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��15�15�3 <br /> AII insurance p�1ic��s required b�r Lender and rene�als of such palicies shall be subjec�to L�nder's righ�ta <br /> d�sappro�e such pol�c�es, sha�l inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage claus�, and shai� nam�Lend�r as�nortgag�e <br /> andlor as an additional �oss payee. Lender shall ha�e�he right to hold�he pai��ies and renewa� certifica�es. If <br /> L,�nder requires, Borrower shall promp�ly g�ve�o Lender all rec�ipts af paid premiums and renevval not�ces. <br /> �f B�rrov�r�r obta�ns any form of�nsurance co�erage, not otherwise required b� Lender, for damage��, or <br /> des�ruction��', �he Proper�y, such p��icy sha11 �nc�ude a standard mor�gage c�aus�and shall name I�ender as <br /> mort�a�ee andlor as an additional loss pa�ee. <br /> �n�he even�o��o�s, Borrower sha11 gi�re prompt notice���he ir�surance�arrier and�.aender. Lender may <br /> ma�e proof of�ass if not made promp�iy by Borrower. Un�ess L,ender and Borrovver o�herwise agr�in <br /> writing, any insuran�e pro�eeds, whe�her�r not�he under�y�ng �nsurance was r�quire�.by Lender, s�a��be <br /> app���d to res�oration or repair of the Prop�rty, �f�he res�aration or re�a�r is�con�mica��y feasib��and <br /> Lender's security is na��essened. During such repair and rest�ra�ion peri�d, Lender sha��ha�re�he ri��t ta <br /> hold su�h insurance procee�s until Lender has had an oppar�unity t� inspec�such Property�o�nsure�he <br /> vvark has�een conr�p��ted to L.ender's sa�isfac�ion, pr�vided that such inspe���on sha��be under�aken <br /> prfln�pt�y. Lender ma�disburse pr�ceeds for�he r�pairs and restora�ion in a s�ngle payn�ent or in a s�rxes of <br /> progress pa�ments as the work is completed. Unl�ss an agreement is made in�rr��ing or Applicable Lav� <br /> requires �n�er�st to be paid on such insurance praceeds, Lender sha�� not be required to pay Borrov�er any <br /> in�erest or earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees for publi�adjus�ers, or o�her third par�ies, reta�n�d�y Borro�rer <br /> sha�� not��paid ou�of the insurance proceeds and shal� be the sole ot�l�ga�ion of Borrower. �f�he restora�xon <br /> or repair�s no�economicall� feasi��e or Lender's securi��vv�uld be lessened, the�nsurance pro�eeds shal�be <br /> app�ied to the sums secured by�h�s Securit� Instrument, wh�ther or not then duey wi�h the excess, �f any, <br /> paid�o Borr�wer. Such insurance praceeds sha�i be applied �n the order pr���ded for in Sectian�. <br /> �f B�rrower aba.n.dons�he Proper�y, Ilender ma� fi�e, neg��ia�e and se��le any ava��ab�e �nsurance claim and <br /> re�ated matters. �f Barrower does na�respond wi�hin 34 days t� a not���from Lender�hat�.�insuranc� <br /> carrier has offer�d to se�t�e a cla�m, �hen Lender znay �.egotiate and settle�h�claim. The 3D-da}�peri�d wii� <br /> begin when the notice�s gi�en. �n ei�her even�, or if L�nder ac�uir�s the Proper�y under Sec���n�2 or <br /> otherwise, B�rro�ver hereby assigns�� L�nder�a} Barrower's rights to any insuran.ce proceeds in an amoun� <br /> no�to e�ceed the amoun�s unpaid under the No�e or t��s Security Instrument, and �b} any o�her of <br /> Borrovver's rights �other than�he right tn any refund of un�arned prern�ums paid by Borrower}under all <br /> �nsuranc�pol�c��s�avering the Property, �ns�far as such r�ghts are app��cable tn�he coverag�of the <br /> Prop�rty. Lender rnay use the insurance proceeds eithe�to repa�r or restore�he Proper�y or to pay amounts <br /> unpa�d under the N��e or th�s Se�uri�y Ins�rument, wheth�r�r not�hen due. <br /> �. Dccupancy. Borro��r sha�l occupy, �stab��sh, and use the Proper�y as Borrow�r's principai resid�nce <br /> w��hin 64 days af��r the e�ecution of this Security�ns�rument and sha�� continu��o occupy the Praper�y as <br /> Borro�er's principai res�den�e far at Ieas�one y�ar after the date af oc�upanc�, unless L.�nder oth�rv�r�se <br /> agrees �n wri�ing, wh�ch consent sha��not�e unreasor�a��}� w�thheld, or unless ex�enuating circums�ances <br /> ex�st v�rh�ch are beyond Barrov�er's con�rol. <br /> 7. Pres�r�ati�n. N�aintenance and Pratection of the Property: Inspe�tions. Borrower sha�l nfl�des�roy, <br /> damage or impa�r the Prop�r�y, a��ow �he Proper�y t� det�riora�e or commit waste on the Pr�perty. �Vheth�r <br /> or not Borrow�r is r�siding in the Property, Borrower sha�1 ma�nta�n the Pr�per�y �n order�o pre�ent th� <br /> Proper�y from d�teriorating or decreasing �n value due�o its cand�tion. Unless �t i�determined pursuant to <br /> Sec�ion 5 tha�repair or restarat�an is not economica��y feas�ble, Borrow�r shai�promp�i�repair the Proper�y <br /> if damaged to a�ro�d fur�her deter��ra�ion�r damage. �f insurance or c�ndemna�i�n proceeds are paid in <br /> c�nn�c��on with dam.age to, or the�ak�ng flf, tih�Froper�y, Borrower sha��be resp�nsib�e for repairing or <br /> - res�tiring the Praper��oni� if Lender has re��ased proceeds for such purpas�s. Lender may disburs�proc�� <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte�amily-F�nnie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNf�ORM INSTRUM�NT Form 3��$i I�i <br /> VMP C VMPfitNE�f130�} <br /> Wvlters Kl�twer�inancial 5er�ices Page 7 of�7 <br />