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��15�1455 <br /> Parcel �Q Nt�r�h�r: 4D�385589 which curren��y has the address of <br /> 3�5 RENEE RD (St�eetJ <br /> D�N I PHAN ��'ity�, Nebra�ska �8832 ��ip Code� <br /> �"Property Address"}: <br /> T�GETHER��TH a�l the �mprovemen�s n�w or her�aft�r erec�ed an the property, and all easemen�s, <br /> appur�enances, and f x�ures novw ar h�reafter a par��f�he prflperty. All rep�acemen�s and a�ldit�ans sha.�� a�so be <br /> cavered by�his Sec�rity Instrumen�. A�� of�he f�regaing is r�ferred t� in this 5ecurity�ns�rument as�he <br /> "Property." BQrrawer und�rstands and agrees�ha�MERS halds on�y �egal��t�e�o�he�nterest granted by Barr�vver <br /> �n�his Secur���ns�rumer��, but, if necessar�to comp�y vvi�h �av�or custom, MERS�as�nee f�r Lender and <br /> Lender's success�rs and assigns} has the righ�: ta exercise any or ai� af�hase interests, inc�ud�ng, but na�limi�ed <br /> to, �he righ�ta forec�ose and sell the Property; ar�d�a�ake any actian required of Lender inciuding, but no� <br /> l�mite�l�Q, releasing a.nd canceling thi� Security Instrument. <br /> BQRR.��VER C�]�ENANTS tha�Borrow�r is�av�fu��y�e�sed of the estate hereby�onveyed and has the righ��n <br /> gran�and convey the Property and�ha�the Pr�pe��y�s unen�urnbered, except for encumbrance�of record. <br /> Borravver warran�s a.nd wil� defend genera��y the�i�le�a the PrQper�y agains�a�� claims and demands, subj ec��o <br /> any encumbranc�s of record. <br /> TH�S SE�URITY�NS��UMENT �ambines un�form covenan�s for na��ona.l.use and non�un.�form <br /> covenan�s�nrit�� �imi�ed varia��ons b��urisdic�ion�fl canstitute a un�form security ins�rum�n�covering rea� <br /> pr�perty. <br /> U niform Co�enam�s. BarrQwer and Lender cavenant and agree as fo��ows: <br /> '!. Paymen� �f Prin�ipal, I nterest, Es�ro►n� ���m�, Prepayment Charges, and Late C�arges. Borr�wer <br /> sha11 pay when due the p�rincipal af, and interest�n, �h�debt evidenced by�he Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and la�e cha�ges due under�he Nate. Borrower�hall also pay funds for EscrQw��ems pursuant ta <br /> Sec�ion 3. Payme�ts due under�he No�e and this 5ecurity Ins�ruxn�n�sha��be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�rer, �f�ny check�r o�her ins�rumen�received by Lender as paymen�under�he No�e ar�his 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rumen� �s returned ta Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any ar a�� subs�quent payments due under <br /> �he No�e and�his Se�urity Ins�rume�t be rnade �n�ne ar mor�of�he fo��owing forms, as se��c�ed by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; ��� rnaney�rde�-; (c� cer�if ed ch�ck, bar�k check, treasurer's ch�ck or cashier's check, prfl�ided any <br /> such check is drawn upon an ins�i�u�ian�nrhose d��os��s are insur�d by a federa� agericy, ins�rumen�alxty, �r <br /> ent�ty� or�d}]Ele��ron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are dee�ned received l�y Lender when rece�ved a�the loca�ian designa�ed in�he N�t�or a�such <br /> other Io�a��on as may be designa�ed by Lender in ace�rdance with the no��ce provisions�n Sec�ion �5. <br /> Lender may re�urn any pay�nen�ar partia� paym.en��f the paym�nt ar par��a�paym�nts are�nsuff ci�nt to <br /> bring�he Loan curren�. Lender m.ay accept a��pa�ment ar par�ial paymen�insuff cient tfl bring the Laan <br /> cur�en�, �vith�ut waiver af any rights�ereunder or prejudice to its r�ghts��refuse such payment or partial <br /> payments in the fu�ure, bu�Lender is nat�bl�ga�ed�o apply such paymen�s at�he��m.e such paymen�s are <br /> accep��d. If ea�h Pe�riadic Paymen� is applied as of its scheduled du�date, �hen Lender need n�t pay�n�eres� <br /> fln unapp�ied funds. Lender may ho�d such unappl�ed funds un�il Borrov��r ma.kes payment t�br�ng�he L�an <br /> currer��. If Borrfl�r�r does no�do s�with�n a reasanab��per�od�f time, L�nder sha�l either apply such fu.nds <br /> or return�h�m��Sorrawer. �f n�t appl�ed earl�er, such funds w�il be app�ied tfl the ou�standxng�r�nc�pa� <br /> balance under�h�No�e immed�a�eiy pr�or to forecloswre. No offse�or cla.�im v�rh�ch Borrflv�er m�ght have <br /> now or in the fu�ure against Lender shall relie�e Borrower from mak�ng pa�ments due under�he Note and <br /> �his Securi�y��s�rument or perfarm�ng�he�ovenan�s and agreem�n�s secure��y this Security�nstrument. <br /> s�oiss��o� sao�sazzo� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam i�y-Fannie�ll ael�reddie M ac UNIFORM INST�UM ENT V1lITH M ERS Fnrm 3fl28 11�1 <br /> VIVI P� VM P6A4NE}�13�27 <br /> UVolters Kluw er Fir€ancia!Services Page 4 af�7 <br />