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��15�1144 <br />� ��Ev �F T�usT <br /> Loan No: 'I���g3�23 {Continu�d} Page 7 <br /> deems ne�essary ❑r desirable�❑ preser�e the �a�ue, marke�abili�y or ren�rahi��ty of fihe Prape�fiy, ❑r par-t o� <br /> �he Property ar interest in the Property; �ncrease the income �rom the Prape��y ❑r pra�ect the security af <br /> �he Property; and, with or without taking passessian af �he Property, sue far or ❑�kherwise co(iect �he <br /> ren�s, issuss and pro�its of�he Property, in�Iuding �hose past due and unpaid, and appIy �he same, less <br /> costs and �xpenses vf vperatian and �allection attorneys' fees,�a any indeb�edness secu�ed by this Deed <br /> of Trusfi, a�l in SUGh arder as Lender may determine. The �n��ring u�an and taking pos�ession of the <br /> Prope�ty, the cvl�ectivn a� such ren�s, issues and prafi�s, and the appli�ation �hereof shajl no� cure or <br /> waiWe any defaul�❑r nati�e o�de�aul� under this Deed of Trus� ar in�alidate any ac� done in resp�nse to <br /> such default❑r pursuant t❑ such notice vfi defaul�; and, nvtwi�hstanding�he continuan�e in possession of <br /> the Proper�y or the collection, receipt and application vf ren�s, issues or p�-o�Fi�s, Trusfiee ❑r Lend�r sha1� <br />, he entit�ed to exer�ise e�ery right pro�ided for �n �he Note or the Related Documents ❑r by law upan the <br />� occurrence❑f any e�en�❑f de�auIfi, including fihe righ��❑exercise the pnwer��sale; <br />: �b� Commence an actian�o�oreclose this ❑eed o�F Trust as a martgage, appoin�a recei�er❑r specif�ca�Iy <br /> enfor�e any vf the c���nants hereof; and <br /> �c} D�IiWer fiv Trustee a wri�tfien dec�a�a�ion ❑f default and demand�for sale and a wr�fifien natice ❑f de�ault <br /> and ele�tion t❑ cause Trus�ar's in�erest in�he Property�o be sald, which notice Trustee shal� cause to be <br /> duly filed for re�ord in the apprapriat���f�ices of�he ��unfiy in whi�h the Praperty is located; and <br /> �d} Wi�h r�spec��to alI ❑r any part af the Persvnal Prvperty, Lender shall have all the rights and remedies <br /> ❑�a secured party unde�the Nebraska Uni�orm Commercial Code. <br /> Forec[osure by Power of Sale. lf Lender elec�ks tn foreclose by exercise o��he Power❑�Sale here�n contained, <br /> Lende�-shall noti�y Trustee and shall deposi� wi�h Trustee this ❑eed vf Trust and the Nafie and such recespfis <br /> and ev�dence❑f expenditures made and secured by this Deed o�Trus�as Trustee may require. <br /> �a� Upon receip�af such no�ice�ram Lender, Trustee shall �ause tv �e recorded, published and d�li�ered <br /> t❑ Trustvr such NotiGe o� Defaul� and N��ice ❑f Sale as �hen requir�d by law and hy this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Trustee sha��, wi�hou� demand on Trus�or, after such t�me as may then be required by law and after <br />� recordation o�such Nvfii�e of aefault and afker Nati�e ❑f Sale ha�ing been gi�en as requi�-ed hy law, sell <br /> the Praperty at �he �ime and place of sa�e fixed by i� in such Na�ice o�F 5ale, either as a wha�e, or in <br /> separate I��s ❑r parcels or i�ems as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such ❑rder as i� may determine, <br /> a� public auc�ian to the highest bfdder�or cash in lawful money vf�he lln�ted States payab�e a�t fihe time <br /> of safe. Trus�e� shall deli�er �o such purchaser ❑r pur�hasers thereof its goad and sufficient deed ar <br /> deeds con�ey�ng �he prvperky so s�ld, bu� wi�hou� any co��nan� or warran�y, express ar implied. The <br /> reci�als