<br /> �,
<br /> .�
<br /> �3EED �F T�RUST
<br /> Lvan No: ��1���5�3 {Continued} Page �
<br /> and ei�her ❑� them may pursue incvnsisten� remedies. Nvfihing in this ❑eed v� Trust shall be cans�rued as
<br /> prvhibi�ing Lender from seeking a de�iciency judgmen�agains�the Trus�or�o the ex�ent such ac�tion is permifited by
<br /> �aw. E�ection by Lender ta pursue any remedy shal� not exclude pursuit of any ❑fiher remedy, and an election to
<br /> make expenditures vr�❑ take action to pe�fiorm an flbliga�ivn o�Trustor under this Deed ❑f Trust, af�er Trustar's
<br /> �ai4ure to per�arm, sha�� nofi affecfi Lender's right to declare a de�ault and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Reques��or Nvtice. Trustar, on behal�o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requesfis that a cvpy❑f any No�ki�e of�efault
<br /> and a copy o#any Notice ��5ale under�his aeed o-�Trust be mai�ed t❑�hem at the addresses set�forth �n fihe firsfi
<br /> paragraph of�his ❑eed a�Trusfi.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender ins�itu�es any sui� or ac�ion �to enf�rce any of the �erms o�f this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be �ntitled to reco�er-such sum as the cour� may adjudge reasonable as attorneys` �ees at firia�
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Whe�her or nv� any Gourt ac�ivn is in�ol�ed, and fia the ex�tent not prvhihited by (aw, al�
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender incurs �ha� �n Lender's apin�an are necessa�y a� any �ime for �he pro�ec�ian o� its
<br /> interes�❑r the enforcement❑�F i�s righfis shalf became a par�of�he Indeb�edness payabl� ❑n demand and shall bear
<br /> in�kerest a��he Note rate�rom�he date af the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses Go�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> withvut limi�a�ian, however subject to any limi�s under applicable law, Lend�r's attorneys' fees and Lender`s legal
<br /> expenses, whether �r no� �here is a lawsui�, inc�uding attvrneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> {including e�farts t❑ m�di�y❑r vaca�te any automa�ic s�ay❑r inlunct�on}, appeals, and any antic��a�t�d post judgment
<br /> callection services, the �vst vf searching records, obtainin� fii�le repar�s �inc[uding �foreclosure repor�s�, surveyars'
<br /> . reports, and appraisal fees, �i�le insurance, and fees fior the Trustee, to fihe extent permitted by applical�le law.
<br /> Trus�ar also wEIE pay any cour��osfis, �n addit�on�a all o�her sums pro�ided by�aw.
<br /> Righ�s ❑f Trustee. T�-ustee shalf ha�e af[of the righ�s and duties of Lender as set forth in this sec�ion.
<br /> P�VtilERS AND DBLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The tvllvwing pra�isions re�ating to the powers and ❑bligafiivns of Trustee
<br /> are part of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Powers af Trustee. In additivn t� all pvwe�-s a�Trusfiee arising as a mafifier af law, Trustee shall ha�e the power tv
<br /> �ake�he �o[lowing ac�ions with respect to�he Praperty upon �he wri��en reques�o� Lender and Trustor: �a� jain in
<br /> preparing and filing a map ar pla� of the Real Proper�y, in�luding the dedicafiivn v� streets ar ather rights to the
<br /> . public; {hy �oin in granfiing any easement or crea�ing any restric�kion an �he Real Property; and ��} join in any
<br /> subordination�r❑ther agreemen�affecting th�s Deed o�Trust❑r the interesfi v�Lender under this ❑e�d af Trus�.
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee sha�l mee� all qualifications requ�red for Truste� under applicable law. ln addi�ian to the rights
<br /> and remed€es set forth abo�e, with respec�tv all or any part vfi the Property, fihe Trustee shall ha�e the right ta
<br /> �oreclase hy notice and sa�e, and Lender shafl ha�e �he righ�to �oreclose by judicia( fareclosure, in ei�th�r case in
<br /> accordance with and�❑fihe fu��exten�provided by applicable law.
