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��15�11�� <br /> Any applicatior�of paymen�s, insurax�ce proce�ds, or MisGe�.�.ar�e�us Proceeds to prix�c�pa�due under�:b.�N�te <br /> shall nat e�tend or pos�pone the due date, or change the arriou.xzt, of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds fo�-]Escrovv Ite�s. B�rrow�r shall pay to Lender�n th�day Period:�c Payments are due under the <br /> Note, 1�,11t1��1�N����.5�7�:1:d.�1 fL�.II, a sum��he"Funds��'�tfl provide far payment flf amoux�ts due f�r: (a�ta�e� <br /> a�d assessments ar�d a�ier�tems whzch ca.�at��ority ov�r th�s Secur�.ty I-�st�ruxnez�t as a].ier�or <br /> encu:mbrance an�he Prapexty; (b�Ieaseha�c�payrnen�s ar ground rents an the 1'ro�ert�r, if�.x�.y; �c�premiums <br /> for any and a1�.i-�.surance required by Lender under Sect�on S; an.d.�d}Mortgage Insura�ce�r�mi.u�s, if any, <br /> or any surn�payable by]Barro�ver��I�ender�n lie�.a��e payment of Mor�gage I�su�-anee premiumu.s in <br /> accordance��h�he prav�.si.ons o�Sect�on. �.�. These items are ealled"Escrow Iterns.'' At origiva.t�o��r at <br /> ax�.y�ime during the term flf the Loan, Lender may�hat�ommunity Ass�ci�.�ion I]ues, F ees; and <br /> A�se�sments, if any, be escro�ed by�orrower, and such due�, fees and assessments sha1�be a�Escrow <br /> Item. Borrower shaJ.�prompt�y furn.ish to Lender a��.notzces of amounts�o be pai.d under�hi.s Sectior�. <br /> Borra�er shal�pay Lender�he Funds for Escrav�r Items ux�.ess Lender wa�ves�orrQwer's ablxgation to pay <br /> the Fund�for auy fl�aII Escrow Items. Lender may wa�ve Borro�ver's ob�xga��on to pay to I�ender Funds for <br /> a:ny or a��Escrow I�er�as a:t any ti_m�. A-�.y such�Taaver may only be�:n u�rit�ig. Ir�#�ie event of such wa�ver, <br /> JBorrower shal�pay di.rect�.y, when ar�d v�rhe�e payab�.e, �he amounts due for any Escr�u�Iterns for Whieh. <br /> payment of Fur�ds has bee�wai�red�y Le�.��r anc�, if Len�.er requires, �ha1l furn�sh��Le��er rece�pts <br /> ev�denc�g such payme�.t vritb.�n such t�me per�od a��G�n.der may req�r�. ]Barr�v�er's o�b�gatio�.���ake <br /> such payments ax� provide recei.pts shal7 for a�.��urposes be deeme�.to�e a c�venant and agreemen� <br /> contained in this Security Ir�s�ru.ment, as t�ie phrase"cflvenant and�:greement" zs u.sed�Sec��.Q�.9. If <br /> Borro�rer�s ab�igated to pay Escrow Items direct�.y, pursuant to a waiver, and B�rrower fa.ils t�pay the <br /> amaunt due far a�Es�row Item, Lender may e�ercise�ts r�.ghts under Se�ti.o�z 9 such amount and <br /> B�rrower shall then be obl.i.gated under Sect�.o�9 to repay�o Lender any�flunt. Lender may revoke <br /> the waiver as to a-�.y or all Escrow Item.s at a:ny time by a natiGe g�ven i� See�on 15 ar�d, <br /> upon suGh revocati.on, Borrower shall pay tti Lender all Funds, �1C�1�l 51���1.a.I7].�UIltS, that are then requared <br /> ur�der�h�..s Sectzor�3. <br /> Lender r�ay, at an�time, �a��ec�a.nd h.a1.e�F�ds in a.�amount(a�suf.�'icxen��a permit JL��der��ap�I:y the <br /> Fund.s a�the�iame s�e�xfzec�urider RESP�., axx�.��}not to�xc�ed�e ma�imun�a�o�t�.� ca�requzre <br /> us�d�r]E�ESP.A. JLex�der shall estimate�he amaunt�f Funds cl�.e or�t�e�asis af�curre�.t�d.reas�na��e <br /> est�nmates of expend-�t�res of future Esc�otiv Items or otherwise 7:x�accordance w�.�i Appli�able�Gaw. <br /> The Fux�.ds sha�I be held in an inst�tu�i.ara.whose deposi��are insured by a f�deral agency, �.nstru�.nentality, �r <br /> �nt�ty�includ�ng I.ender, if Lender�.s an�nst�tut�on�xrhose depos�ts are s�insured} �r�.y F edera�.H�me <br /> Loa�.Bara�. L�nder shall app�y the Funds to pay the Es�raw I�e�,.s no Iater�han the time spec��ied under <br /> R.ESPA. L.ender shall not charge Borrower for h�].diug and apply�.n.g�.ie Funds, arl.nuall.�ana�yzing�:h.e <br /> escr�ur acco�xnt, ar veryfy�g the Escrflw Ite�r�s, unl.�ss L�nder�ay�]B�rrov��r int�rest ox��]he Funds an.d <br /> Applicab�.�Law permits Lender�o x�.ake s�.ch a��arge. Uxxless an a�reemexat�s�ade in wrxting ar <br /> App�.icable Law requires�nt�rest to be paid.on-�1ze Fur�.c�s, I�ender s�a��.not be required to�pay Borrow�r�.xa.y <br /> �t�rest or ea�nY.ngs an the Funds. Borrow�r anc��Le�der car�ag�-ee�.n writi-�g, how�ver, �ha��n.terest s�all be <br /> pa:rd on�.e�Eunds. Lender shall g�ve to B�rrower, v��t�out charge, an a,n�ua1 acco�ti�g of t�.e Funds as <br /> requYred by RESPA. <br /> If�h.ere�.s a surplu� of Funds held i�:escrow, as defined uxz.der RESPA, L�nder sha�.�ac�flunt t�Borrower for <br /> the�xc�ss funds ixa:accardance with R.ESPA. If there is a shar�age of Funds held�escrow, as defir�ed under <br /> RESPA., Lender sha��not�fy Borrawer as required b�R�ESPA, a�d Borr�w�r�ha�I�ay�o Lender the amount <br /> necessary�o make up the shortage in accordance�vith RESPA, but�:� more triaxl 12�n.on�thly paymerits. If <br /> �here�s a,d.ef�cien�y�f Fut�ds held i�escrow, as def�ried u�cler RESJP.A., )Le�der sha.��otify Borrower�.s <br /> 24��7895 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing[e Family-Fannie M aetFr�da�ie ll1[ac�N1F�RM [NSTRUN[ENT F�rm 3�28'[ID'[ <br /> VM P C] VM P6�NE}t�302} <br /> Wa[ters K�uw er Fir�ancial Services Page 5�f'I 7 <br />