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` ��15�1��3 <br /> � <br /> Parcel �: <br /> The Sau�h Ha1f of�he Northwest C�ua�fier �S �1� NW �14} af Secfilan Thirty--Two �3�}, Township TweC�e <br /> ��2} Norfih, Range T�rel�e ���}VlCesfi of�he 6th P.M., HaCI �oun�y, Nebraska <br /> Parce[�: <br /> The W�s� Half af �he N�rthw�s� Quarter �W �1� NW �14} af Sec�i�n Fi�e �5}, Township Ele�en ���} <br /> Nor�h, Range T�nref�e ���} Vllesfi af�he��h P.M., Hal[ Coun�y, Nebraska <br /> �ogefher wi�h aIl Trusfi�r's righf, �ifle, and infier�s� in fihe prop�rty, n�w or h�r�after acquired, including: <br /> a[I buildzngs, fixfiur�s, �imber, �imber �o be �u�, crops, and impro�emen�s now on ar hereafter p[ace� <br /> upon fihe pr�perty; a1C appurfienances, wa�er, wa��r righ�s, irrigation, and dra�nage righ�s, a[I renfis, <br /> issues, us�s, income, praf��s, and rrgh�s �o passession; ail oil, gas, gravel, rock, ar ��her minerals of <br /> wha�e�er na�ure, inc[uding geofihermal res�urces; a11 persvnal prop�rty�hat may in�egra��y be[ong �o or <br /> hereaft�r become an infegral part af �he reaI es�af� whe�her at�ach�d or de�ached, �nclud�ng any <br /> appurtenances and accou�remen�s of�ny s�rucfiure ar res�dence s�Gur�d her�by; easemen�s and o�her <br /> righ�s and in�eres�s nv�r or a� any tirr�e herea�ter belonging �o or in any way pertaining �o �he prop�rty, <br /> whe�her or n�� specifical[y descr�be� hereln; a[1 above and bel�w graund irr�ga�rvn equipment and <br /> acc�ss�ries; and a11 [eases, permi�s, licenses, ar priv�leges, appurt�nan� Qr nonappurtenan� fio �he <br /> property, no� or hereafter issued, exfiended or rene�ved �y Trus�vr�s}, any S�a�e, �he LJni�ed Sfiafies, or <br /> any departmen�, bur�au, ins�rum�n�ali�y, or a�ency �h�r�of. The foregoin� �s c�[lecfrveIy referred �o in <br /> this dacumen�as�he "property." <br /> I� is under�tood and agr�ed be�rveen Trus��r�s} and Beneficiary �ha��his Trus� Deed is g��en fia secure <br /> fihe repaymen�s in ful[ of�he f�[[awing described abIiga�ians, regard[ess �f whe�her Mortgagar�s} is�are} <br /> [iabl� th�reon, and ali fu�ure and addifianal ioans or ad�ances, pro��c�i�e or o�herwise, �rtirh�ch may be <br /> made by Beneficiary, a� i�s opfiion, afi�he reques� of, and fi� ar for the accoun� �f Trus��r�s}, �he parties <br /> 11able under�h� no�e�s} or cr�dit agreemenf�s}, or any of�hem, f�r any purpose, p[us in�eres��hereon, <br /> all payable according fio�he�erms af�he no�e�s}, credi�agreem�nf�s}, or �th�r�ns�rumen��s} modifying <br /> �he same. <br /> Date �f Note s vr�r�d�t A reement s Principa�Amount <br /> �L�G.71�LV�� ��U4yVVV.V� ^ <br /> ProW�ded, h�weWer, fha� �he fio�al principal indeb�edn�ss au�s�anding and secured hereby a� any ane <br /> �ime �rvill no� exceed �he sum af �NE H U N DRED EIGHTY�F�[JR TH�USAN D, �$'I 84,��fl.00}, <br /> �xclusi�e of in�eres� and pro�ec�ive advances au�horized her��n or in �he [�an agreemenf�s}; pro�ided <br /> further, �ha� THIS PARA�RAPH SHALL NC�T CC]NSTITUTE A ��MM�TMENT T� MAKE FURTHER <br /> �R ADD�TI�NAL ADVANCES IN ANY AM�UNT AT ANY TIME, WHETHER �R N�T THE T�TAL <br /> PRINCIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AB�VE HAS BEEN A�]VAN�ED. <br /> Thrs Trus�L�eed�ri[1 �e due March �, ��4a. <br /> Trus�nr�s} hereby w�rr�nts �ha� Trus�or�s} halds f�� simple �i�[e �o �he �bove d�scribed property, �haf <br /> Trus�or�s} has g��d and lawfu[ au�harifiy fio dee� and �nGumber fihe same, �ha��he pr�perty Is firee and <br /> c[ear of alf liens and �ncumbrances, ex�ep� �n�umbrances of rec�rd, and �hafi Trustor�s} will vtirarranf <br /> and defend �he prope�ty, a� Trus�or��} e�cpense, against ail cCaimanfis �rtirhams��ver. Trus�or�s} als� <br /> h�r�by waives and re�inquish�s ai[ rights of d��nrer, homesfiead, dis�ribu�E�e shar�, and exemp�ion in and <br /> �o fhe abo�e descri�ed property. <br /> Trustar�s} and each vf them further cv�enants and agr�es w�th, or certifies ta, Beneficiary <br /> as fol�flws� <br /> '�. To pay alI �i�ns, judgmen�s, �r afh�r assessmen�s agains� fihe properfy, and t� pay when due aIl <br /> assessmen�s, fiaxes, ren�s, fees, or charges up�n �he pr�perty or under any [eas�, permi�, license, or <br /> App#:53�5949; CIF#: '['16938; No�e#:2�4 �42EA Legal Do�.�7ate:February 2�,20�5 <br /> F�RN[����,Trus�Deed and Assignmen�o�Rents Page 2 of 5 <br />