<br /> Successor Trustae. Lender, at Lender's optivn, may�ram�ime�❑�ime appaint a su�cessor Trustee�v any Trustee
<br /> appointed under this Deed ❑�Trus� by an instrument executed and a�knvwledged by Lende�- and recorded in �khe
<br /> ❑ffice ❑� the recorder ❑� HALL Coun�y, 5ta�e of Nebraska. The ins�rument shall con�ain, in addit�on t❑ a�� ofiher
<br /> mat�ers required by sfiate law, the names of fihe o�-�ginaf Lender, Trustee, and Trus�ar, �he hvok and page �or
<br /> campu�ker system reference} where �his I�eed ❑f Trust is re�orded, and the name and address of �he succ�ssor
<br /> firus�ee, and the instrument shall be executed and acknvwledged 1�y alf the bene�Ficiaries under this Deed of Trust�r
<br /> �heir successors in in�erest. The success�r trustee, withvu�k can�eyance of�he Property, shal[ succeed t❑ all the
<br /> title, power, and duties conferred upvn the Trustee in tF�is Deed vf Trust and by appf�cable law. This procedure far
<br /> substi�ution❑f Trustee sha[E�o�ern fio the exclusion❑f all ❑�her p�-o�isians fvr suk�s�itution.
<br /> N�T�CES. Any notice required �o be giv�n under�his Deed of Trust, including withvu�t limitation any natic� ❑f default
<br /> and any notice o�saEe shall be gi��n in wrifiing, and sha�i be efFecti�e when a��ually deli�ered, when actually receiWed
<br /> by tele�acsimife �unless ❑therwise required by faw}, when deposited wi�h a nationally recogni�ed o�ernight courier, or, ifi
<br /> mailed, when depvsi�ed in the Uni�ed 5ta�es mail, as�irs�class, certified ❑�registered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed to
<br /> the addresses shown nea�the laeginnin� ❑f this Deed af Tr�st. A[l copies of notices of far�closure �rom �he hoide� of
<br /> any lien which has pr�ority �Wer�his �eed of Trust sha[I be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near�he beginning of
<br /> . this ❑eed a� Trus�. Any party may change its address fvr notices under �his aeed ❑f Trust by giving �ormal wrEtten
<br />' nvtice to the ofiher parties, speci�ying �ha� th� purpose af the notice is �o change the party`5 address. For notice
<br /> purposes, Trusto�- agrees to keep Lender in�ormed a� all times of Trus�or's current address. Unless ❑therwise pro�ided
<br /> ❑r required by �aw, if there is mare than ane�Trustor, any no�ice gi�en by Lend�r t❑ any Trus�ar is deemed fio 1ae natice
<br /> gi�en�ko a!!Trustors.
<br /> MISCELLANEDUS PRaV1SI�NS. The�vllvwing misce[Ianevus pro�isions a�-e a part❑�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments, This Deed ❑f Trust,tagether with any Rela�ed Documen�s, cons�i�utes fihe enfiire unders�anding and
<br /> agreement ❑f�he par�ies as �o the matters set forth in this �eed af Trus�. No a�tera�ivn v� or amendmen�t� �his
<br /> Deed o�Trusfi sha[I 1ae effe��i�e unless gi�en in writing and signed !ay the party o� parties sought to he charged ar
<br /> bound by�he alteration or amendm�n�.
<br /> AnnuaE Repvrts. [f the Prvperty is used fo�- purposes other than Trustor`s residence, Trustor shall -�urnish �❑
<br /> Lende�r, upan reques�, a certEfied s�a�emen� of net �perating incvme recei�ed from the Prvperty during Trus�vr'�s
<br /> pre�iaus fis�al year in such farm and detai[ as Lender shall require. "Net operating income" shall mean.all cash
<br /> re�eipts�rom fihe Prvperty less all cash expendi�ures made in c�nnection with�he opera��on of the Property.
<br />