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' ��15�1��3 <br /> priWilege assign�d �o Benef�ciary as addi�iona[secu���y�o�his Trus�Deed, including fihos� in ar on public <br /> domarn. <br /> �. T� insur� and keep insured building� and o�her �mpro��ments including fix�ures and a�fachmenfs <br /> now an or hereaft�r plac�d fln �he praperty �o �he sa�isfac���n of Beneficiary. Such znsurance wi�I be <br /> �nd�rsed wifh a Coss payable claus� �o Benef�ciary. Qn demand, Trus�or will furnish said paficies or <br /> proof of insurance �a Ben�fi�iary. Any sums so recerv�d by Beneficiary may be used �a pay f�r <br /> recons�ruc�ion of fhe d�sfroyed improvem�n�s or if no� so app[�ed may be applied, a� �he �p�ian of <br /> B�neficiary, in paymen� of any indeb�edness ma�ured or unma�ured secured by fhis Trus� D�ed. Such <br /> insuran�e wi[[ be in an amount af leasf �quaC �o �he [�sser of fih� loan �aIance, �he ac�ua� cash �alue of <br /> �h� co�lafieral, or �h� r�placemen� cas� af�he property, and }rvill afi a m�nimum, ca�er Iosses caused by <br /> �re, Iigh�ning, explaszon, aircraft, vehicles, vandal�sm, smoke, �rvinds�orm, and hail. Trus�ar�s}vtirill a��ain <br /> and keep ffood insurance in force�o correr[oss�s by f[ood as required by Benefic�ary �r by�he Na�ional <br /> Flood Insurance Ac�of �9�8, as amended, ❑r by regulafiions implemen�ing �h� same. Trus�or�s} further <br /> agre��fihafi B�neficiary is not and wi[[ n�f be liable for any fai[ure by Trusfior�s} ar �y any insurer, for <br /> wha�ever reason, �o abtain and keep�his insuranc� in force. <br /> 3� Ta keep all bu�ldings, fix�tures, af�acnmen�s, and o�h�r improvem�n�s n�w on or h�r�after pIaced on <br /> �h� praperty ❑ccupied and in g�od repair, mainfenance, and condi�ion and �� neither commi� nor permif <br /> any ac�s of vtiras�e or any �mpairmen� af �he vaCue of fihe pr�perty. Ben�ficlary may en�er upon the <br /> property�o inspec��he same or fo perform any acfis au�harized herein o�in �he credif agreemen��s}. <br /> 4. In �he e�ent Trus�or�s} fa�[s�o pay any Ci�ns,jud�m�n�s, assessmen�s, faxes, ren�s, fees, or charges <br /> or main�ain any �nsuranc� on �he proper�y, build�ngs, fix�ures, a��achments, or �mpro�ennen�s as <br /> pro�lded herein �r �n f1�e C�an agreem�n���}, Beneficiary, at i�s ���ion, may mak� such paym�n�s or <br /> pravrde Insurance, main�enance, or repairs and any am�un�s paid �herefar vtirilf became part af �he <br /> principal �ndeb�edness se�ured hereby, b� Immedia�ely due and payab[� and bear rnfer�sf a� �he <br /> defaulfi ra�e provided in �he no�e�s} or �r�di� agre�men��s} fr�m �he dafe �f �aymenf unfiC paid. Th� <br /> ad�ancemen� by Benefic�ary of any such amoun�s wi�1 in no manner limif fhe righf of Beneficiary �o <br /> declar�Trus�ar�s} in defau[��r exercise any�f B�nef��rary's a�her righ�s and remed�es. <br /> a. [n the even� B�neficiary �s a party �o any fi�igafion affec�ing �he property or fihe [�en of �h�s Trus� <br /> Deed, including any a��ion by Ben�fic�ary�� �nforce �his Trus� Deed or any suifi in which Beneficlary is <br /> named a