<br /> I��E[� �F �"�il1�T
<br /> Lva� �U�: '���7���� ��€��1���u�d� Pa e a
<br /> �
<br /> dies or becomes incompetent, o�- revokes ❑r dispu�es �he v�lidity o�F, o�- �iabiIity ur�der. any �uaranty vf the
<br /> �ndehtedness.
<br /> �nsecuri�y. L�nder in good�aith believes itself insecure,
<br /> Exis��ng �ndehtedness� The paymen�t o�any instai[ment of principa! or any infieres�on the E�€isting lndeb�tedness is
<br /> no�made �rv�th�n�he t�me requlred by the promEssory no�e e�idenc�ng such indebtedness, ar a defauft a�curs under
<br /> the �ns�rument securing such indeb�edn�ss and is na� cur�d during any app€icabl�graGe period in such instrumen�,
<br /> �r any su�t or other action is commenced to��rec[ose any�xisting �ien on�he Property.
<br /> R�gh�to C�are. [f any defaultf o�her�han a de�au[�in payrnen�is curahie and i�Trustor h�as not been iven a no�ice
<br /> o�a breach of�he same provisian o�this De�d o�Trust v�ri��n the preceding tvtirelve ��2} m�n�hs, �t may be cured Ef
<br /> Trust�r, after Lender sends wri�ten natice to Trustar demandin� cure o-�such defau[-�: {'[} cures�he de�ault vtir�thin
<br /> t�nrenty ���} days; or {�� �� �he cure requires more than �`nren�y �24} days, immediate�y �ni�iates steps which
<br /> Lende� deems�in Lender`s so[e discretion �a he sufficienfi, tv �ure the default and �her�after can�inues and
<br /> c�mpie�es all reasonab[e and necessar-y ste.ps sufFicient�fl prflduce c�mp[iance as so�n as reasvnably p�-actiGal.
<br /> RI�HTS AND REI1liE�3�ES �N DIEFAULT. if an Even�o�F ❑e�rau�t o�.curs under�his D�ed of Trust. at any�ime thereaf�er
<br /> Trus�ee o�-L�nder m�ay exercise any one ar more af�he fvf[o�nr�ng ���h�s and remedies; �
<br /> Acceferatian Upv� Defaui�; ►4ddit�oa�al �er�ed�es. !�F any Even�af Defau�t aceurs as per the terms ot the Nvte
<br /> secured.�ereby, L�nder may dec{are all Inde�tedness se�ur-ed by th�s Deed o�F T�-ust�o be due and payabie and
<br /> tne same sha�;i the€-eupon become due and payabie v�ri�hout any presen�ment, demand� pro�est or nQti�e�f an
<br /> kind. Thereafter� Lender may: . y
<br /> �a} Eit�er in pe�-snn or by agen�, wi�h �r wi�hout bringing any ac��on vr proceed�ngr or by a receiver
<br /> appo�nted by a court�nd v�i�hou�regard to the adequacy o�f i�s security, �nter upon and take possessio-n
<br /> af the Prop�r�y, or any pa�there��,in its own name or in the name a�Trust�e, and do any acts wh�ch it
<br /> deems.n�Cessary or desirable ta preserve the �aiue� marketabili-�r or rentabili�y a�the Property, or part a�
<br /> the Pr�per�y or tnterest �n�he Prope�--ty; inc�ease the..income �ram the Prvper�y ar protect the security vf
<br /> th� Property; and, with or �vithoufi ��king possession o� the Property, sue -�or or o�her�nrise co��ec� �he
<br /> r�nts, issues and pro-�its of fihe Praper-�y� inc�ud�ng those past due and unpaid. and apply the same, €ess
<br /> costs and expenses o�op�rativn and co��ectivn attorneys' f�es,fo any indebtedness secured by�his ❑eed
<br /> of T�-ust, al[�in such arder as Lender may determ�ne. The entering upon and taking possess�on o-� the
<br /> Prvp�rty, �he co[Iection o� su�h r�nts, issues and profits, and the applicatian thereof sha1� nvt cure or
<br /> waive any de�au€�a�- nat�ce of de�aui-�ur�d�r th�s �3eed of Trust or invalid�te a,ny��t done in response to
