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� ��15��445 <br /> �7E�ED �!F T��SI" <br /> Loar� Na: ��Q12464 �CDi7ti�7ue�� �age 4 <br /> and {4} a speci�ic�ax an all or any part�on a�the Indebtedness or on paym�n�s ot principaI and interest made by <br /> T�-us�or. <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. I-� any tax �o �rhich this section applies is enacted subs�quent ta the �ate �� �ht5 Deed of <br /> Trus�t, this e�ent sha[� haire �he same e�FFect as an Even� of Defau�t, and Lender may exercise any or all of i�s <br /> a�ailable rsmedies �or an E�ent v� �e�ault as provided below unless Trustor either �1� pays �he fia� before i� <br /> hecames delinquen�, or {�j con�es�s the tax as pra�ided aboWe in the Taxes and Liens sectian and deposifis with <br /> � Lender cash or a suff�cient corporate surety bond ar other se�urity satisfactory to L�nder. <br /> SECURITY AGI�EEMEII�T; FIi1�A�ClNG S�ATEiUfENTS. The �a�lov+�ing proWisions relating �a �his D�ed o# Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part of�h�s Deed of T�us�: <br /> Security Agreement. This ins�rument sha�� �ons�itu�e a 5ecurity Agreemen� to the exten� any of �he Praperty <br /> cons�i�utes fixtures, and Lender shall have a1� af th� rights of a secured party under�he Uni�Form Commerc�a� �os�e <br /> as amended�rom time ta tim�. <br /> S�curity �nter�st. Upon requesf by Lender, Trustar sha�i taI�e v�rhafiever action is requested by Lender ta pe�-�ec� <br /> and canfiinue Lender's security inferest in�he Persona[ P�-oper�y, [n add�tEon to reco�-ding this Deed o�Trus�in the <br /> real property records, Lender may, at any �ime and withau� furth�r autho�-��a�ion �rom Trustor, file execu�ed <br /> counterparts, copi�s or rep�oduc�ions af �his �eed of Trus� as a �Finan��ng s�atement. Trustar shaIl reimburss <br /> Lender �or al� expenses incurred in pe��ecting or continuing this se�urE�y inter�s�. Upon defaui�, Trusto�sha�l not <br /> remove, se�er or detach the Persona[ Property from the Property. Upfln d��rault, Trus�tor sha�i assemb�e any <br /> Personai Prop�r�y not affixed �o the Property in a manner and a� a p�ace reason-abfy cvnu�nient tv Trustar and <br /> Lende� and make Et a�ailab�e �to Lender wi�hin three {3� days a�ter receipt of written demand �rom Lender to the <br /> ex�en-�permitted hy applicabfe law. � <br /> Addresses. The mai�ing addresses af Trustar �dehtor} and Lender (secured party� �rvm �nrhich inf�rmation <br /> cvncerning the security interes� granted by this ❑eed of T�ust may he obta�ned teach as requ�red by the �1ni�orm <br /> �ommerci�I Code} are a-s s�a�ed on the firs�page���his Qeed o�Trust. <br /> FURTHIER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY--IN-FACT. The -�o�Iowing pro�isians �-e[ating �o further assurances and <br /> att�rney-in-fact ar-e a par�o#this Deed of T�-ust: <br /> Further Assurances� At any tim�, and from time to tirrte, upon reques�of Lend�r, Trustor wil� make, execut� and <br /> deliver, or wiil cause�o be made, executed or d�li�er�d,�o Lender or tn Lender's designee, and when requested hy <br /> Lender, cause to be �riled, record�d, refiled, ar rerecorded, as �he case may be, a�such -�imes and in su�h vffic�s <br /> and piaces as Lend�r may deem appropriate, any and a�� such mortgag�s, deeds o�trust, se�urity deeds, s�cu�-i�y <br /> agreemen�ts, �inan�ing stafiements, con�-inua��on staternents, instruments �� �rurther assuran�e, cert��ica�es, and <br /> vther documen�s as mayp in the sole ❑pinion o�Lender, be nec�ssa�-y��r d�sirable in o�-der�o ef�ectuate, comple�e, <br /> per�ect, continue, ar p�reserve {�} Trustorrs ob�igatians under �he No�e, this Deed o� Trus�t, and �he Rela�ed <br /> Documen�s, and [2� the �iens and security interests created by this Deed o�Trus�an the Property, whe�h�r nov�r <br /> ov�rned �r hereafter acquired by Trustor. Unless prohibite� by law or Lender agrees �o the �nntrar� in writing, <br /> Trus�or shal� reim�urse Lender�ar all casts and expenses incurred �n connection vtirith�he matkers reterred to in th�s <br /> paragraph. <br /> Attarney--in�Fact. I�Trus�or�ai[s�o do any o�the�hings refierred�o fn the preceding paragraph, :Lender may do sa <br /> �rar and in�he name o�Trustor and at Trustor's expense, Fvr purpases. Trustor herehy irreWocably appo�nts <br /> Lender