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��15�1144 <br /> L�EED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan Na: 'i�'1�g35�3 {�antinued} Page � <br /> othe�-�hings as may be necessary ❑r desirahle, in Lender's s�le vpinion, to acGompIish the ma��ers referred �� in <br /> �he preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFDRIIlIANCE. �f Trusfior pays a!I the �ndebtedness, including wi�hvut limifiation a�I futu�e ad�ances, when due, <br /> and ❑therwise perfarms a�! the obliga�ians imposed upon Trus�or under �khEs ❑eed of Trus�, Lende� shal� execu�e and <br /> deli�er ta Trustee a request �or �ull recon�eyance and shall execu�e and deli�er �o Trustor sui�ab�e statemen�s o� <br /> te�mina�ion of any finan�ing s�atement on file e�idencing Lender's security interes� in the Ren�s and �he Personal <br />� Prope��y. Any recon��yance�ee required by iaw shall be paid by Trus�or, i�permitted by applicable law. <br /> EVENTS �F ❑EFAULT. At Lender's ❑ption, Trustar will be in de�ault under th�s ❑eed vf Trust i� any ❑f the following <br /> happen: <br />� Payment De�fau��t. Trus�or�ails fio make any paym�nt when du� under fihe lndebtedness. <br /> greak ��her Promises, Trustor breaks any prvmise made to Lender or fails �a perfarm prompt�y at the �ime and <br /> stric�ly in�he manner pravid�d in th�s Deed ❑f Trus�❑r in any agreemen�reIa�ed�❑this �eed❑f Trust. <br />� �ompliance ❑e#ault. Failure t❑ Gomp�y with any ❑fiher fier-m, o�ligation, cv�enant or cvnditivn contained in fihis <br /> Deed vfi Trust,the Nv�e ❑r in any of fihe Rela�ed Documen�s. <br /> . Default vn Dther Payments. Failure of Trus�ar wi�hin�he�ime required by this Deed ❑f Trus��v make any paymen� <br /> far taxes or insuran�e, or any❑�her payment necessary to preWen��iling❑fi❑r�❑ e��e�fi discharge❑fi any lien. <br />; False 5�afiemen�s. Any representation ❑�-s�atement made ❑�furn�shed ta Lender by Trustar ar on T�us�or's behalf <br /> under�his ❑eed o�Trust❑r the Rela�ed Dacuments is false ❑r misleading in any materia! respec�, �i�her naw or afi <br /> th��ime made or furnished. <br /> Defec�i�e Collatera��zativn. This I�eed af Trus� vr any vf the Refated DoGuments ceases �t� be in fiull fior�e and <br /> e�tect �includ'€ng �ai�ure o� any coI�ateral document to create a �a�id and perfected securi�y interes� or lien� at any <br /> �kime and for any reason. <br /> Death or lnsol►rency. The death a�Trus�or,the inso[�ency af T�us�or, �he appaintment�f a recei�er�or any part o�f <br /> Trustor's praperry, any assignment �or �khe benefit of creditors, any type nf �redi�or workou�k, or �he <br /> ��mmencemen�o�any proceed�ng under any hankrup�cy or insvlvency laws by vr against Trus�or. <br /> Taking o€the Prvperty. Any credito�r or governmenta� agency tries �o take any of �the Property or any ❑ther ❑�f <br />' Trus�or's praperty in which Lender has a lien. This includes taking of, garnishing of or le�ying on Trus�or's <br />; accaun�s wi�kh Lender. Howe�er, if Trustor dispu�es in govd �aith whether the Gla�m ❑n whiGh �he �aking o� the <br /> Prvperty is based �s �a�id or reasvnala�ef and i� Trus�or gi�es Lender wri�ten no�ice v� �he claim and �urnishes <br />; Lende�-with monies ❑r a sure�y �ond sa��sfact�ry t❑ L�nder�o sa�isfy�he claim, then this defaul�pro�ision wi[f not <br />` app�Y• <br /> Breach of��#her Agreement. Any i�reach by Trustor under the terms of any�other agreemenfi between Trustvr and <br /> Lender tha�k is not remedied w�thin any gra�e period pro�ided �here�n, inc�uding wi�hout limi�atian any agreement . <br />; concerning any indebtedness or other obligation of Trus�or�o Lender, whe�h�r exisfiing now ar�ater. <br />� Events Affec�ing Guarantnr. Any ❑f�he preceding e�ents occurs with �-espec��o any guarantvr, endvrser, surety, <br /> i ❑r accommodation par�y ❑� any of�he lndeb�kedness �r any guarantor, endorser, surety, ❑r ac�ommoda�ion party <br />� <br /> dies vr bec�mes in�ompetent, ar re�okes vr dispu�es the �alidity ❑fi, or liability under, any Guaranty v� the <br /> lndebtedness, <br /> lnsecuri�y. Lender in good�aith helie�es itself insecure. . <br /> Exisfiing Indebfiedness. The payment of any ins�a�Fment n�principal ❑r any interes� on�he Exis�ing lndelatedness is <br /> not made within the�ime required by�he promissary no'�e e�idencing such indebtedness, or a default oc�urs under <br /> �he ;nstrument se�uring such �ndebtedness and is nvt cured during any applicable grace per-ivd in such inst�-umenfi, <br /> or any suit or a�her ac�ion is commenced�o�oreclose any exis�ing lien on�he Proper�y. <br /> Right tv Cu�e. l�any de�ault, o�her�han a default in payment is cu�-ahl� and i�Trus�or has nat been gi�en a notic� <br /> �t a breach o�the same prv�ision ofi�his ❑eed ❑f Trust wifihin�the preceding�wel�e {��} mvnths, i�t may be cured i� <br /> Trus�vr, a#ter Lender sends wri��en nafii�e tv Trus�or demanding cure of such defau�t: {1} �ures fihe de�aul�wifihin <br /> ten �10} days; or ��} it the �ure requires more than fien �1�} days, immediatejy initiates steps which Lender deems <br /> in Lender's svle discrefiian to be suffi�ient�o cure the defau�t and thereafte�r cantinues and completes all reasvnable <br />' and necessary s�keps sufficien�to p�roduce compliance as soon as reasanably pra�tical, <br /> R1GHT5 AND RE11JlEDIES �N DEFAULT. If an E�en�t of I�efiault o�curs under�his Deed o�Trust, at any�ime thereafter, <br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any one or more v�th�following rights and remedies: <br /> A�celera�ion Upon I3efaul�: Addi�ivnal Remedies. �f any Even�o� ❑efaul��ccurs as per the terms o��he Nnte <br />� secured hereby, Lender may declare all lndelatedness secured by this ❑eed o�f Trust�❑ be due and payable and <br /> fihe same shall thereupan become due and payable wi�hout any presentment, demand, pr-otest or notice fl€any <br /> kind. Thereafker, Lender may: <br />, {a} Either in person or by agen�, with or without bringing any act�on or pro�eeding, or 1ay a recei�er <br /> appoin�ed by a �our� and with�ut regard to fihe adequacy vf its security, en�ter upon and �ake possessian <br /> v�fih� Prvperty, or any part�hereaf, in i�s ❑wn name �r in the name o-f Trustee, and d❑ any acts which i� <br />