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��15�1�4� <br /> Any app�ica���n of payments, �nsurance pr�ceeds, or Mxscellaneous Praceeds to prznc�pal due under�he No�e <br /> sha�I not ex�end or postpane the due da��, or change the amoun�, of the Period�c Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Barrower shaii pa��o Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due und�r�.he <br /> No��, unt�� �he N�te is paid in full, a sum��he "Funds"} �o pro��de f�r payment�f amaun�s due for: �a}taxes <br /> and ass�ssments and ather i�ems v�rhich can attain prior��y o��r th�s S�curit� Instrumen�as a��en or <br /> encumbrance�n the Proper��; �b} leasehald payments ar ground rents an the Proper�y, if any; �c}pr�n�iums <br /> far any and a�� �nsuranc�r�quired by Lender under�ect��n 5; and�d} M�rtgage�nsurance premiums, �f a.ny, <br /> or any sum.s payab�e by Barrower�o Lender in�ieu�f the paymen�af M�rtgage Insuran�e prem�ums in <br /> ac�ordance v�r��h�h�provis�ons of Se�tion 14. These i�ems are�al�ed "Escrav��tems." A�orig�natxon ar at <br /> any��me dur�ng the term of��e Loan, Lender may require�ha��ammun��y Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessrnen�s, if any, be escrowed by B�rro�ver, and such dues, fees and ass�ssments sha��be an Es�row <br /> ��em. Barrov�er shaii�r�xnp��y furnish�o Lender all notices�f amoun�s to be pai�.under�h�s Sectian. <br /> Borrower sha11 pay I.end�r t�.e Funds for Escr�vv ��ems unless L�nder�va��es Borrower's obl�gat�on to pa� <br /> �he Funds fvr any ar a11 Escrow ��ems. Lender ma�wai�e Borro�er's o���gat�fln�o pay to L�ender Funds for <br /> ariy or all Escrow ��ems a�any time. An�sueh wa��er may anl�be in vvriting, �n the�vent of such w��ver, <br /> Borr�wer shall pay dire�tly, when and vcrhere payable, the amounts due far any Escr�vv �tems for wh�ch <br /> paymen�of Funds has�een v�vaived by Lender and, �f Lender requ�res, sha�� furnish to Lender receipts <br /> �v�dencing such pa�ment�ithin such�ime per�od as L�nder ma�require. Borrower's obl�gat�on to make <br /> such payments and�o prav�de receipts shall for a��purpos�s b�deemed to be a co�enant and agreemen� <br /> contained in th�s Secur��y�nstrum�n�, as�he phrase "c���nant and agreem�nt" i5 used in Sec�ion 9. �f <br /> Borro�ver is ob�igated ta pay Escrovv �t�nls directly, pursuan�to a wai�er, and Barrov�rer fails to pay�he -��� <br /> amaun�due f�r an E�crow I�em, Lender���ay exercise�ts righ�s under S�ct�on 9 and pay such amoun�and' � <br /> Borrov�rer sha11 then be flbliga�ed under 5����on 9�a repay to Lender any such amaun�. I�:nder m.a�revake <br /> the wa��rer as to any or alI Escrow �tems at any ti�ne b�a notice given�n ac�ardance v�rith Section �5 and, <br /> upan such re�oca�ion, Borrfl�v�rer shal�pay�o Lender aI� Funds, and �n�uch amounts, ��.at are�hen required <br /> under this Sectian 3. <br /> L�nd�r may, a�any t�me, collec�and hald Funds xn an amoUn��a} suff�ci�nt�o perm�.�L.�nd�r�o apply the <br /> Funds at the�ime specif��d under RESPA, and �b}n��to exceed the m.axxmum amoun�a�ender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lend�r sha�l es�ima�e t�h.e am�ount of Funds due on th��asis of�urrent da�a and reasonable <br /> est�mates of expendi�ures�f future Escrow �tems ar��herw�se�n accordance w��h.�pplicabl�La�v. <br /> The Funds sha�l be hexd�n an inst�tuti�n v�hose dep�s�ts ar�insured hy a federal agenc�r, instrumenta���y, or <br /> en��ty �inc�uding Lender, if Lender�s an�nsti�ut�on whose deposits are so �nsured} or in ar�y Federal Home <br /> Laan Bank. Lender sha�� apply t�e Fund��o pay th�Es�rov� ��ems no later�han.the t�me specified und�r <br /> RESPA. Lender sha11 not charge Borrower for�o�di�g and app�ying�he Funds, annuali�analyzing the <br /> escro�cr accoun�, ar�er�fying the Escrow I�ems, un�ess Lender pays Barrow�r�n�erest an�he Funds and <br /> App�icab�e Law per�ni�s Lender ta make such a charge. Uni�ss an agreem�nt is rnade in wri��ng or <br /> App��cab�e La� requires interest to be paid an the Funds, Lender sha�� not be required�a pay Borrov�er an� <br /> �n�eres�or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agr�e in�vr�t�ng, h�wever, tha��n�erest shali be <br /> paid an�he Funds, Len�i�r shall gx�e to Borrower, withou�charge, an annua� accounting af the Funds a� <br /> requ�red by RESPA. <br /> �f there�s a surpxus of Funds held in escrow, as def�ned und�r R.ESPA, Lender shal� acc�un�to B�rrow�r for <br /> th.e excess funds in accordance�ri�h RESPA. �f there is a shar�age of Funds he�d in escrow, as def�n�d under <br /> R.ESPA, Lender sha�� not�f�r B�rr�wer as required by R.ESPA, and Borrower sha11 pay ta L�nder the amoun� <br /> necessar�to make up the shortag�in ac�ordance with RESPA, but in no mare than 1�month��payments. If <br /> there�s a defic�en�y of Funds held in escrow, as def�n�d under RESPA, Lender sha11 notify Borrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac tJN#F�RM iNSTRUM�NT �orm 3D2$11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMP6{N�S{1302f <br /> Wa�tErs Ktuw�r Financial 5�r�i�es P�9������ <br />