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��15�1455 <br /> 2. Applicati�n �f �'aym�nts ar Pro���ds. Excep�as o�herwise d�scribed in�h�s Secti�n 2, a�l payments <br /> accepted and app��ed �y Lender sha�� b�app�ied in the fol�owing�rder�f priQrity: �a� interest due under the <br /> No�e; (b� princ�pal due under the No��; �c� amounts due und�r Sect�an 3. 5uch paymen�s shall be appl�ed�o <br /> each Period�c Fayment in�he�rder in whi�h �t became due. .Any remaining amaun�s shall be appl�ed frst to <br /> Ia�e cha.rges, second t�any a�he�-a�naun�s due under this Security�nstrumen�, and�hen ta reduce�he <br /> principal balan��of the No�e. <br /> �f Lender receives a payment fro��orr�wer far a de�inquen�JPer�od�c Payme�.t wh�ch�nc�udes a sufficien� <br /> amoun�to pay any la�e�harge due, �he payr�en��nay be applie�i�o the de�inquen�payment and�he�a�e <br /> charge. �f m�re�han ane Fer��dic Paymem�is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment recei�ed from <br /> B�rrawer to the repa�men�af the Period��Payrnents if, and�o the extent that, ea�h paym�nt can be paid in <br /> fu�l. To�he exten��hat any�xcess�xists af�er�he payment is applied�o the full payment of one❑r mor� <br /> Period�c Paymen�s, such�xcess may b�app��ed to any lat�charges due. Valun�ary prepayments sha.�� be <br /> applied first�o any prepaymen�c��arges a.�d�hen as described in the Nate. <br /> Any applicat�o�of payments, i��.surance proceeds, �r M�scellane�us Praceeds�a principal due und�r the Note <br /> shal� not extend or pos�pone�he due da�e, o�- change the amount, of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for� Es�ro�v Itetr�s. Borrower shal� pa��o Lender on�h�day Per�od�c Payments are due under�h� <br /> No�e, un��� the Note is paid in fu��, a.surr���he "]Funds"�to provide for paym�nt of amflun�s due for: �a}ta�es <br /> and a���ssments and other items�h�ch�an attain priarity over this Secur�ty Instrurnent as a��en or <br /> encumbra��ce on the Pro�erty; �b} �easeho�d payrnents or grQund ren�s on�he Praperty, if any; �c}prem�ums <br /> fc�r any a��d a�l insurance required by Lender under 5�ct�on S; and�d}Mor�gage Insuranc�premiums, if any, <br /> or an�r sums payabt�by Barrflv��r to Lender �n�ieu of�he paymen�af Martg�ge�nsuranc�premiurns in <br /> acco�rdance with�he p�o�is��ns af Sec��on 10. �'hese it�ms ar�ca��ed "Escrow��erns." At arigina��on or at <br /> any�ime dur�ng the term af the Loan, Lender may reauire that�ammun��y Ass�cia�i�n Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Barrovver, and such dues, fees and as�essmen�s sha11 be an Escrow <br /> ��em. Borr�wer shall prom�atly furn�sh��L��.d��r a1� notices af amounts to be pa�d und�r this Sec�ian. <br /> Borrov�rer sha�1 pay Lender�he Funds for Escraw��ems unless Lend�r waive�Borrawer's ob��ga�ion to pay <br /> the Funds for any�r aIi Escrow��ems. Lend�r may wai�re Borrawer's ab��ga�ion��pay�a Lender Funds far <br /> any��r a�� Escr�v���ems at�ny�ime. �ny such wai�er may on�y b� in wr��ing. In th�even��f such waiver, <br /> Borraw�r sha�1 pay directly, v�hen and�vhere payable, the amoun�s due for any Escraw I��ms for�rhich <br /> paymen��f F�nds has been v�a�ved by�ender and, if Lender requ�res, shall furnish�o�.ender rec��p�s <br /> evidencing such paymen�w��hin such��me period a�Lender may Borr�vver's obiigati�n to make <br /> �uch payments and�o pr�v�de rec�ipts sha�1 f�r a��purposes�ae deemed�o be a covenan�and agreement <br /> c�r��a�ned in this Secur�ty�ns�rum��t, as�h�phrase "covenan�and a�reement" is used in 5�c�ion�. If <br /> Borrower �s ob��ga�ed�o pay Escro�v��e�ns directl�, pursua�a��� a wa��er, and Barrower fails�o pay the <br /> amoun��ue fo�-a� Escrow I�em, Lender may e�er�ise its righ�s under Sec��on 9 and pay such amaunt and <br /> Borr�w�r s��a�I ����n be obligated under S�c�ifln 9 to repay�o Lender ar�y such amount. Lender may revoke <br /> �h�waiver as�o any�r al� Escrow I�ems a�any time by a notice gi�ren in accorda�ce wi�h Se��ion 1 S and, <br /> up�n such re�roca��an, Borrawer shall pay ta Lender al� Funds, and�n su�h amounts, �hat are�hen requ�red <br /> under th�s �ec�i o��3. <br /> Lender may, at any time, coliec�and hol�Funds in an amoun��a}suff c�ent�a perm��Lender tQ apply the <br /> Funds at the time specified�nder RESPA, and�b�not to �xce�d�h�max�mum amount a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall est�mate the amoun�of Funds due an��e basis of current da�a and reaso�able <br /> estimates of expenditures af f�x�ure�scr��v��e�s or o�herwis�in accordance w��h Appl�ca�Ie Law. <br /> ssa�saz2o� sso�ssz�o7 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�'am ily-Fa�nie M aelFreddie M ac�N�F�RNi fNSTR�M EIVT VIlITH M ERS Fo�m 3�2 8�14� <br /> VM P 0 VM P5A(NE�(�3D2] <br /> Wof#ers Kluwer Fir�ancia�Services Page 5 of 17 <br />