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��15�1�4� <br /> B�RRC��ER C�VENANTS tha� Borrower is lawfu���r se�sed�f�he es�ate here�y conv�yed and has the r�ght�a <br /> grant and conve�the Property an� that the Proper�y is unencumbered, e�cept for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrov�aer vvarrants and will defend genera�ly th��i�le�o the Pr�perty a�ainst a�� cla�ms and demands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> T��S�E�UR�TY�NSTRL)MENT combines uniform ca�enants f�r nat�anal use and non-un�f�rm cavenan�s�vz�h <br /> . . <br /> l�mzt�d variatiQns�y jurisdic�ion to constitute a unif�rm secur�ty �nstrument�o�er�ng rea�prop�r�y. <br /> U n�f�rm Co►►enants. Borrower and L�nder co�enar�t and agree as fo��o�s: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Inter�st, Es�raw �tems, Prepaym�nt �harges, and Lat� Charges. Barrower <br /> shali pay when due the principa� of, and �nterest on, the debt��idence�i b�the N�te and any prepaymen� <br /> charg�s and�a�e c�arges due un�er the Note. Borr��er sha�l a�sa pa�funds for Escraw I�ems pursuant to <br /> Sec�ion 3. Payments due under th�Not�and th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� shal�be made in U.S. curren�y. <br /> �3awe�er, if any check�r other instrum�nt re�e�ved by Lender as paymen�under th�Nate or this Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� zs returned t� Lender unpaid, Lend�r may requ�re tha�any or a�l subsequen�payments due under <br /> the N���and this Security �n�trument be made in on�or mQre af�he follov�ing farrns, as se�ec��d by Lend�r: <br /> ta}cash; �b} mone��rder; �c}cer�x�ed check, bank�heck, treasurer's check ar�ashzer's che�k, pro�id�d any <br /> su�h check is drav�n upon an ins��tut�on w�.a�e depos�ts are insur�d by a fedtral agency, �nstrumentali�y, or <br /> enti��; �r�d� Elec�ronic Fund�Tra.r�sfer. <br /> Pa�rmen�s are deemed re�e�ved�y Len�er when recezved at the��ca�ion desz�nated �n�he Note or a�su�h <br /> o�her��cat�on as may be designate�by Lender in acc�rdance with�he n��xce prav�sions in Sectz�n �S. <br /> Lender may return any paym�nt nr par�ial payrn�n� if the payment or parr�al payments ar�znsuff�c�ent t� <br /> bring the Laan curren�. Lender rna�r ace�pt any pa�men�or par�ial payment insuff�c�en�to br�ng the Loan <br /> �urren�, w��hou�wa�ver of any righ�s hereunder or pre�udice��its rights t�refuse such payment or part�a� <br /> payxnent� �n th� future, but Lender is not ob�iga�ed�o apply su��payments a�th�time such paym�nts are <br /> accepted. �f ea�h Per�od�c Paymen�is applied as of its sch�du�ed due date, ��en I�ender need no�pay interest <br /> an unapplied funds. Lend�r may hold such unapplied funds unti� Borrov�rer makes pa�nnents to br�ng the <br /> Loan�urrent. �f Barrower does not do so w��hin a reasonable periad of time, Lender sha.��either apply such <br /> funds or r�turn them to Borr�w�r. �f not app�xed ear�ier, such funds vvi��be appl��d to the autstand�ng <br /> prxnc�pal halance under�h�Not�immediat��y pr�flr�o f�rec�osure. No offse��r claim�hich Borrower n�i�ht <br /> have nov� or zn the fu�ure agains�L�nder sha�� r�li�We Borra�rer from�na�ing payments due under�he Note <br /> and this Secur�ty I�s�rum�n�or p�rfarming�he co��nants and agreements secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �r�strumen�. <br /> �. Applicativn of Payments ar Pr�ceeds. Except as ath�r�ise described�n�h�s Secti�n 2, a11 payments <br /> accepted and applied by L�nder shai�be appli�d in the fa�lov�ing arder of prior�ty: �a} in�erest due under�he <br /> Not�; �b}principa�due under the Note; t�} amounts due under Sect�on 3. Su�h pa�rments sha��be app��ed to <br /> �ach Period�c Payment�n�he�rd�r in which it be�am�due, Any re�naining amaun�s s�.a��be app��ed first t� � <br /> Ia�e charges, s�cond to any ather amounts due under this Securi�y Instrument, and�hen�o reduce��e <br /> pr�n�ipal ba�ance of the No�e. <br /> �f L�nder r�cei�res a pay�nent fr�m B�rrower for a delinquent Periadic Paymen�which inc�udes a suffiCien� <br /> amoun�t�pay any�at�charge due, �he pa�rnlent ma�r b�applied�o�he de��nquen�pa�men�and the 1a�� <br /> charge. If m�re�han on�Per�adi� Pa�m�nt �s ou�s�anding, Lender may app�y any pa�m�n�received from <br /> Borrower to the repayment of th� Ptriodic Paymen�s �f, and to the extent�hat, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fu�1. To the extent that an�excess�xists after the paym�n�is applie�i tn the fu��payment of on�ar m�re <br /> Periodic Payments, such�xcess may be app��ed�o any 1a�e�har�es due. Vo�untary prepayments sha�1 be <br /> a�pl�ed �rst to any prepayme�t Gharges and then as described in the Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-�anr�ie Ma�l�reddie Mac UNIF�RM 1N5TRUMENT Form 3028 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP$tNE�{1342f <br /> Waltsrs Kluwer Finan�ial 5er�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />