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��15��445 <br /> �3EEL� �� T�U�T <br /> n <br /> L�ar� Na: 1����4��� �Go����u�d Pa�e � <br /> and ta exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> R�quest for i�o�ics. T�ustor, on beha�f of Trustvr and Lender; hereby requests that a copy o�any N�ti�e o#De�ault <br /> and a copy��any NQt�ce o�Sale under this Deed ❑f Trust be mai�ed �o them at�he addresses s�t�or�h in the�rst <br /> paragraph o��his Ueed o�Trust. <br /> Attarnays' Fees; Expenses. If Lender ins�itutes any sui� ar action �to en�For�e any �f -�he terms af �h�s Deed o�F <br /> Trust, Lender shail be entitled to recover such sum as�he �our�may ad�udge reasonab[e as att�rneys' fees a��rial <br /> and upon any appeai. 111lhe�her or na� any caurt a��ion is in�o�ved, and to the exten� nat prohibi-ted by �aw, aII <br /> reasonable expenses Lender �ncurs �ha� in Lenderrs ap�nzon are necessary a� any �ime for the protec�ion of its <br /> in�erest or the�n�orcemen-�af i�s rights sha[[ become a par�af the lndebtedness payable an demand and sha(i bea�- <br /> inter�st at the N�te ra�e from the date o�the�xpenditur�until repaid. Expenses covered by�his p�ragraph inc[ude, <br /> vvithflut�imita�i�n, ho�vever subjec�to any �imi�s under applicab�� Ia�r, Lender's a�torneys' �rees ant� Lend�r's �egaI <br /> expenses, whether or rio� �here is a �awsui�.; including attarneys' fees and expenses for hankrup�cy praceedings <br /> [inc�uding efforts tv mod��y or vaca�e any automatic stay or fn�un��ion3, appeals, and any anticipated post judgmen-� <br /> call�ction serWice�, the cost a�searching recvrds, oh�aining�itle repor�s {including �oreclosure rep�rts�, surWeyo�rs' <br /> reports, and appraisa! fe�s, titie insurance, and fees for �he T�-us�ee, to the extent permitted by appfi�ab[e Ia�nr. <br /> Trusto�-alsv v�rii! pay any court casts, in add3tion to all other sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Rs�hts of T�ustee. Trustee shal! hav�alI of th�rights and duties a�Lender as set f�r�h in�his sec�ion, <br /> P��ERS AND �BL[GAT��NS �F TRUSTEE, The�ol[nwing provis3ons relating��the powers and.abIigat�ons o�Trustee <br /> are part of this Deed o�Trus�: <br /> Pv�nrers of Trusfeez �n addition ta a�� paw�rs v�Trustee ar�sing as a mat�er a�law,Trustee shall have the power�o <br /> �ake the fot�owing actions wi�h respect to�he Property upon the w�it�en request o� Lender and Trust�r: {a}�oin in <br /> preparing and -�iling a map ar p[a� o� �he F�eal Pr�pe�y, includ�ng �he dedicafiion a� stree�s �r other r�ghts t� �he <br /> pub�ic; �b� join in g�anting any easement or crea�ing any rest�iction on the Reai Property; and �c� j�in �n any <br /> subordinatian or o�her agr�emen�affectin��his �eed o�Trus�or the interest o�Lender under this❑eed of Trust. <br /> Trus�ee. Trustee sha�i mee� a�� qua�i�ications require� f�r Trustee under app�icable �a�r�r. !n addition �a the �ights <br /> and �emedies se� �orth abo�e, wi�h respect to aI� or any pa�rt vf th� Property, the Trustes shall ha�� �he ri.ght�o <br /> �ore�lose by natice and saie, and Lend�r �nrill have the right�o foreciose by judicia� �orecIosure, �n ei-�her case in <br /> accordanee�ith and to�he�ull e�€tent provideci by applicab�e [a`w. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's op�ion, may�frvm�ime to time appoint a successor Trus�ee�o any T�-ustee <br /> appointed under this ❑ead of Trust by an ins�t€-u;ment executed and acknow�edged by Lender and recorded in the <br /> offi�e of the recorder ��f Ha[l Coun�y, State of Nebraska. The instrumen� shall can�ain, in additi�n �o a[1 o�her <br /> matters required by s'�ate �av�r, �he names of �he �riglna[ Lender, Trustee, and T�us�vr, the book and page �ar <br /> compute� sys��m re��rence� whei-e �his Deed o� Trus� �s recorded; and the name and address o�the successvr <br /> trustee, and�he instrument shal� be execu�ec� and ackr�vv+rledged by af�the beneficiar�es under�his Deed o�Trust ar <br /> their successors in inter�st. The successQr t�us��e, �rvithout conveyance of the Property, sha�l succe�d �o a[I the <br /> tit�e, power, and duties con�e�red upon the Trustee in�h3s Deed o�Trust and by aPp�i�abie �av�r. This procedure fflr <br /> substitution of Trus�e�shall go�ern�o the exclusian o�aC[o�he�p�ovisions�or subs�i�ut�on. <br /> NDT�CES, A;ny not�ce required to be given under this �eed of Trust, inc�uding v�ri�haut�imita�ian any notice of d��ault <br /> and any notice o�saie shai[ be given �n �nrri�ing, and shal� be effec�i�e when acrtu�l(y de��vered, when actual�y recei�ed <br /> by�elefacsim�ie (un[ess atherwise required by la�v}, when depasit�d�nrith a na�ianal[y