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-� . ��15��744 <br /> THIS SECUR7TY INSTRUMENT comba�.es uniform co�enants far natianal use and nan-uniform co�ex�.ants w�th <br /> �imi�ted variat'rons by jur�sdict�on to cor�stitute a uniform secur�ty instrument covering real prflperty. <br /> LJ N�F�F� C OV E NANTS. Borrower and L ender c�ve�.ant and agre�as fol�aws: <br /> l. Paym�nt of Pri�c�pal,-Interest,Escrow Item�,Pre�ayment�harges,and Late Charges. Borrower shail <br /> pay when due the pru�.czpa�nf, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Nvte and any prepayment charges and late <br /> charges due under the I�ote. Borrower shaX�also pay funds fo�Escrow Items pursuant to Sect�on 3. Paym�nts due <br /> under the Note and this.Securit� Instrument shall. be in U.S. currency. Hovvever, �.f an.� check ar other <br /> ir�strument rece�ved by Lender as payment un.der the Note or this Security Instrum.�nt is returne,tl to Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender may require that any or a�1 subsequent�payments due under the Note and th�.s Security Instrument be made�.n <br /> one ar mare of the fol�ow�ng forms,as selected by L�nder: �a}cas�i;�b)money order;[c}cex�-ified check,bank check, <br /> treasurer's check or cashier's check,provxded any such�heck is drawn upon an u�.st�tutxon vvhose d�pasits are insured <br /> by a federaX a.g�ncy, instrumental�ty, or entity; or�d}Electroni_c Funds Tran.sfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece�ved by Lender when rece�ved at the�ocation desigx�a.ted in the Note or at such other <br /> locatic�n as may be des�g�ated b�Lender in accordance wit�i,the notice provis�ons in Se�tion 14. Lend�r may return <br /> any payment or partial payment if the pa�xnent vr part�al payments are an.sufficient t�bri-�g the Loan current. Lender <br /> may aCcept any p ayment or partial payment i.nsufficient to bring the Loax�. �urrent, without waiver o�any rights <br /> hereunder or prejudice ta its r�ghts to refuse such payment ar payments �.n t�rie future, but Lender �.s not <br /> obligated to'app�y such paym�nts at the tim�such payments are accepted. If each Perxodi�Payment is appl�ed as of <br /> xts scheduled due date,then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds <br /> unt�l Borrower makes payment to br�.ng the Loan current. If Borrow�r do�s not do so w�.�a reasonab�e p�r�od of <br /> t�me, Lender sha.11 exther apply �uch funds or return them to�Borrov�er_ If not applied earlier, such funds w7ll be <br /> applied to the aut�tanding princ�.pal b�.iance under the Note i.mmediately prior to fore�los�ure. No offset ar c�aim <br /> v�hich Borrower m�ght have now or in the future against Lender shal�relieve Borrov�er from making paym�nts due <br /> under the Note and�his Security In�trument or per�orming the cov�nants and agreements s�cured by th�s Se�ur�ty <br /> Ins�cument. <br /> �. Application of Payments �r Pra�eeds. Except as otherwise described in th�s Sec�ran�2, a1�payments <br /> accepted and appl�ed by Lender sha1X be applied�n the fv�lowing order of prior�ty: �a}interest due under the Note; <br /> (b�princ�pal due under the Not�; �c�amounts due under 5ect�on 3. Such payments�shall be appli�d.t�each Per�.odic <br /> Payment in the order in which zt�became due. Any rema�n�ng a.maunts shall be appl�ed first to Iate�harges, second <br /> to at�.y other a.maunts due under this Security Ir�s�, ar�d then to reduce the principai balance of the Note. <br /> If Lender rece�ves a payment from�3arrovver for a del�nquent Periodic Payment �n.��udes a suffcient <br /> amount to pay any�ate charge due, the pay.m.ent may be appl�ed to the de�inquent paym.ent an.d the late charge. If <br /> mare than one Perxodic Paym��.t �s outstanding, Lender may appl.y any payment rece�ved fram Barrower ta the <br /> repayment of the Peri.odic Paym�nts if, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in fuli. T�the e�tent that <br /> any excess e�ists a�er the pa�ment�s appl�ed ta the fu�.�.payment vf�ne or more Periodic]Payments, such excess may <br /> be appl.xed to a�y Iate charges due. Vflluxatary prepayments shal�be appli.ed first to ar��prepaym�nt charges and then <br /> as descrxbed in the Note. <br /> Any app��cation of payments, i�surance praceeds, or M�scellan.eous Proceeds to principal due under the Note <br /> sha1l not�xtend or pvstpone the due date, or change the amou�t, of�he Per�.od.�c Payments. <br /> 3. FundS for Escr�w Items. Borrnwer sha� to Lender on the da�Per�odic Paym�nts are due under the <br /> Note, until the Note is pa�.d ir�fu�i, a sum�the"�unds"�tv pro�ide far pa�ment of a.mounts�ue far: �a�taxes and <br /> assessmen�s and other items can prior�ty over this Secur�ty In.strument as a lien or�ncumbrance on the <br /> Prnperty; �b��.easehold payments or graund rents on t�a.e Property, �f any; and���premiums for any and a��.insurance <br /> required by Lender under Sect�on 5. These items ar��a.11ed"�scrow Items." At arigivativn or at any time during <br /> the term vf the Loan, Lender may require that Community�ssociation Dues, Fe�s, and Assessments, if any, be <br /> escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees an.d assessments shall be a�Escrow Item: B�rrawer shall promptly <br /> furnish tfl Lender al�not�ces of amvunts to be pa.�d under this Section. Borrower sha��pay Lender tY�.e Fund.s for <br /> Escrov�Items unless Lender vva.�ves Barrov�er's obligatian to pay the Fun.ds for any ar all�scrow Items. Lender may <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farnily-UNIF�RM [NSTRUME�VT � ����� <br /> M�DI F[ED F�R DEPARTIIJ�ENT UF VETERANS AFFAI RS - MERS wvyvv.�or.�x�ag�� <br /> �R�v. 11�'I} Page 4 of �4 <br />