defendant �inc[udrng cand�mna�ion and bankruptcy pr�c�edings} Beneficiary may incur <br /> expenses and ad�ance paymen�s far abs�ract fees, a�fiorneys fees ��o�h� extenf a[[o�red by �aw}, cos�s, <br /> expenses, appraisa[ fees, and o�her charges and any am�un�s so ad�anced wiIl b�came part of �he <br /> princ�pa[ indeb��dness secur�d hereby, be immedia�ely due and payabl� and b�a� in�eres� afi �he <br /> d�fau[fi rafi� pr��ided in fhe note�s} or credi�agreemen��s} from �he da�e�f adWance un�i[ paid. <br /> �. Any av�rards mad� �o Trus�or�s} ar �heir success�rs by fhe e�c�rcise of eminenfi dom�in ar� hereby <br /> assigned �o Benefrclary; and Ben�f�ciary is h�reby authorized t� collecf and apply fhe same xn paymen� <br /> of any inde���dness, ma�ure or unma�ured, secure� by�his Trus�Deed. <br /> 'l� In fhe even� af d�fauI� in fihe �aymen� wh�n due of any sums secured her�by �prin�lpa[, interes�, <br /> ad�ancemen�s, or profi�ctive advances}, or fai�ure t� perform or�bserve any carrenan�s an� condr�ions <br /> con�ained herein, in fihe nofe�s}, credi� agr�emen��s}, or any other �ns�rumenfs, or any pr�ce�d�ngs �s <br /> broughfi under any Bankrup�cy laws, B�neficiary, afi its �pfi�n, may decIare �h� enfiire indeb�edness <br /> �ecured hereby �o be rmmedla�e�y due and paya�[e and �he �rvhole wili bear �n�eres� a��he defaul� ra�e <br /> as pro�ided In �he nof��s} or credi�agreemen��s} and Beneficiary may immediafiely au�hori�e Trus�ee�� <br /> exerci��fihe Power flf Sale gran�ed herein in �he manner pravided in fhe Nebraska Trus�❑eed�Ac�, or, <br /> a� �he ap�ian �f �he Beneficiary, may foreclos� �he Trus� Deed in �h� manner provrded �y law for �he <br /> f�re�losure �f m�rtgages on real pr�perty, in�Iuding �h� appoin�men� nf a Receiver up�n ex parte <br /> appliGafiion, no�ic� being hereby �xpressly waived, wi�hau� regard fo fihe �a[ue of �he prop�rty flr �he <br /> sufficiency�hereaf�a discharg��he indeb�edness s�cured h�reby ar in �he [oan agr�emen��s}. Delay by <br /> Beneficiary in exercising i�s r�gh�s u�on default wlI[ no� �e cans�rued as a vtirar�er�hereof and any acfi of <br /> Beneficiary�rai�ing any specified d�fau��wrll nafi be cans�rued as a waiv�r of any fufiure defaul�. If�he <br /> proceeds under such sale or foreclosur� ar� �nsufiFicien��o pay fhe fo�aC inde��edness secured hereby, <br /> Trus��r�s} do hereby agree �o be p�rsona�Iy baund fio pay the unpaid �alanc�, and Benefic�ary wi1[ be <br /> �n�i�led�o a d�ficiency judgmenf. <br /> 8� Should Beneficiary el�c��� exercise�he Power vf 5ale gran�ed hereln, Beneficfary wil[ n�tify Trustee <br /> �rha wil! record, pub�ish, and del��er �a Trus�or�s} su�h No��c� of Defaul� and No�Ece of Sa[e as then <br /> requir�d �y la�r and wi[1 �n th� manner prnvided by law, seII �he pr�perty afi�he filme and pfa�e of sale <br /> fix�d in �he N��ice of Sa�e, e�ther as a whole or in separa�� �a�s, parcels, nr ifems and in such order as <br /> App#:�305949; C[F#: ��6938; Note#:2�4 �42EA Legal Doc.Dafie:February 2?',2��5 <br /> F�RM 50��,Trust Deed and Assignment ofr Rents Page 3 of 5 <br />