there �s a d�f�ciercy�f Funds held in escrov�r, as de�ned under RESPA, Lend�r sha11 no�ify B�rrower as <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�an��e MaelFreridie Mac UNlF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3Q28 ll�i <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE3��3��) <br /> Wo�ters K#uwer�inan�ia!Ser�ices Page 5 af 17 <br />