recogn�zed avernight cflur�er, or, i� <br /> mai��d� when deposited in the United Stat�s mail, as�irst class, certified �r regis�er�d ma�� postage prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shvwn near the beginning of this Deed of Trus�t. A[1 copies o�notices of fareclasure frorn the hoIder a� <br /> any lien �rvhich has priorit� o�er�his Deed of Trus� sha�� be sent�a Lend�r's address, as shown near the beginning o� <br /> this Deed of T�usfi, �ny person may change his or he� address #or not�ces under this �eed a�Trust by giving �orma� <br /> v�rritten no�ice �o the othe�r person ar persans, speci�y�ng rtha� �the purpose o� �he no�ice is �o change �he persan°s <br /> address. Far r�otice purpasesf Trustor agrees to keep Lend�r inforrr�ed at a[[�im�s a-F Trustor's curren�address. Unless <br /> a�herwise pro�iided vr requ��ed by lav►r, if there is more �than on�Trustor, any noti�e gi�en by Lend�r to any Trustor is <br /> deem�d to be no�ice gi�en to al€Trustors. lt v�rill�e Trustar's responsibili-�y tv�ell the o�hers o�the notice f�am Lender. <br /> ��SCELLANE�US P��1lIS�aNS. The follvwing rr�iscel�an�ous pro��s�ons are a Rar�o�this ❑eed o�Trust: <br /> A�nend�ents. Vilhat is writ�en in this D��d of Trust and �n the Rela�ed DvCumen�s is Trustorrs en��re agreement <br /> wi�h Lender concerning the matters ca�rered by th�s D��d o�Trust. To be effectiv�, any change or amendment�o . <br /> �his Deed vf Trus� must be in wr�ting and must be signed by whoever wi[l be hound or obliga�ed by the �hange or <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Cap���n Headings. Gapt�on headings in th�s Deed o�T�-us� are for convenience purposes only and are not �o be <br /> used to interpret or define the pro�isians a��his Deed af Trus�. <br /> �erge�. There sha�[ be no merger r�f the in�erest or estate created by this Deed of Trus�with any o�her interest or <br /> esta�� in the F'ro:per�y at any time he�d E�y or�v�the benefit af Lender in any capacity, withvut�he �rvri�en consent <br /> o�Lend�r. <br /> �averning Law. Th�s Deed of Yrus� wil� be gove�ra�c� by f�deral ia� �ppticable to Lender and, to the exfen� not <br /> preempted by�eder�l Iawr�he laws�f the S�a��of�f�br�ska wB�hout regard tv'r�s coraf[i�ts v�lavw provisions. This <br /> Deed of Trus#has heen ac�epted by L�nder in�he Sta�e��1Ve�raska. <br /> Choice v�llenue. [�there is a la�suit, Trus�ar agrees upon Lender's request ta subm�t to th� �urisdiction af the <br /> courts v�Ha[i C�un�y, S�ate o�Nebraska. <br /> Jo�nt and Several L�ab�li�y. A�1 obliga�ions of Trustar under this �eed o�Trust shal! be �oint and se�eral, and al1 <br /> re�erences to Trustor shall mean each and ev�ry Trus�o.r. Thi� means �hat each Trustor sign�ng belav�r is <br /> - respansible�or all vb�iga�ions in�his �eed of Trust. <br /> Nv 11U'a�ver by Lender. Trustor understands Lender will not�iv� up any�f Lender's righ�s under this Deed vf Trus� <br /> un�ess Lender does so 'tn v+jri�ing. The �ac� tha� Lend�r d��ays or omits �ko exe�-c�se any right w�i� not mean that <br /> . Lender has gi�er� u;p that righ�. 1� Lender da�s agree i� vvr��ing to g��e up ane afr Lender=s �igh�s, that does not <br /> rnean Trustor r,vi11 na� ha�e fo comply with the other �ravisions o�this Deed o�F Trust. Trustar a[:sv unders�ands <br /> that �� Le:nder daes consent -�o a reques�, that does ��� mean -�hat Trusto�- w�l! nat have t� �e� �enderrs cansent <br /> again i�the si�ua�i�n happ�ns again. Trustor�urther understands that�us�because Lender�onser�ts to one or mare <br /> a��C'rus�o�-'s reques�s, �hat da�s nat mean Lender vtirill be requ�red to consent�o any o�TrusfiorEs �u$ure requesfis. <br /> Trustor vrraives pr�sen�ment,demand for paymen�, protest, and natice of dishQnvr. <br /> 5everab'rlity. l�F a court finds that any pro�ision of�his ❑eed ��Trust is not valid vr should n�� be enfarced, �ha� <br /> . �a�t by itself erv�[I no�mean�hat the resfi of this Deed of Trus�wii� no�be valid or enfvrced. Therefors, a cvurt will <br /> en-�or�e the rest of the provisions vf th�s Deed of Trust e�en i-�a provEsion of this Dee d o�Trus-�may be foun d�o be <br /> inWa�id vr un�nfarceable. <br /> Su�cesso�rs and Ass��ns. Suh�ect to any lirr�itations s�ated in �his D�ed of Trus� on�ransfer o�Trustor's in�eres�, <br /> fihis Deed o�Trus�t shall be binding upon and inure to the �enefi�o�F the part�es, fihe�r successors and assigns. �f <br /> o�nership af th� Pr�perty becomes �ested ira a person other�han Trustor, Ler�der, tir►re-thout n�tice�to Trustor, may <br /> � �ea� with Trus�or's successors wi�h referenGe to this��ed�f Trust and�h� lndebtedness by�rvay o�forbearance or <br />