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��15�1�4� <br /> r�qu�red by RESPA, and Borrower sha��pay�o L�nder�h�amoun�nec�ssar� �o make up th�def�ciency in <br /> accardance wzth RESPA, �u� �n n�mnr��han ��man�h�y paymen�s. <br /> I1pan pa�ment zn fu�� af a�� sums secur�d bx�his Security Instrument, Lend�r shall pr�mpt�y refund ta <br /> B�rr�wer any. Fun�is�e�d by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges, Lien�. Barr�w�r sha��pay a�l taxe�, as�essm�n�s, charges, fines, and�mpos��xons attr��utab�e to <br /> the Proper�y which can a�ta�n pr�ar��y a�er�hxs Secur�ty�ns�rument, ��as�ho�d paynnents�r ground ren�s�n <br /> the Proper��, if any, and�amamunity Asso��at�on Dues, Fe�s, and Ass�s�men�s, �f any. To �he e�tent that <br /> �hese i�ems are Escrow I�ems, Barr�vv�r sha�l pay th�m in the mann�r prflv�d�d�n��ction 3. <br /> Barr�wer shall pr�mptly disc�ar��an�r��en wh�ch has pr�or�ty over th�s Secur��y Instrument uni�ss <br /> Barrower: �a} agre�s in writir�g to �he payment�f the ob�igat�on s�cured�y�he Ii�n in a manner a��eptab�e <br /> to Lender, but�n�� s� �ong as Barrower is p�rforming such agreemen�; �b}contes��the�ien in good fai��by, <br /> or�efends aga�nst�nf�rcernent of the Ii�n in, I�ga�pr��eedings which in Lender's apinion operate��preven� <br /> the enforcement of�h�lzen whi�e th�se pr��eed��gs ar�pending, but only u��i� such prac�edxngs are <br /> conciuded; or�c}secures from�he hn�der of�he x��n an agr�em�nt satisfa�tary ta Lender subordina�ing the <br /> �ien t�thi�Securi�� Ins�rument. �f Lend�r deterna�n�s�hat any par��f the Property xs subjec��a a�ien which <br /> can attain pr�or��y aver�his Secur�t�r�nstrument, Lender ma�r gx��B�rr�vver a nflt�ce iden��fy�ng the�ien. <br /> �L�'��hxn 1.4 days of�he date an v�hich�hat n�tiCe�s gi�en, B�rrower sha1l sa��sf�r the�ien or ta�e one or more <br /> of the act�ons set for�h above in�his Sec�ion 4. <br /> Lender may re�u�re B�rr�vver to pay a on�-��ime charge for a rea��s�ate tax�erif��a�i�n andlnr�epor�ing <br /> service u�ed by Lend�r�n�onn�ction�i�h this Loa�. <br /> 5, Property �nsurance. Barrower sha11 keep the improv�ments n��exist�ng or hereafter erected an the <br /> Proper�y �r�sured agains��ass by f�re, hazards inc�uded vv��hzn the term "extended coverage," and an�other <br /> hazards �ncluding, but not�im�t�d to, ear�hquak�s and flofl�s, for�vhzch Lender requires insurance, This <br /> insurance shalZ b�mainta�ned�n the amoun�s �including deductible�evels} az�d far the periods �ha�Lender <br /> requires. What Lender r�quires pursuant to th�prec�ding senten�es can�hange during the��rm of the Laan. <br /> Th.e insuranc�carr�er prov�d�ng the�ns.ura.rice sha��be ch�sen by Borrower su�ject to Lender's right to <br /> disappro��Borrower's chv�ce, wh�ch r�gh�sha��n��be�xer��sed unreas�nab�y. Lender ma�requir� <br /> B�rrawer to pa�, in cannec�ian wi�h�h�s Loan, either: �a} a ane-�ime charge far flood z�ne de�ermina�kon, <br /> _ . certif�catx�n ar�d traGking services; or�b} a.ane-�ime charge for fload zane determinat��n and cer�if�catzox� . <br /> s�rvic�s and subsequent charg�s each tiime remappings or similar change�accur which reasonab�y maght � <br /> affect such d�termina��on�r�er�i��at��n. Borrower shall aiso�e responsible far the pa�ment of any-fees <br /> �m�.posed b�th�Federa� Emergency Managemen�Agency �n c�nnec�ian�ith the rev�ew of an� f��od zone <br /> � d��i�n resul�ing from an ob�ec��on by Bnrrower. . <br /> �f Borrower fai�s to maintain any�f the cove�ages descr�bed above, Lender nr�ay ob�ain insurance cnverage, <br /> at Lender's op�ion and Borrawer's expense. Lender is under no abligati�n�v purchase any par�icu�ar type or <br /> amaun�af cfl�rera�.e. There�ore, such ca�erage shall cn�er Lender, but m�ght or migh�not pra�ect Bflrr�wer, <br /> Barrow�r's�qu��y xn�he Prnper��, or the�on�ents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or��ab�lity and <br /> might pro�ide grea�er or�esser coverage than was previously in effec�. Borrower acknowZedges tha��h�cast <br /> of the znsurance cnverage so obtained might s�gn�f�cant�y exceed the cost�f insurance�hat Borro�ver cou��. <br /> ha�e obtain�d. An� amounts dzs�ursed b�Lender under�h�s SeC�i�n 5 sha�l become add�t�onal deb�af <br /> Barr�vver s��ured b�r th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�. Th�se amounts shall bear interes�at��.�Note ra�e fr�rn th� <br /> da�e�f�.isburs�men�and sha��be payable, wzth such�n�eres�, upan notice fram Lender to Borrow�r <br /> r�ques��ng paym�nt. <br /> N�BftASKA-5ingle Fam�ly-Fanni�MaelFr�ddie Mac UNfFDRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 il�l <br /> VMP� VMPfitN���13Q2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�i�es Page 5 vf 17 <br />