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��15�1�4� <br /> BDRRC��VER C�VENANTS �hat Borrovver�s �awfu��y seised af the esta��hereby con��yed and has the right to <br /> gran�and con�re�r the Proper�y and�ha�the Proper�y is unencumbered, exC�pt for�ncum�rances of record. <br /> Barrow�r warran�s and wi�l defend g�neral�y the titie�� �he Praper�y a�ainst all��aims and demands, subjec� to <br /> any�ncumbrances of record. <br /> T�IS S��UR�TY' �NSTRUMENT�amb�nes un�f�rm co�ena�ats far nati�nal use and non-un�form covenants vwith <br /> �imi�ed varia�i�ns by jurzsd�c��on�a c�ns�x�ute a un�f�rm s�curi�y instrument c�ver�ng r�a�prnper�y. <br /> uniform Co�enants. Borrawer and Lender co�enant and agree as foli�ws: <br /> �. Payment �f Prin��pa�, Interest, Escraw Items, Pr�payment Charges, and Lat� �ha�ges. Borr�wer <br /> shall pay�h�n due the principal of, and interest on, the deb�evid�nced by the Note a�d ar��r pr�paymen� <br /> charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrawer shall also pa�r funds for Escr�w I�ems.pursuan��o <br /> Sect�on 3. Pa�rm�nts due under the No�e and this SeCurit��nstrum�nt sha�� be made in U.S. currency. <br /> �owever, �f any check�r other instrument reCeived b� Lender as payment under th�No�e�r�h�s Securz��r <br /> �nstrument�s returned�o Lender unpaxd, Lender may requxre that any ar a�l subs�quent pa�ments due under <br /> the I�Ia�e and th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�be made in�ne or m�re of�he fo��aw�ng for�ns, as selected by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; ��} money�rder; �c}cer���ed check, bank check, treasur�r's che�k or cashier's check, pro��ded any <br /> such che�k is drawn upan an��zst�tut��n whnse depos�ts are insur�d by a federal agency, ins�rumenta��ty, or <br /> ��t�t�; �r��} ���r�t�n��r �������'����fPr� <br /> Paymen�s are deemed received by L�nder wh�n rec�ived a��he�ocat�on designa�ed �n the N�te�r at such <br /> ather�ocation as ma�be designated by Le�der in accordar�ce vv��h the no�ice pro�isions�n Sec�ian I5. <br /> Lender ma�re�urn an�payment or part�a�pa�men� if the pa�men�Qr par�ial paym�nts are insufficien��o <br /> bring�h�Loan current. Lend�r max a�cept an�payment�r par�ial paymeri�i��uf�c�ent to bring the Loan <br /> c�.rren�, wi�h�ut wa�ver of any r�ghts hereunder ar pr�judice t� its r�ght�tn refuse such paymen�or par�ia� <br /> pa�ments �n�he futures but L�nder is n�t Qb��gat���a app�y su�h payments at the time such pa�ments ar� <br /> ac�ep�e�. �f�a�h Peri�dic Pa�m�n�is appli�d as �f its schedu�ed due date, then Lender need no�pay in�erest <br /> �n unapp��ed fun�is. L�nder rna�hold such unapplied funds until Borro�er makes pa�ments�o bring�he <br /> Laan current. �f Bflrrower do�s not da�� wi�h�n a r�as�nabl�per�od of time, Lender sha�� either app�y such <br /> funds ar return th�m�o B�rra�rer. �f n�t app��ed�arlier, such funds v�ri��be app��ed�o the au�sta.nding <br /> principal baiance under the Note immediately prior�� foreclosure. No offs��or cla�m which Borr�wer might <br /> have now or in��he futur�against Lender�hall relieve B�rrower fram m�a.king payments due under the Nate <br /> and t�a�s Secur�ty �ns�rument or p�rforming the�ovenants and agre�me�t.s��cured by th�s SeGurity <br /> �nstr��ment. <br /> 2. Appfication Qf Paym�nts vr Proceeds. Except as o�her�ise descrzbed zn�h�s Section 2, a.i�payrnents <br /> accepted and appl�ed b� Lender sha1�be appl�ed in the fo�Iowing order af przor���: �a� in��rest due under�he . <br /> No��; �b�princ�pal due under the Note; �c} am�unts due under Sec��on 3. Such pa�m�nt� sha���e app�ied to <br /> each Perzod�c Paymen�in th�arder in which it became due. An�r remaining amaunts sha��b�appli�d f�rs��o <br /> la�e��arges, second to any other amounts du�und�r th�s Security�nstrument, and then��reduce the <br /> pr�ncipa�ba�ance of�he Nate. <br /> �f Lender receives a paymen�from Borrower f�r a d���nquent P�riodic Pa�ment wh�ch�nclud�s a suf�c�ent <br /> amaunt to pay any late charge due, t�e payxnent may be app�i�d to the delznquen�pay�rzent and the Iate <br /> charge. If more than ane Per��dic Pa�ment is autstanding, L�nder may app�y an�r payment rec�i�ed from <br /> Borra�er�o the repa�ment vf the Period��Payments if, and to the extent�ha�, each paym.ent car�be pa�d in <br /> fu1�. To the e��ent that any exce5� exists after the pa�ment is app�xed���he fu��paym�n�of on�ar mare <br /> Period�c Paymen�s, such e�cess may be app�ied to any Ia�e charges due. Vo�un�ary prepayments sha�� be <br /> appiied first�n any prepayrx�ent charges and then as described in the No��. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singie Famity-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIF4RM INSTRUM�NT Focm 3D28 11D1 <br /> VMP Q VMPStN�)��3Q2y <br /> Wvlters K�uwer Financia[Ser�ices Page 4 of"�7 <br />