<br /> �DEE�3 �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: '��1�$35�3 {C�ntinued} Page �
<br /> Trustor shall promp�ly �ake such s�eps as may be necessary �a defend the action and ob�ain the awa�-d. T�us�or
<br /> may be the nominal par�y in such proceeding, bu�Lender shaI� be entitled ta parti�ipate in the p�aceeding and�v �e
<br /> represented in the proceeding by counsel v� its own choice, ar�d Trus�or wi1� de�i�er or cause ta he deli�e�ed �o
<br /> Lender such instruments and documentatian as may he requested by Lender �From time �o time �❑ permi� such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Applica�ivn v�f Net Pr��eeds. �f all vr any par�k a��he Property is condemned by eminent domain pro�eedings ar by
<br /> any prviceeding ar pur�hase in lieu o�candemnation, Lender may afi i�s ele�tion require�ha�all or any por�ivn o�F the
<br /> net proceeds ❑f the award be applied fio �he Indebtedness or �he repair or restoration ❑f the Proper�y. The net
<br /> proceeds o�f the award shall mean the award after payment of all reas�nable cos�s, expenses, and a�t�arn�ys' �ees
<br /> in�urred �y Trustee ar Lender in connection with the candemnati�n.
<br /> IMP�51T1�N DF TAXES� FEES AN❑ CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�R1T1E5. The fvllvwing prv�isions relating
<br /> �o go�ernmental�axes, �ees and charges are a part o�this ❑eed❑�Trus�:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn request by Lende�-, Trus��r shall execute such documents in additian to
<br /> �his Deed of Trus�and take whate�er other actian is requested by Lender fio perfecfi and continue Lender's lien on
<br /> �he Real Proper�y. Trustar shall reimburse Lender �For a�� �axes, as des�ribed bel�w, �vge�her wi�h all expenses
<br /> incurred in re�arding, per�ecting ❑r continuing this Deed of Trust, including without limi�a�ion aIl taxes, �Fees,
<br /> documen�ary stamps, and �ther charges far recording or reg�stering�his Deed❑�Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The f�llowing shall �onstitu�e taxes �o which �his sec�ion applies: t�} a speci�ic tax up�n this type of
<br /> �eed of Trust or upon a�[ or any par� ❑�the lndebfi�dness secured by this Deed of Trus�; {2� a specific �ax on
<br /> Trustar which Trusfior is authorized vr required fio deduc�frvm payments vn�the lndebtedness secur�d by this fiype
<br /> of�eed of Trust; �3} a�ax on this type ❑f Deed a�Trust�hargeable against�he Lender or�he holde�of the No�e;
<br /> and {4} a spe�ific �ax on a�l or any porfiion ❑f fihe Indebtedness or on paymen�s of principal and interes� made by
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> Suhsequent Taxes. I� any �kax to which this SeCti�n applies is enac�ed subsequenfi tv the date of this Deed of
<br /> Trus�, this e�ent shall ha�e the same e�ffect as an E��n� o� D�faul�, and Lender may exer�ise any ar all o�f i�ts
<br />' a�ailable remedies �or an Event o� D�fault as proWided be�ow unless Trus�or either �1} pays �he �ax befi�re i�
<br /> 1�e�ames delinquenfi, ❑r �2� cvntests the tax as prvvided aho�e in�he Taxes and Li�ns s�ction and depvsits with
<br />� �
<br /> Lender�ash or a su-��icien�Gorpara�e sure�y bond or other securi�y satisfactory�to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT: FINANC#N� STATEMENTS. The following pro�isions rela�ing to this D�ed ❑� Trust as a
<br /> security agreement a�-e a part of�h�s aeed ❑f Trust:
<br /> 5ecuri�y Agreement. This ins�rument shal� cansti�ute a Securi�y Agr�emen� ta the extent any o� the Prv�er�y
<br /> cans�i�utes fix�ur�s, and Lende�-sha�[ ha�e a�l of the rights v� a secured party under the Uni�orm Comm�rcia� �ode
<br /> as amended�ram time ta�ime.
<br /> 5ecuri#y �nterest. Upvn request by Lender, Trus�or shall �ake wha�ke�er ac�ion �s reques�ed by Lender tv perfect
<br /> and continue Lender's security interes�in�he Personal Proper�y. In addition �❑ recarding �his Deed of Trus�in the
<br /> reai prop�rty records, Lender may, afi any fiime and withvut further au�horiza�ion from Trustor, �ile execu�ed
<br /> counterparts, copies or reproduc�ions o� this Deed o� Trust as a financ�ng stafiement. Trus�kar sha�I reimburse
<br /> Lender �or ali expenses incurred in per�ecting or cvntinuing this security �nteres�. Upon de�ault, Trust�r shal� nv�
<br /> remoWe, se�er vr detach the Personal Praperty frvm �he Proper�y. Upon default, Trustor sha[� assembl� any
<br /> PersonaE Praper�y not afFixed to��he Property in a manner and a� a p�ace reasanab�y cvn�enient �tv Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make ifi a�ailahle �o Lender within three �3} days af�er receipt of wri��en demand from Lender to �he
<br /> �x�ent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. Th� mailing addressss of Trus�or {deb�ar} and Lend�r {secured par�y} from whi�h informa�ian
<br /> c�ncerning the security interest granted by this Deed ❑f Trus� may be ❑b�ained teach as required I�y �he Uniform
<br /> Commercial Code� are as sta�ed on the firs�page❑f�his �eed a�Trusfi.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY-IN-FACT. The f�ll�wing prv�isions rela�ing �o �fur�her assurances and
<br /> at�orney-in--fact are a part❑f this �eed of Trus�:
<br /> Further Assurances. A�k any time, and �rom�ime�o �ime, upon requ�st of Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deliver, or will cause to be made, executed or de[i�ered,fia Lender a��t❑ Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause�❑ be filed, recorded, refiiled, �r rerecorded, as the case may be, at such �imes and in such o��ices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem apprapriate, any and all such mo�tgag�s, deeds of�rust, se�uri�y deeds, security
<br /> agreemen�s, �inancing sfia�ements, continuatian sfiatements� instrumen�s vf �urther assurance, certifica�es, and
<br /> o�her dacuments as may, in�he sole �pinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in arder�o effe�tuate, cvmpfe�e,
<br /> perfect, cantinue, ar prese��e {�� Trusfior's ❑bliga�ivns under the Note, this Deed �� T�-ust, and �he Rela�ed
<br /> Documen�s, and t2} �he l�ens and security interes�s crea�ed hy this D�ed of Trus� as first and prio�- liens on the
<br /> Proper�y, whether now ❑wned ❑r hereafter acquired 1ay Trus�or. Unless prahibited by law ❑r Lender agrees �o the
<br /> cnnfirary in wrEting, Trustor shalf reimburse Lender �nr a�[ cas�s and expenses incurred in connec�ion wi�h fihe
<br /> matters referred�o in�his paragraph.
<br /> Attvrney-in�Fa�t. It Trustor�ails t� do any of�he�hings referred �o in�he pre�eding paragraph, Lender may dv so
<br /> fvr and in the name of T�ustar and at Trus�or's expense. For such purposes, Trustar hereby irre�ocably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustar's attorney--�n-fac�fvr�he purpvse❑�rnaking, executing, defiWering, filing, recordfng, and doing all
<br />