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` ��15�1��3 <br /> � <br /> Trusfee wr!! deem expedien�. Any person may �id af �he sa[e including Trus�or�s}, Trus�ee, or <br /> Beneficiary. <br /> 9K Trus��r�s} hereby r�quests a capy of any Na�ic� of D�fauC�ar No�ice of Sale hereunder fo be mailed <br /> by cert�fred ma�I fo Trusfor�s} a�the address�es} s��farth her�in. <br /> 'I�. Upan defaui�, Beneficiary, ei�her in person or by agent, wi�h or w��hau� �ringing any ac�ion or <br /> proceeding and with or w��hou�regard �o�he value of the prap�rty or the suffici�ncy�hereof fio discharge <br /> �he indeb�edness se�ured h�reby, is aufhori�ed and enfi�Ce� fo enfer upon and fake possession of�he <br /> property in i�s own name �r in �he name of�he Trus�ee and do any ac�s flr�xpend any sums it deem� <br /> necessary or desira�ie �Q pr��ec� or preserve the valu� �f �he property ar any inter�s� �herein, or <br /> increase �he income �herefr�m; and wi�h ar wifhou� �aking possession of �he property is au�horiz�d �o <br /> su� fior or o�herwi�e c�llec� �he ren�s, issues, cr�ps, praf��s, and income �hereof, �nciuding fihase pasfi <br /> due and unpaid, and apply fihe same upon any indebfedness secured h�reby �r in �he loan <br /> agr��menfi�s}. <br /> No remedy here�n conferred u�on ar reserved fo Trus�ee ❑r B�nefic�ary is rnfended fo be exc[usive of <br /> any o�he�r�medy herein or by law pro�ided ar p�rmit�ed, bu�each vtiriIl be cumu[a�iWe, wlil be in ad�i�ian <br /> �o e�ery��her remedy gxWen hereunder or na�rv or hereaf��r��cis�ing a�la�r ar in equr�y ar�y s�a�u�e, and <br /> may be exercised c�ncurren�ly, �ndependen�ly or successi��ly. <br /> 1'�. Trus�or�s} acknowledges �ha�fhe du�ies and obCiga�ians of Trus�ee v�ri�[ b� de�ermrned soCely �y�he <br /> express praWisions af fhrs Trus� De�d ar fih� N�braska Trus� C�e�ds Ac� and Trus�e� wiff no� �e lia�l� <br /> excep� for �he performanc� of such du�ies and ob[rgafiivns as are speclfical�y sefi f�rth fiherein, and no <br /> implied co�enan�s or obCiga�ions wi[[ be imposed upan Trus�ee; Trusfi���rvill no� be liable for any ac�ion <br /> �y ifi in go�d fai�h and r�asonab[y believed �y i� t� be au�horized o� v�ri�hin �he dlscre�l�n or righ�s of <br /> powers conferred upon i�by�his Trus�Deed or s�a�e fa�v. <br /> �E�. The in�egr��y and respflnsibil�fiy of Trus�or�s} c�nstitu�es a part of th� consideration for �he <br /> QbIiga�ions se�ured h�re�y. Shou[d Trus�or�s} sell, �ransfer, ar con�ey �he �rope�ty desGribed here�n, <br /> wl�hou� prior wr���en consenfi �f Beneficiary, Beneficiary, a� i�s op�i�n, may dec[are �he en�lre <br /> �nd�bfiedness immediafiely due and payable and may proceed in �he enforcemen�of i�s rights as an any <br /> ��h e r�efa u[�. � <br /> 13. Thafi Trus�or�s} is, and sha[I canfiinue fia �e, du�y organi�e�, �aiidly exis�ing and lega[[y quaI�f�ed �a <br /> do business under fihe [aws of fihe s�a�es in which Trust�r�s} opera�es, in compliance wi�h federaI, s�a�e <br /> and �oca[ laws or re�ulafions, and has C�gai au�harl�y �n such s�a�es fi� conduc� Trusfior�s} business <br /> �p�ra�i�ns and �o a�nrn