in such deed af any matkers ❑r fa��s shall be canclusive proof a�the truthfulness �hereof. Any <br /> person, inc�uding wifihout limi�a�ivn Trus�ar,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase a�such sale. <br /> �b} As may be p�rmi��ed by law, af�er dedu�ting all C05fi5, �Fees and expenses vf Trus�kee and af �his <br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence vf�i�le �n c�nnection wi�h sale,Trus�ee shal� apply the proceeds af sa�e <br /> to payment❑f �i� all sums expended under the terms o�fihis Deed o�Trust❑r under�he terms of the No�e <br /> not then repaid, including but not limited to accrued interest and la�e charges, {ii} a�� other sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii} the remainder, i�anyr�o�he person❑r persons Ce�ally entftied theretv. <br /> 4c} Trus��e may in�he manner pro�ided hy law pos�pone sale vfi all vr any portion ❑�the Proper�y. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusirre. Trustee and Lender, and each o� them, shall be entit�ed tv en�vr�e paymen� and <br /> performance v�any indebtedness ar obligations secured hy fihis Deed of Trus�and to exercise all righ�s and pvwers <br /> under this ❑eed ❑f Trus�, under the No�e, under any ❑f the R�la�ed �acuments, ar under any ❑ther agreemen� or <br /> any laws nvw or hereafter in �vrce; no�withstanding, some or aIl af such indebtedness and abligations secured by <br /> this Deed of Trust may n�w or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of�rus�, pledge, lien, <br /> assignmenfi or afiherwise. Neithe� the a�cep�ance o� this Deed af Trust n�r i�s enforcement, wh��her �y �vurt <br /> ac�ion or pursuan-�t❑ �he power o�sale ar other powers can�ained in fihis aeed o�Trus�, shall pre�udice ❑r in any <br /> manner affeGt Trustee's ar Lender's righ� �❑ realize upon ❑r en�or�e any o�her security now vr hereaf-�er held by <br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being ag�-eed tha�Trusfiee and Lender, and each of�hem, shal! be en�i�led tv en�orce this Deed <br /> of Trust and any a�h�r s�curi�y naw or hereafter held by Lender ❑r Trusfiee in su�h order and manner as �khey or <br /> either of them may in �heir absolute discre�ion de�ermine. N❑ remedy con-�erred upon or reser�ed fio Trustee ar <br /> Lender, is intended�a 1ae ex�lusi�e o�F any other remedy�in fihis Deed o�Trust or by law pro�ided vr permitted, bu� <br /> each shall be cumulati�e and shall be in addit�on fia e�e�-y o�her remedy gi�en in this Deed ❑f Trus� ❑r naw ❑r <br /> hereaf�er exis�ing at law or in equity or by statu�e. E�e�y power❑r remedy gi�en by the Note ❑r any vf the Rela�ed <br /> Documents �❑ Trustee or Lender ❑r ta which either o�F them may be otherwise en�it�ed, may 1ae exercised, <br /> concurreritly or independentfy, frvm time ta �ime and as ❑�ten as may be deemed expedi�n� by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and either of them may pursue incansisten� remedi�s. Nothing in this ❑eed vfi T�us� shall be cans�rued as <br /> prohibiting Lender�ram seeking a d�ficiency�udgment agains�the Trustor to the ex�ent such ac�ion is permi�ted by <br /> law. <br /> Elec�ion o� Remedies. All ❑f Lend�r's r€gh�s and remedfes will be cumulati�e and may be exercised afone ar <br /> tvge�her. I� Lender decfdes to spend maney ❑r to perfvrm any of Trustor's ❑bligations under�his �eed o�Trust, <br /> afker Trus�or's failure t� d❑ so, �ha� decision by Lender will not aff�c� Lender's right�o dec�a�e Trus�or in default <br /> and�o�xercise Lender's remedies. <br />