<br /> Th�Funds s��all b�he�d in an ins�itu�ion whose depflsits are insured by a federal agency, �nstrumental�ty, o�-
<br /> en�i�y�including Lender, if Lender is an �nstituti�n v�rhose depasits are so insured�flr in any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha�i app�y the Fu��ds to pay�h�Escrow�tem.s no �ater than the time specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender�ha�l not charge Borrower for halding a.r�d applying the Fund�, annually ana�yzing th�
<br /> escrow acc�ur�t, ❑r verify�ng�he Escr�w�tems, unless Lender pays Borrovver�n�erest�n the Fun�s a.�d
<br /> App��cab�e Law permi�s Lender�o make such a.charge. �Jnless an agreemen�is ma�e in wr���ng ar
<br /> Appiicable Lav�requires in�eres�to be pa�d a�the Funds, Lender shall no�be required�o pay Borr�wer any
<br /> �n�eres�nr earninas an �he Funds. �3orr�wer and�.ender can agree�n writing, hawe�rer, �ha�int�res�sha.��be
<br /> paid on tl�e Funds. Lend�r sha�l give to BorrQv�rer, without charge, an annua� accounting af the Funds as
<br /> �equired by RESPA.
<br /> �f ther� �s a su�-p�us of Funds held in escrow, as def ned under RESPA, Lender shal�accaunt to B�rrow�r fQr
<br /> the e�cess funds in acco�-dance with R.ESPA. If��ere is a sh�r�age of Funds held�n escrow, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall no�ify Barrovver as r�qu�red by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amoun�
<br /> necessary to mak�up�he shortage�n aceordance w�th RESPA, bu�in no more than ��mon�hl}�paymen�s. �f
<br /> ther� is a defici�ncy af Fu�ds held in escrov�r, as defined under RESPA, Lenc�er shall no��fy Barrower as
<br /> required by R.ESPA, and Barra�tnrer sha�l pay to Lender the amount ri�cessary t�make up th�def cieney in
<br /> accorda�nce�vi�h RESPA, bu�in no more than �Z mon�h�y paym�nts.
<br /> Upon paymer��in full nf aI� sums secured by�his Security�nstrument, Len��r sha��pramptly refund to
<br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lend�r.
<br /> 4. �harges; Li�ns. Borrowe� shall pay all�a�es, assess�nents, charges, f nes, and imp�sitiQns at�r�bu�able t�
<br /> the Prop�rty whici� ca.n at�ain priority aver�h�s Security Instrument, l�aseha�d payments or ground rents�n
<br /> the Proper�y, if an�, and�or�munity Assocxation 17ues, Fe�s, and Assessmen��, if any. T�the e��en�that
<br /> �hese i��ms a.r�e Escraw��ems, Borro�er sha.11 pay�hem in�he manner provided in Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Borrov�rer shall p�raamp�ly discha�ge any lien which has pr�or��y o�er this 5ecurity�ns�rument un�e�s
<br /> Barrov�er: �a� agrees in wr����g ta th�payment a��he ob��ga��on secured by�he lien in a mar�n�r accep�ab�e
<br /> t�Lend�r, but only sa �ong as Barrow�r is per�'orm�ng su�h agreemen�; �b} contests�he�ien in good fai�h by,
<br /> ar defends agains�enforcemen�of the lien�n, �ega� pr�ceedings which in Lender's Qp�nion opera�e�a prevent
<br /> th�enf�rceme�t af�he lien while�hose pr�ceed�r�gs are p�nding, but�n�y u�t�� such proceedings are
<br /> �oncluded; �r �c} secures from�he h�Xd�r of the lien an agreement satisfac�ory�o Lender subordinating the
<br /> lien�o�h�s Security Ins��-ument. If Lender de�ern��nes�ha�any par�of the Property is sub�ec���a lien�xrh�ch
<br /> can a��a�n priori�y over this 5�cur���ns�rument, Lender may g�ve Barrawer a notice�dentifying�h���en.
<br /> �V�th�n �D days of�he date on v�h�ch�ha�na�ice is given, B�rrQwer shal� sa��sfy the lien or�ake one ar m�re
<br /> af�he acti ans se�fo�-�h abave �n�hi s Sec��on 4.
<br /> Lender may r�au�re Bo�-r�wer to pay a o�e��ime charge for a real es�a�e�ax�rerifica��an andl�r reportxng
<br /> service used by Lender in �annec�ian wi�h tl�is Laan.
<br /> 5. Prop�r�y tnsur��ce. �arrower sha�l keep�he�mprovements naw exis�ing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Prnper�y insu�ed against loss by f re, hazards included w��hin�he�erm."extended ca��rage," and any a�her
<br /> ha.�ards�nc�uding, bu�no�I�mi�ed to, ear�h�ua.�es and floads, for wh�ch Lender requires�nsurance. This
<br /> insurance sha�l be main�a�ned in the amounts�inciud�ng deducti�l� �e�e�s}and for�he periods that Lender
<br /> requires. �'Llha�L�nder requires pursuar���o the pre�ed�ng sentences can change during�he term of�he Loar�.
<br /> The insura�ce carr��r pro�id�ng�he�nsurance shall be chosen by Borr�wer subj ect�o Lender's right t�
<br /> disapprove Borrawer's choic�, v�h�ch right shall not be exerc�sed unr�asonab�y. Lender ma�r�quire
<br /> Borrower�o pay, in connection w��h�his Loan, �i�her: �a}a one���me charge f�r flQod zone determina��on,
<br /> cer�if cati�n and�racking services; or�b} a one-time�harge for f1Qad zane d��erm�na#�on and cer��f�a�ion
<br /> 880i6822�7 88Q158224T
<br /> NE6RAS�CA-Single�am i!y-Fanr�ie M aelFredd€e M ac UNfFDRM INSTRLIM ENT WITH M�RS Fo�m 3�28�!��
<br /> VM P�] VM PBA�NE���342}
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Firsancia!Services Pa�e 6 af 17
<br />