as�rus-�or's at�orney--in-�act for the pu�pose of rr�aking, �xecu�ing, deli�e�ing, f�Iing, recording, and daing ai! <br /> other things as may be n��essary or desirab�e, in Lende�r`s sole opinion, �ko accamplish the matters referred �o in <br /> the preceding �aragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�I��A��F. �f Trustor pays al[ the lndebtedness v►�hen due, and other�rvise perForms all th�: obligations <br /> �mposed upon Trustor under �his Deed vf Trus�t� Lender sha�� e�ceCu�e and deliver to Trus�ee a request for fu�� <br /> recon�eyan�e and shall exe�u�te and deiiver to Trustor suitable s�atements o�termination o�any�inancing s�a�t�ment on <br /> f�l�e�idencing Lend�r's secur�ty interes�sn the Rents and the Persona� P�ope��y� Any reconveyance�ee requ�red by lavu <br /> shall be paid by Trus�orr i�permitted by app�;cabEe Iav�r. <br /> EVENTS �F �EFAULT. �4t Lender's op��on, Trustar �nr�}� be in d�fau[t under this Deed of Trust i�f any o�the �ollowing <br /> happen: <br /> Paymen�Defaut�. T�-ustor�ails�o make any payment�nihen due under�he lndebtedness. <br /> Break �t�aer Prom�ses. Trustvr breaks any promise made to Lender or fails �a per�Form promp�ly at the �ime and <br /> s�ric�ly in tne manner pro�iided in�his Deed of Trus�o�in any agreemen�re�ated�o th�s Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Corr�apiiance 1]efault. Failure �o comply w��th any o�he� �erm, obligation, �ovenant or condition contained in this <br /> Deed of Trustf�he No�e or fn any o�the Rela�ed Documents. <br /> De�faul�or���her P�y�ents. Fa��ure a�Trust�r within the�irrtie r�quired by this Deed o�Trus�tv make any payment <br /> �or tax�s or insurar�c�, �r any o�her paymen�necessar�t� pre�ent�Fil'rng of vr to ef�fect d�scharge of any�fen. <br /> Defaul�an Fauor vfi T'hird Parties. Shoul�l G�an�or default ur�d�r any �aan, ex�ension o� credi�, secur�ty agreement, <br /> purchase or sales ag�eement, vr any other agreemen�, in �rava�of any o�her credito�o� person tha� may rnaterially <br /> affect any of �rantor's property oa� Grantor°s abili-�y to repay �he lndeb�edness ar Gran�hor's ability ta perform <br /> Grantor's ob��ga�ions under this Deed of Trus��.r any of�he Re�ated Documents. <br /> Faise Stateme��s. Any representation ar sta�ement made or furnished to L�nder by Trus�or or on Tt-ustor's b�half <br /> under�his Deed af Trus�or the F�elated Documents is �a[se or m�s�eading �n an�ma�eria� respect, ei�her naw or at <br /> �h�time made or furnished. <br /> ' D��ecti�re CoIIatera�izat�vn. This Deed o� �rust or any of the Related Documents'ceases to be ir� fuii �Force and <br /> efFect �includin� faiiure �f any ca�iateral cIocurnent�� c.rea�e a valid and perfected security interest or �ien} at any <br /> ��me and for any reason. <br /> � Death vr[nsoHve��y, The death of Trustor.the insQ�vency a�Trustor,the appo€ntment o�a recei�er fo-r any part of <br /> Trustor's property. any assignmen� �or the benefit o�F Greditors, any type o� credi�ar �nra�kou#, ar �he <br /> commencemen�vf any proce�ding under any bankrup�cy�r anso�vency laws by or against Trusto�-. <br /> Taking of�h� Property. Any creditar or go�ernmen�al agency tries �o take any of the Praperty or any other af <br /> Trus�kor�s property in which Lender has a �ien. Th�s inc�udes taking af. garnishing of ar le�ying vn Trustor's <br /> aGcounts v+ri�h Lende�. Hovtir��er. ��Trus�or disputes in gaod �aith whe�her �he c�aim on which the taking o� the <br /> Prope�ty �s based is �ralid or reasonahle, and ��F Trustor gives Lender v+rritten no�ice of �he cIairn and �furnishes <br /> L�nder vvi�h manie� ar a surefy bvnd satis�ac�or}��o Lender�o satis�r the �Ea:Em,�hen�his defau�t pravisi�n wi11 nv� <br /> appiy. <br /> Breach vf�ther A�reemen�. Any brea�h by Trustar under�he�e�ms of any ather agreemen�between Trustor and <br /> Lend�r that is no� remedied �rvithin any grace per€od pro��ded therein, Encfuding w�thau� �imi�atian any agreemen� <br /> concerning any indebtedness ar vther vla�igation o��'�'ustor to Lender, whe�her existin�nv�nr ar later. <br /> . ��ents A�f�ctsng Guarantvr. Any o�the preced�n� events oceurs �vith respe�t t❑ any guaran��rr endorser, surety, <br /> or accomm�da�ion par�y of any a�the �ndeb�edn�ss o� an� guarantor, endorser, sure��; �r accorr�madativn party <br />