<br /> A1� insuranc�pa�icies required hy L��der and renewa�s af�uch p��i��es shal���subjec�t�Lend�r's right to
<br /> disappra�e such po��c�es, shall inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause, and sha11 �aame Lender as �rnor��agee
<br /> andlar as an add�tiona� �oss payee. Lender sha1�ha�re the right to h�ld�h�po��c�es and renewal c�rt�f�cat�s. If
<br /> Lender requires, Borrovver sha11 pramp�ly gi�re t� Lender a�l receip�s of paid premiums a�d renewal notices.
<br /> �f Barrou�er obta�ns any form af insurance co��rage, nflt othervvise required by L�nder, f�r damage t�, ar
<br /> destruct�on of, the Proper��, such pa�i�y sha11 include a s�ar�dard mor�gage c�ause and shall name Lender as
<br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additional �oss payee.
<br /> In the e�ent af loss, B�rrovv�r shall give pramp�n�tice to�he insuranCe carrier and Lender. Lend�r may
<br /> rnake pra�f of loss�f no�made promp�ly�y Borrower. Unless L.�nder and B�rrower atherwise agree�n
<br /> wr�i�ing, ar��r insurance proCeeds, wh��her ar no�the under�ying insurance was requzr�d by Lender, shai�be
<br /> app�i�d�a rest�ra���n or repa�r of��e Praper�y, if the r�storation or repa�r is economica��y feasible and
<br /> L,ender`s secur��y �s n���essened. During such repair and r�st�ratian period, Lender shal�have�he r�ght�o
<br /> h��d such�nsurance praceeds untxl Lender has had an oppor�uni�y ta �nspect such Praperty�o ensure the
<br /> v�rark has�een completed to L.end�r'�satisfaction, provided�hat su�h inspect�on shall be under�aken
<br /> �ramp�iy. L�nd�r ma�dis�urse pra��eds for�he repairs and re���ra��on in a s�r�gle paymr.ent or in a series of
<br /> pr�gress paymen�s as�he work is compl�ted. Unless an agreemen��s made in wr��ing ar Appl�cable Law
<br /> requires intere�t to be paid on such�nsurance proceeds, Lender sha��noC b�requ�red t�pay Borrower any
<br /> . interest ar earning��n�uch pr�ceeds. Fees for public�djust�rs, or other�hird par�ies, re�ained by Borrower
<br /> s�all n��be paid ou�of�he�nsurance proceeds and shall be�he sole obliga�ion af Borrov�er. If the r�storation
<br /> or repair is n�t economi�a.11y feasib�e or Lender's s��urity v�rou�d be lessen�d, the insurance proceeds shai�be
<br /> a�pi�ed�o�he sums secured by this Security Ins�rum�.ent, v�heth�r ar not�hen due, v�ith the ex�ess, �f ar�y,
<br /> pai�,��o Borrower. Such insurance proceeds sha��be app��ed in th��rc��r provided for in Sec�i�n�.
<br /> �f Borrawer abandons�he Praper�y, Lender may file, negat�at�and settle any a�ai�able xnsurance c1a�m and
<br /> re�ated ma�ters. If B�rrower does n�t respond v�r��hin 3D da�s��a no��ce from Lender�hat the insura.nce
<br /> �arrier has offered�o settle a c�aim, then Lend�r may negotiate and s�tt�e the claim. The 3DWda�r per��d wi��
<br /> la�g�n vvhen�he no��ce xs gi�ven. �n��ther even�, or if Lender acquires�he Proper��under Sec�ion�2 or
<br /> fl�herwise, Borrower hereb�r ass�gns�v Lender�a} Borrawer's rights ta any insurance prflceeds in an amount
<br /> n��to exc�ed the am�un�s unpaid under�he No�e or this Securi���ns�rument, and��} any ather of
<br /> Borrower'�rights �o�her than th�r�ght�o any refund of unearned premuiums paid by B�rrow�r}under a�I
<br /> �nsuranc�polici�s c��ering the Pr�per�y, �nsofar as such r�gh�s are applica�ble to�he co�verage of the
<br /> Property. Lender may use�he insurance proceeds either to repa�r ar restore�he Proper��r or��pay amaun�s
<br /> unpaid under�he I�Iote ar this S��urity Ins�rument, v�h��her or not�hen due.
<br /> 6. []ccupancy, Borrav�er sha11 occupy, estab��sh, and use�he Proper�y as Borrov�er's principal residence
<br /> w�thin 6�da�s after the exe�ut�on vf�his Security �nstrument and sha1� con�.�nue�o occupy th�Praper�y as
<br /> Borrov��r's principa�r�s�dence for a�leas��ne�rear after�he date nf occupancy, un�ess Lender oth�rwise
<br /> agrees �n�vriting, v�hich cansen�sha11 not be unreasonably�r��hhe�d, or unl�ss ext�nuating circums�ances
<br /> exis�wh�ch are beyond�orr�wer's��ntro�.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation, Nla�ntenanc� and Prt�tectian of the Prvperty; Inspect��ns. Borrower shall no�destroy,
<br /> damage ar�mpair�he Property, a��ow the Proper�y�o deteriorat�or comm.���raste an the Prop�r��. 'L�hether
<br /> �r no�Borrov�er�s residing in the Praper��, Borrovc�er sha��main�ain the Proper�y in order to prevent�he
<br /> Praperty from deteri��ra�ing or decr�asing �n value du��o �ts cond���on. Unless ���s detern�ned pursuan��o
<br /> Section 5 that repair or restaration�s no�econonuca�iy feasible, Borr�vwer sha��pr�mptly �-epaxr the Prop�r�y
<br /> if damaged�o a�oid fur�her deteriorat�on or damage. �f�nsurance or cond�mna�ion proce�ds ar�pa�d �n
<br /> conn����on with damage to, or the�aking of, the Proper�y, Borrower shal��e r�s�ans�b�e f�r repa�r�ng or
<br /> res�oring�he Proper�y fln�y �f Lender has re�eased proceeds f�r such purp�ses. Lender may disburse proc��ds
<br /> NE6RASKA-5ingle Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN[FQRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3��8�tfl1
<br /> VMP(] VMPf�N�)�13023
<br /> Woiters Kluwer Finan�ial Ser�ices P�9��a�j�
<br />