<br /> such defau[�or pursuant ta such noti�e of de�au��; and, not�ne�ths�anding�he �an��nuanee in possess�on of
<br /> th� Pro�erty ar the co[�ec�ion, receipt and appficati�n ai r�rats, issue� or pro��ts, �"rustee ��- Lend�r s�a��
<br /> �e entit�ee��� exe�-cise every r�gh�pr�v�ded �ar-�n �he �Vote or th� Related Docurnents �r by �a�nr upora the
<br /> flccurrence o�any event o�de�aul�, €ncluding the�-ight to exe�cise the pawer af sa1�,
<br /> �b� Corrimence an action�o �areclose th�s Deed of Trust as a mor-�gage, appoinfi a receiver or specificai�
<br /> Y
<br /> enforce any vf�he co�enants hereof; and
<br /> {�} ❑elive��o Trustee a written de�[ara�ion of de�auit arid demand�or sale and a wr�tten notice of de�au�t
<br /> and elecfiion ta cause`T"rustvr's Enterest in the PrQperty to be sold,which notice T�ustee sha11 cause ta b�
<br /> du�y�iled�vr reCord in the appropriate off�ces o#the Coun�ty in which the Property is Iaca�ed; and
<br /> {d} With respec�-�a a11 or any part�f the Persanai Property, Lend�r sha�l have a�l�he rights.and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under the Nebras�a LJniform Commerc�al �od�.
<br /> Fo�ectosure by Power af Sa�e. if Lender eiec�s-�o fvreelose by exe�c�se af the Power of Sale herein contained,
<br /> Lende�sha�� nvt3fy�'rust�e and shall depos�t ervith T�us�e�this D'eed o�Trus� and fhe Note and such receipts
<br /> and e�iden�e af e�€pend��ures ma�e and se�ured�y�his Deed o��rust as Trus�ee �ay r�quire.
<br /> �a} Upon �-eceipt�of suc.h noti�e.�r�rr� Lende�-,Trus�ee shall cause tv be reco�ded, published and de�ivered
<br /> �❑ �rustor such Nvti�e of �e�fau�t and No�ice o� SaEe as then required hy law and by this Deed o���-u�t,
<br /> Trustee shaf I, without demanci on Trustor, after��uch time as may then be required by Caw and afte�
<br /> recordat�on vf such Notice of Defau[t and afte�- �Vot�ce of Sale haWing been giiren as required by �aw, se�!
<br /> the Prope.rty a� the time and place ofi sale fixed by it �n such NotEc� o� Sa[e� ei�her as a who;e, or in
<br /> separafie ��ts or par�els or items as Truste� shail deem expedien�, and in such arder a�it may determine, �
<br /> at pu�f ic auction�o fihe highest bidder�or cash in lawful money�f�he �nited States payable a-��he�ime
<br /> of sale. TrUs�ee sh�11 d����er ta such purchas-er ar purchasers therea� i�s jood and su�ficient cieed or �
<br /> deeds c�nveying �he praperty s❑ sol�i, but v�ri�hou� any co�enan� o�- virarran�y, express or �mplied. The
<br /> �-ecitals in such deed of any mat�ers or facts shall be concCusive proof a��he t�-ufihf�al�ess thereaf. Any
<br /> pe�sonr inc�uding wi�hou��imi�ation T�-us�or,Trus�ee, or Lenderr rr�ay purchase a�su�h sa�e.
<br /> �b} As may be t�ermitrt�d �y �aw, a-��r �eductir�g alI C�S�Sr f�es and �a�p�r�ses �� T�u�te� and �� t�is
<br /> 7"rus�, inc�uc�in� crasts of e�iden�e af tit�e i�conne��pon v�rith sa�eP Tr�st�e�ha[� a�p�y th��roceeds af s��e
<br /> �o paym�ri�af �i) a11 sur�s expended unde�-the teri�s a�this Deea��Tr�s�o�-�r�r�er�t�e��rms o�$he�[o��
<br /> na� �hen repafd, inc�uding but no� lim��ed ta accrued i��er�st and Ia�e ���r��s, �ii3 a�! ot�ier sun~�s ��en
<br /> secured hereby, and 4i�i� �he remai�der, i�F any,to the person❑r persvns�ega[[y en�i�Ied the�-�to.
