<br /> Any appiica�ian of pa�ments, insurance prac�eds, or M�scel�aneous Praceeds to pr�ncipa�due under the Note
<br /> shal� no�extend or postpane the due da�e, ar change the amaunt, of�h�Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escro►w I�ems. Borrower shal�pay�a L�nder�n the day Periodic Pa�rmer��s are due under�he
<br /> No�e, unt�l�he N��e�s pa�d in full, a�um��he "Funds"} �o prov�de for paymen�.of amaunts due for: �a�taxes
<br /> and assessm.en�s and other items wh�c� can a��a�n priorit�o�er�h�s Securi��r�ns�rument as a l��n ar
<br /> encumbranc�an�he Proper�y; �b} leasehaid paymen�s�r graund rents on the Proper�y, �f any; �c}prem�.ums
<br /> f�r any and al� insurance requ�red by Lend�r und�r Sec�i�n S; and�d� N�or�.gage�nsurance premiurns, if any,
<br /> nr any sums payab�e by B�rrower�o Lender�n lieu�f t�.e payment of N�vr�gage�nsuran�e premiums in
<br /> accardance with the prow�sians of Sec�ion I�. These items are ca.11ed "Escro�r ��ems." A�or�ginatifln or at
<br /> any t�me dur�ng the term of the Loan, Lender may require�hat Cornmuni��r Assoc�a�i�n Dues, Fee�, and
<br /> A�sessnzent�, �f any, be escrawed by Borrawer, and such dues, f�es and assessm.�n�s sha��be an E�cro►w
<br /> ��em. Barrower shal�promptly furnish to Lender a1�na�ic�s of amounts to be paid under th�s Se�t�an.
<br /> B�rrawer shal�pay Lender�he Funds for�scrow Iterns un�ess I.�ender v�ai�es Borrower's ob��ga���n�a�ay
<br /> �he Funds for any or all Escrow �tems. Lend�r may wa�ve Borrower's�b��gation�o pa�to I.�nder Funds for
<br /> any�r all Escrov� �tems a�an��im�. Any�uch vva��er ma�onl�be�n v�rit�ng. In�he event of such waiv�r,
<br /> Borrov��r sha�i pay direc��y, v�rh�n and where pa�rab�e, �he amaunts du�fvr any Escrow ��ems for which
<br /> pa��ment of Funds�as�een wa��ed�y Lender and, i�Lender requires, shal� furnish to I.�nder re�eipts
<br /> e�id�nc�ng suc�payment wi�hin such�ime p�riod as I,�nder nza�r requir�. Borrower's obligation to�make
<br /> such paymen�s and�o pro�id�receip�s sha�� for a�i purposes be deemed t�be a covenant and agreement
<br /> con�ained in�his Se�urity Ins�rument, as th�phras� "covenan�and agreement" is used xn Sec�i�n 9. If
<br /> Borr�wer�s�bl�gated ta pay Escrow Z�ems direc��y, pursuan�to a wa�v�r, and Borrower fa��s�a pay the
<br /> a�maun�due for an Escrow�tem., Lender ma�exerc�se its righ�s under S�ction 9 ar�d pay such amaunt and
<br /> Barrower sha11 then be ob�igated under Sect��n 9 to repay�a Lender an�such amoun�. L.�nder may revoke
<br /> the waiver as to any ar ail Escrow I��ms at an�r��me��a not�c�gi�en in acc�rdan�e vv��h Sec�ion 15 and,
<br /> up�n such re�ocat�on, Barr�wer sha��pay to Lender a�� Funds, and in such amaunts, that are�h�n r��uir�d
<br /> und�r�h�s 5e���on 3.
<br /> L�nder may, at any�im�, col�ect and hold Funds in an amoun��a} suf�c�ent�o permit Lender�o apply�he
<br /> Funds at�he�ime specified under RESPA, and �b}not�a ex�eed th�ma��mum amoun�a lender�an r�quire
<br /> under RESPA. I.ender sha�l estimat��he amount of Funds due on�he�basis of current data and reas�nal���
<br /> es�imates of e�.pend��ures�f future Escrov�r �tems or otherv�ise in acCardance wi�h App�icab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds shali be heid in an insti�ution vvhose deposits are insured b�a federa�agency, instrumentali��, or
<br /> entity�including Lender, if L�nder is an institut�on whose d�p�s��s are so insured}or in any Federal Home
<br /> L.oan Bank. Lender sha�l app��r the Funds to pay the Es�row ��ems no �ater�han th�t�me sp�c�fied under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall no�charge Bnrro�ver for holding and appiying the Funds, annuaily analyzing�he
<br /> escra�v account, or v�r�fy�ng�he Escrow ��en1s, uni�ss Lend�r pays Borrower interest on the Funds and
<br /> Applicabl�Law permits Lender to mak�such a charge. Uniess an agreement is made in wr��ing or
<br /> App�icahXe Law requires �nteres�to be paid on�he Funds, L.ender sha�1 not b�requ�re�to pay Borrower any
<br /> in�eres�or earn�ngs on the�unds. Borrovver and I.ender can agree in writing, haw��rer, tha�in�erest sha�i be
<br /> paid an�he Funds. Lender shall gi�e��Borrnv�er, v�i�haut charg�, an annual accoun��ng of�h� Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> �f there�s a surplus of Funds h��d in escraw, as defzned under RESPA, Lender shal� accoun��o Borrower for
<br /> �he excess funds �n accordance with R.ESFA. If�here is a shortage of Funds held in escraw, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shali notify Barrovver as required by RESPA, and Borrower shal�pay�a Lender�h�amount
<br /> necessary tti mal�e up�he shor�age in a�cordance w�th RESPA, bu�in no more than �2 mon�aly payments. �f
<br /> �here is a d��cienGy af Funds held in escrov�r, as defined under R.ESPA, Lender sha��not�f� Barrower as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFORM INSTRUMENT �orm 3aZ8 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfitNE}t130�y
<br /> Wvlt�rs Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Pag��o�17
<br />