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��15��744 <br /> ��) '�ex-i�odi�c Payment"meax�s the regular�y scheduled amount due for�i}principa� arsd ian.terest under the Nate, <br /> p�.us txi.�any amaunts under Section 3 af th�s Secur�ty�strument. <br /> (P} °"1�ESPA'T means the Rea.�Estate S�tt�ement Procedures Act [12 U.S_C. §26U�. et seq.} and its implementing <br /> regulation, Regulat�on��12 C.F.R. Part 1424�, as the� m�ght be amended fropn time to time, or any additiana.l or <br /> success�r leg�slation or regulat�an that go�erns f.he same su�j ect matter. As used in this Securit� I�.strum.ent, <br /> "RESPA" refers to al.�requirements and restr�ct�ons that are imposed in.regard to a"federally reiated mortgage�.oan." <br /> . even i.f the Loan.does not qualify as a"federally re�ated mortgag�I�an." uttder RESPA.. <br /> �Q] �"Successor in Interest of Borrower'�means a�.y party that has taken title to the Proper�y, whether or n�t that <br /> par�y has assumed Borrower's obligat�ans under the Note an.dlor th�s Security In�ttrument. <br /> . TRANSFEI� �F R[GHTS 11V THE PR�PERTY <br /> The beneficiary of th�s Se�urity Instrument i.s MERS �solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and <br /> �.ssigns}and the su�cessors and assigns of MERS_ This Secvr�ty In.strument secures to I�ender: �i}th.e repayment of <br /> �he Loan, and al� renev�als, e�ens�or�.s and modi.�xcations of the Note; arid (Yi} the p�rformance af Borrower's <br /> covenants and agreements under thYs Secur�.ty In.strument and the Note. Fvr this purpose,Barrov�er irrevocably grants <br /> and conveys to Trustee, in, with power vf sa�e, the fo���wva.g described proper�y located in the <br /> �4UNTY of HALL : <br /> [Tyge af Recardi€n.g Juri�cliction] [Name of R�cord�ng Jur�scliction] <br /> THE FtA�STERLY NINE �9} FEET �F T�C�T FaUR. �24} AN� ALL �F L�T . � <br /> FIVE �2 5} IN BLDCY T'�' �14} , PAF,I�IILL THIRD SUBDI�TIS I�N, AN <br /> ADD I T I�N TD � �I TY 4F GR.ANf] I SLAN�, HALL C�UNZ`Y. NEBRAsSI�A. <br /> A.P_N. : 4�D�74540 <br /> � , <br /> �h�ch currently has the address of 8 2� S ARTHUR �T <br /> . [street� <br /> GR.AII�I] I S LAND , Nebras�a �8 8 D 3 �"Praperty Address"}: <br /> �CitY] �Zip Cade� <br /> T�GETHER WITH alI the impro�ements nov�r Qr hereafter erected on the property, and a1i easements, <br /> appurtenanc�s, and fixtures now or hereaf�er a part of the property. All replacements and additians sha1� axso�e <br /> covered by t�s Security ent. A1�of the foregoing is referrec�to�n t1�is Security Instrument as the"Property," <br /> Borrower und�rstands and agrees that MERS holds only�egal tit�e to the in.terests grant�d by�3�rrovver in t�is Security <br /> Instrum.�nt, but, �f necessary ta comply v�ith.lavsr or custom, NIERS�as nominee for Lender a�a.d Lender's successors <br /> and ass�gns�has the r�ght: to exercise any or a1x vf those interes�s, including, but not limited to, t�e r�ght to forec�ose <br /> and se��the Property;and ta ta�e any action requir�d of Lender including, but nat lim�ted to, releasing and�ancel�ng <br /> this Secur�.ty Instrument_ <br /> BaRR��VER���ENANTS�hat Barrower�s�avvfu�.ly sei.sed of the estate hereby canveyed an.d has the r�ght <br /> ta grant and convey the Proper�y and tha.t the Property is unen�umbered, except for enCumbrances of record. <br /> Borrower warrants and wi�I defend general�y the title to the Praperty again�st all c�a�ms and demands, subj ect ta a�ay <br /> encumbrances af record. � <br /> NEB�ASKA Singie Farnily-UN�F�RM �NSTRUMENT ����G <br /> MQ D�FI ED F�R DEPARTMENT 4F V ETERANS AFFAE RS- MERS �►w�►_�ocrrrag�c,co�x�t <br /> tRev. '�1�'[} Page 3 of 'I4 <br />