<br /> �c} Trusfiee may�n the manner provided by Iaw pastpone sale of a�l�r any portion o�the Praperty.
<br /> Remedies Not Exc�usive. Trus�ee and Lender,. and each vf them, shall be enti-��ed tv en-Force payment and
<br /> �e�-forman��af any indeb�edness ar obligatians secu�ed by this D��d of Trust.and fi�ex��cise aEl rights and pav�ers
<br /> under ti�is Deed of Trust, under the No�e, und�r any of the Re�ated Dvcuments, or uncier any a�h�r ag�-eem�n� vr
<br /> any iaws nvw or hereafter in farce; notwi-�hs�anding, some or a[[ o�such indebtedness and obl�gations secured by
<br /> t�is ���d �fi Y'rust may now ❑r hereafter be otherw�se secu�ed, whetF�er by mvr-�tga je; dee� ��trus�, �a[edge, �ienr
<br /> assignr�en� o�- o�herwise. �ei�her �h�. �ccep�anc� ��F -this D�ed a� Trust nor �ts �n-��r�em�n�, �he�h��- �y �our�
<br /> . aGtion or pursuar�t t� th� pov�er of sal� or o�h�r po���-s ���a-�ained in this �eed o�T��€s�, sh�l[ pr���clice or :n �n�
<br /> " man�e�- a-F�ec��"rusfiee"s or Lende�'s right to �ea[�z� up�r� ��- enforce an}� other securiiy r�ov�r �r �ereaft�� 1he1d by
<br /> `�'rustee or�e;nder, ��beir�g agreed tha�Trus�ee��� �en�erp and ea�l�o�therr�o s�al1 �ae�n��t��d to���or��this�eed
<br /> af Trus� and any other s�cur�ty �o�nr or hereafte€� ��tc� �� Lender or Trust�e in s�ch o�der an� ��nn�r as �he� a�
<br /> �i�her of them may �r� �heir absolute discre��on determ�n�. �Vv �-ernedy cvnferre� upon �r res�rWe�f ta Ts-ustee �a�
<br /> Lend�r, is intended ta be ex�iusi�e a�F any othe�- remedy in this Qeed af Trust ar by lavU provid�d o�}�e€-rx�it�ec�, b�t
<br /> sach�shal[ be cumuIative and sha[[ be in addition to eWer� o�her remedy given in �hi� D�ed of Trust �r now or
<br /> herea�ter e�isfiing at!aw or in equity o�r by s�atu�e. E�rery povver�r remedy gi��n by�he Note ar any of�he Reiated
<br /> Documents to Trustee vr Lender vr to wh�ch either ❑€ them may he otherwise �n�it�ed, rriay be exerci�ed.
<br /> concur�-ently or �ndependentIy, fram �irrte ta time and as aften as m�y h� deemed expedient by Truste� vr Lender,
<br /> and eith�r o� fihem� may pursue fncansis�en� remedies. Nothing� in th�s Deed v� Trus� sha�! be cons�rued as
<br /> prohihiting L�nder-��om seeking a de�icienGy�ud9ment aga�nst the Trus��r��the extent su�h action is permi-tted by
<br /> lat�v. �
<br /> E��ction �� Re�edies. At� �f Lende�-'s �igh�s ar�d remedaes �vii6 be curr�u�at�ve an� rrsay be exercised ��:one or
<br /> � together, �f L�nder decides �� spen� man�y ��-t� �erfarrr-� a�� of Trus�cor¢s �bli�a��vns c��der this �eed ��Trustf
<br /> after Tr�star's f�iIure �o �o so, that dec�s�on �ay L�nder v�i�� r�ot ����ct Lender'� rigF�t t� �e�lare�r�rstor pn de€�u1t
<br />