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<br /> �
<br /> DEED �F TRUST �
<br /> Loan No: �D'i�5���3 �Continu�d} Page 7
<br /> Acceleration Upon Default; Addi�ional Remedies. I�any E�en� o� IJefault ❑�curs as per fihe�erms vf the Nv�e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may de��are all fndebtedness secured by�his Deed ofi Trus�t� be due and payable and
<br /> the same shall�hereupon hecome due and payab�e without any presentment, demand, pro�es�or notice❑f any
<br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Ei�her in person vr by ag�nt, with or wi�hout bringing any ac�ian o� proceeding, ar by a recei�er
<br /> appointed 1�y a cvur� and without rega�d�a the adequacy��i�s securi�y, enter upon and take possessi�n
<br /> of�he ProQ�rty, or any par�thereof, in i�s ❑wn name o�-in�he name of Trus�ee, and do any a��s which i�.
<br /> ' deems necessary or desirable�o preser�e the value, marke�abili�y�r rentability of fihe Property, vr part ot
<br /> fihe Property ar in�erest in �he Property; inc�-ease the income�fram the Proper�y vr prflte��the securi�y of
<br /> �he Proper�y; and, w�th ar wi�haut �taking pvssession ❑f the Property, sue ��r ❑r o�herw�se collect �he
<br /> rents, issues and pra�fi�s o��he Property, including �hose pasfi due and unpaid, and apply �he same, less
<br /> cos�s and expenses a�operativn and c�llec�ion attarneys' fees,to any indebtedness s�cured by th€s Deed
<br /> o� Trust, all in such ❑rder as Lender may de�ermine. The enterFng upon and taking possessian ❑f the
<br /> Property, �he co[[ec�ian o�F su�h ren�s, issues and pro�i�s, and fihe appli�ation �hereof shall no� cure or
<br /> wai�e any default ar natice of default under this �7eed v�Tr-ust or in�alidate any ac�t done in response�to
<br /> • � • such defau�t or pursuant�❑such notice of de�auit; and, natwi�hstanding the continuance in p�ssessi�n of
<br /> �he P��per�y nr�he callec�ion, receip� and applica�ian o� rents, issues ❑r pr�fifis, Trust�e ❑� L�nd�r shall
<br /> � be en�i�led t❑ �x�rcise e�ery righ�pro�ided for in the No�e vr fihe Rela�ed Documents ar by law upvn the
<br /> occurrence❑fi any e�en�of default, including�he right to exercise�he powe�-a�sale;
<br /> �b� Commence an actian to foreclase�his ❑eed vf Trust as a mortgage, appaint a re�eiWer vr specifically
<br /> enforce any v�the co�enants he�-eot; and
<br /> tc} Deli�e�-.�v Trustee a w�-itten declaration of de�ault and demand �for sale and a written natEce ❑f defaul�
<br /> and election to cause Trus�tor's in�erest in the Prvperty�v be sa�d, which notice Trustee sha�� cause tv be
<br /> duly filed for record in the app�-opriate ❑��ices❑fi�he Coun�y in which�he Property is Io�ated; and
<br /> �d} Wi�h respect ta all or any part❑f the Persanal Praper�y, Lender shall ha�e al�the rights and remedies
<br /> v�a secured party under�he Nebraska Uni�orm Cvmmer�ial Code.