agriculfural real �sfa��. Na change has be�n mad� in �he name, awnership, <br /> con�rvi, rela�ionshrp, legal s�afius ar organizafi��na[ and formafii�n documents �f any und�rsigned <br /> Trusfi�r�s} since fihe fiime any su�h informafi��n was [ast pro�id�d�a Benefic�ary. <br /> '�4. That if Trus�or�s}, flr anyone signing fh�s Trus� Deed, 'rs a Cimifed lrabilify company, fhaf �hase <br /> signing on behalf of said Iimified [iabilifiy company cons�i�u�e a majorify �f �he managers or members <br /> �her��f, and �haf �he execu�ion of fihis Trusfi �eed is in �he ordinary course �f �he limited �iabilifiy <br /> company's �usiness and has b��n au�horized by i�s members. <br /> 'I�. Assignmen� of Ren�s incfuding Proceeds of Mineral Leases. Trustar�s} hereby assigns, �ransfers, <br /> and conW�ys to Beneficiary all r�nts, roya[�les, bonuses, and de[ay mflneys �r�fher proceeds �haf may <br /> from fiime �� fiim� �ecome due and payable under any reaI es�a�e leas� or und�r any �il, gas, gra�el, <br /> rock, or o�her mineral [�ase of any kind including geo�hermai resflurc�s now exis�ing or �ha� may <br /> h�reaft�r come in�o e�cis��nce, cavering �he proper�y or any part fihereaf. A[1 such sums so rece��ed by <br /> B�neficiary will b� app[ied �� �he indeb�edness secured hereby; �� Ben�fici�ry, af �fs ap�ron, may �urn <br /> aWer and deCi�er�a Trusfior�s} nr�h�ir successors in in�eres�, any or a[� of such sums w�fhou�prejudzce�n <br /> any of Ben�ficiary's rig h�s�o�ake and re�a�n fu�u re su ms, and vtirithou�prej ud ic��o any of ifs o�her rig h�� <br /> under�his Trus�Deed. Thrs assignm�n�w�[1 be consfirued �a be a pro�ision for�he paym�n�or re�uc��on <br /> �f�he debt, subjec��o fhe Beneficiary's opfi��n as hereinbefore pro�ided, indepen�en� of�he [ren on �he <br /> pr�perty. Up�n paymen� in fuC[ of �he d��� and fihe recfln�eyance of �h�s Trus� Deed of re�ord, �h�s <br /> assignmen�vtirill become inoperaf�We and of no further f�rGe and effect. <br /> '��. This Trus�Deed cons�i�utes a Se�uri�y Agre�menfi wifih respec�fio al[�h� property�escribed herein. <br /> '�7� The cov�nan�s con�ained in fihis Trus� ❑eed wilI be deemed �o be s��erabl�; in �he ev�nt tha� any <br /> portion of�his Trus� Deed is de��rmzn�d �o be vo�� or unenfarceabie, �ha� de�ermina�ion w�[1 na� affeG� <br /> fihe�a�idifiy of�h� remaining partions af�h�Trus�Deed. <br /> App#:53�5949; G1F#: '['16938; No�e#:�Q4 ZDZEA Lega[Doc.Da�e:February 27,��'�5 <br /> FC]RN[501'�,Trusfi Deed and Assignmenf o�Ren�s Page 4 of� <br /> � ..,.. ,._., <br /> ,;,� :. <br />.::e::-:'�::.>.>.s�:r..:�.'�;-""�ts.:" .I�<.st-Y>.:1-��.».i....>.Y3��.xtt�:i.i'st'tc L•�7`�1.`--..Y.�--.'�,�i.3�)F'�.,--'r...r...,-.v.::i1..�<i.r>..)..�..t>3.�?.Yv..i::-`�Z�.v�.'1 i�G sT�e::xF:�i'-�:�.:r✓:-::3°�3ri..���..x<..�.�.,.i�s�.>x�.�.�,i•�...x•-a-� .�.a.3 s�.......r...���...-�.r....."""'s.�..�.�'"''..��,s....�s.�s.��.s<.��sT."i.i.--.�.�...�✓.�-.T.-.T...�-.�«....�.�.�--.....�......�-......�........�.�....>...T�"""..'^..",'i:"..................�t-..,�m�-..�x^�m[n�s..^�^:s-n...............................-............ .... .. ,n-�.-r.c-a--rsm+--b..- <br />