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��15��44� <br /> � � <br /> r - <br /> DEE❑ �� TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 'I�'1���5�3 �C�ntinued} Page 9 <br /> Caption Headings. Cap�ion headings in �his Deed ❑�Trust are fvr cvn�enience purposes on�y and are not tv be <br /> used to interpret or de�ine�he pro�isions of this Deed o�f Trus�. <br /> Merger. There shafl be no mer-ger�f�he in�eres�❑r estate created �y�this Deed o�Trust with any other interest o�r <br /> esfiate in the Prvper�y a�any�ime held hy ar far�he bene�ifi afi Lender in any capacity, withaut the written consen� <br /> ❑�Lender. <br /> Go�ern�ng Law. This Deed vf Trust will �e governed by federa! �aw applicahle #o Lender and, t❑ the ex�ent na� <br /> preempted by�edera[Iaw,�he [aws o�the S�ate of Nehraska without regard to i�s conflic#s of!aw proWisivns. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been ac�epted by Lender in�he S�a#e of Nehraska. <br /> Chvi�e o�Venue. If ther� is a lawsuit, Trus�or agrees upan Lender's reques�fio submifi fio the jurisdiction of fihe <br /> �our�s of Hall County, State of Nehraska. � . <br /> Jvin� and Se►reral Liability. All abliga�ions of Borrower and Trustor under this Deed o� Trust shall he joinfi and <br /> � se�eral, and a�� referen�es�a Trus�kor shall mean �ach and e�ery Trusfior, and all refierences to Borrower shall mean <br /> each and every Barrowe�-. This means that each Trus�or signing helow is responsible for all ahligations in�his Deed <br /> ��Trust. <br /> No VIlai��r by Lender. Lender sha[f no�be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any ri�hts under this Deed o�Trus�unless such <br /> waiver is gE�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na de[ay ar❑mission on the par�of Lend�r in exercising any right <br /> sha�l ❑pera�e as a wai�er❑f such �-ight vr any ❑ther right. A wai�er by Lender o�a pra�ision o�F this ❑eed of Trust <br /> shal� not prejudice ❑r constitute a waiver o� Lender's righfi vfihe�-wise fia demand s�rict compfiance wi�h tha�k <br /> pra�is€on vr any o�her pro�ision a� �his Deed o� Trus�. N❑ priar wai�er by Lender, nor any cvurse ❑�F deafing <br /> between Lender and Trus�or, sha�l cons�i�u�e a wai�er af any ofi Lender's righ�s or of any ❑f Trus�or's ❑bligatians <br /> as to any fu�ure transactions. Whene�er the consent of Lender is required under�his Deed o�Trusfi, �he grantin� <br /> v�such �vnsent hy Lender in any instance shall no� constitute continuing consent to subsequent instances where <br /> such consent is required and in all cases such consent may be granted vr withheld in the sofe discretion of Lender. <br /> 5e�erahility. l� a cour� o� competent�u�isdiction �inds any pra�ision o�F this ❑eed of Trust�o be i�legal, inWalid, or <br /> unenforcealale as tv any person or circumstance, that finding sha�� not make�he ❑f�fending pr-oWisivn illegal, in�alid, <br /> or unenforceabfe as �v any ��her persan or circumstance. lf feasilale, fihe o�fending prv�isivn sha�� be cons�dered <br /> modified sv �ha� it becomes legal, �alid and en�orceable. lfi�he �ffending p�-vWisivn canno� be s❑ modi�Eedr it shall <br /> be cansidered deleted �rom this D�ed o� Trus�t. �nless v�herwise r.equired by law, the �tlegali�y, in�al�dity, or <br /> unenforceahility of any pro�isivn ❑��this Deed o�T�ust shall nvt affec��he legali�y, validi�y or en�orceahilifiy ❑� any <br /> other prv�ision of this Deed of Trust. <br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subje�t�o any limitations stated in this Deed afi Trust ❑n trans�er of Trus�or's in�erest, <br /> �his aeed ❑f Trust shail be binding upon and inure �a t�e b�nefifi vf the parties, the�r successors and assigns. lf <br /> vwnership v��he Property 1�e�omes �ested in a person o�her than Trustor, Lende�r, without nofiice tv Trus�or, may <br /> deal with Trustor's successors with reference to this Deed v�Trus�and the lndebtedness hy way❑f�vrbearance❑r <br /> extension with�ut releasing Trus�vr frvm�he obligations of this Deed of Trust or liabiiity under fihe Endebtedness. <br /> Time�s of the Essence. Time is af the essence in the performance of�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> 1Nai�er of Hames�ead Exemptivn. Trus�or hereby releases and wai�es alf rights and benefits ❑f �he homes�ead <br /> exempt3on laws of�he Sfia�e o�Nelarasl�a as ta a!I Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed��Trust. <br /> DEF1N1T1�NS. Th�follawing capitalized words and terms shall ha�e fihe �ol�owing meanings when used in this ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trus�. Unless speci�ically stated to the confirary, a�� re�erences �a dollar amoun�s shall mean amounts in law�u� money <br /> ❑�f the United S�ates ❑f America. Vllords and terms used in the singular shall include the plural, and �h� plural sha[I <br /> include fihe singular, as the��onfiex� may require. 11Vords and terms nvt otherwise de�ined in �his �eed of Trust shall <br /> ha�e�he meanings at�ribu�ed�❑such terms in�he Uniform Cammercia[ Cod�: <br /> Bene�ic'rary. The word "Bene�icia�y" means Fi�e Pain�s Bank, and i#s su��essors and ass�gns. <br /> Bvrrvwer, The word "Borrow�r" means GRAN❑ 15LAND VETERINARY HDSPETAL PC and JAY E STEVIIART and <br /> incfudes al[ cv--signers and co-makers sign�ng the Nv�e and a[f their su��essars and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean �his Deed af Trust amang Trustar, Lender, and Trus#ee, and <br /> inc[udes withou� limitation a[I assignment and security interest pro�isi�ns relating to the Persana� Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Defaul�. The word "Detault" means the I�e�auft set forth in this €�eed of Trust in the section�i�led "D�fault". <br /> En�ironmental Laws. The words "EnWiranmental Laws" mean any and aI� state, �ed�ral and lacal statutes, <br /> �egulations and ❑rdinances re�ating �❑ the pratection o� human h�alth or the en�ironment, �ncfuding without <br /> iimitativn fihe ComprehensiWe En�irvnmental Respvnse, Campensativn, and Lial�ility A�t of �98D, as amended, 42 <br /> U,S.C. Sec�kion 9��1, e� seq. �"CER�LA"}, �he 5uperfund Amendmen�s and Reauthori�ation Acfi a� �986, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"�,the Hazardous Ma�erials Transpvr�a�ion Act, 49 u.S..C. 5ecfiinn �8�'1, e�seq.,�he Resource <br /> Cons�r�ativn and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. Section 69D1� et seq., or other applicable state or federa� laws, rules, <br /> or regula�ians advp�ed pursuan�thereto. <br /> E�ent vf De�au�t. The words "E�en�of Default" mean any of�he e�en�s of defaul�se�for�h in�his �3eed of Trus�in <br /> �he e�ents of defaul�section❑�th�s Deed ❑-�Trus�t. <br />