<br /> Fvreclvsure by Power o�5ale, �f Lender elects tv fvreclase by�xercise o�the Pvwer of Sale herein cantained,
<br /> Lender shall na�ify Trustee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee �his Deed o�F Trust and �he Note and such receipfis
<br /> and e�idence of expendi�ures made and secured by fihis Deed ❑fi Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a} Upon receipt of such no�ice�From Lende�-,Trustee shall cause tv be recorded, published and deli�ered
<br /> �� Trustvr such Notice of De�auf� and Notice a�f Sale as then requEred by law and by this Deed v�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shaff, withou� demand ❑n Trus�vr, after such time as may then be required by law and af�er
<br /> reGordation of such Nat�ce ❑f De�ault and after�No�ice ❑f Sale ha�ing �een gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Proper�y at the time and place of sale fixed 1�y i� in such Nvtice of Sale, ei�her as a whale, or in
<br /> separ-ate Iv�s or pa�cels ar items as Trustee shal� deem expedient, and in such orde�-as i�may determine,
<br /> a� pub�i� au��ion �❑the h�ghest bidder�vr cash in lawful money ❑f the United States payable at�he fiime
<br /> v�r sale. Trustee shall deli�er �to such purchaser or purchasers �hereaf its �vvd and su�fi�ien� deed or
<br /> deeds conWeying the property so sold, but wi�hout any co�enant or warran�y, exp�-ess ❑r implied. The
<br /> reci�als En such deed o�f any mafiters or facts shall be conclusi�e p�-vo� o�fihe truthfulness thereaf. Any
<br /> p�rson, includin�withvut limitati�n Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may pur�hase at such sale.
<br /> �b� As may he permit�ed by law, after deduc�ing all CD5�5, f�es and expenses of Trustee and �� this
<br /> Trus�, including costs ❑f e�idence of fiitle in connec�i�n with sale,Trus�ee shai� app�y�he proceeds o�sale
<br /> to payment of �i� all sums expended under the terms o�thts Deed�f Trust❑r under#he fierms a�the Nvte
<br /> nv� then repaid, including but no� Eimit�d to ac�rued interes� and late charges, 4ii� alE ather sums �hen
<br /> secured hereby, and {iii} fihe remainder, if any,to the person o�persons �egally entitled therefio.
<br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided hy law postpone saie a�all ❑r any portion o�the Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and each af �hem, shall be en�i�led �o en��rce payment and �
<br /> perfvrmance at any indebtedness ❑r❑bliga�ions s�cured 1ay this ❑eed��Trust and tv exe�rcise all righ�s and powers
<br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under fihe Nvte, under any vf�he Re[a�ed Documents, vr under any o�her agreemen� ar �
<br /> any laws now or her�after in force; no�wi�hs�anding, some ❑r all of such indebtedness and obligat�ans secured by
<br /> �his Deed vf Trust may naw or hereaf�er be otherwise secured, whe�her by mortgage, de�d af�rust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or ❑therwise. Neither �he a�cep�an�e o� this ❑eed ❑f Trusfi nor its en��rcement, v+rhe�her by court
<br /> ac�ion or pursuant tv the power of sale or other pvwers conta�ned in �his Deed ❑f Trust, shalE prejudice vr in any
<br /> manner af�ect Trustee's ar Lender`s righ� �o realize upan or en�Force any �ther securi�y now �r hereafter he�d by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agreed�ha�Trustee and Lender, and each❑�f them, shafl be en�itled to enforce�his Deed
<br /> of Trus� and any other security nvw ar hereafker held by Lender vr Trus�ee in such ❑rder and manner as �hey ar
<br /> either of them may'in �heir al�svlute dis�retivn determine. No remedy conf�rred upon or reser�ed �a Trus�ee ❑r
<br /> � Lender, is intended �� be ex�lusiWe o�any other remedy in�his ❑eed of Trust❑r by faw prv�ided or permit�ed, but
<br /> each shai! b� cumula�i�e and shall be in addition t❑ e�ery other remedy �iven �n �his Deed o# Trust ❑r now or
<br /> hereafte�existing at law vr in equity❑r by statute. E�ery pawe�or remedy gE�en by�he Nvte or any o#the Refa�ed
<br /> ❑a�uments t� Trustee or Lender ❑r to which ei�her v� fihem may be otherwise enti�led, may be exercised,
<br /> concur�rent[y ❑r independently, from time fia time and as ❑fken as may be deemed expedient hy Trus�ee nr Lender,
<br />