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� ��15����5 <br /> S. DEFAULT. Trustor w���be�n default if any of the following o�cur; <br /> Fraud. Any Consumer Borrower engages in fraud ar mater�al. mxsrepresentat�on zn connection wi�i the <br /> Secured Debt that is an open end hame equzty p�an. � <br /> Paym�nts. Any ��nsumer Borrower on any Secured Debt zs an open end hom��quzty p�an faz�s �o make <br /> a p ayment when du�. <br /> P�-operty. Any action flr ina�t�on by the Barrower or Trustor oc�urs that ad�erse�y affects the Prop�rty or <br /> Benefxc�ary's rzghts �n the Property. This includes, but zs nat �zmxted ta, the following: �a} Trustor fai.x� to <br /> marn�axn requzred znsurance an the Property; �b� Trustor transfers the Praperty; (c} Trustor�ammxts waste or <br /> o�herv�rise destructxve�y uses or fails to maintain�h� Property su�h that th� action or inac�ion adverse�y affects <br /> Ben�ficiary's securzty; �d� Trustor fails to pay taxes an th� Praperty or otherwise fails to a�� and th�r�by <br /> causes a x�en to be fxled against the Property that zs senior to the lien �f th�s Security �nstrument; �e} a soXe <br /> Trustor dies; (f� xf mt�re than one Trustar, any Trustar dies and B�nefrciary's s�cur�ty xs adv�rs�Iy affected; <br /> �g} the Property is taken through eminent doma�n; (h} a judgm�nt is filed agaznst Trustar and subje��s Trustar <br /> and the Property �o a�tion that ad�erse�y affects B�neficzary's znterest; or �i} a przor �xenhnXder forecloses on <br /> the Property and as a r�sult, B�nefz�zary's xnterest xs adversely affected. <br /> Execut�.ve �ff�cers. Any Barrov�rer zs an executi�e of�cer of Bene�c�ary �r an affiliate and such Barrower <br /> be�omes indebted ta Beneficiary or another �ender in an aggrega�e amaunt greater than the amaunt permitted <br /> under federal �aws and regula�ians. <br /> 9. REMEDIES aN DEFAULT. Zn additian to any oth�r rem�dy a�ai�ab�e unc�er the terms of �h�s Securxty <br /> �nstrum�nt, Ben�f�czary may a�celerate the Secur�d Debt and forec�os� thzs Security Ins�rum�nt �n �manner <br /> pravzded by Iaw if Trus��r �s �n default. �n same znstances, federal and s�ate law will r�qurr� Benefi�iary to <br /> pravide Trustor with notice of t�.� r�ght to cure, or other notic�s and may �stablish time SC�I.�C�l1I�5 for <br /> forec�osure ac�ions. Each Trustor requests a copy of any notz�e of default and any nat�c�af sale ther�under be <br /> ma�.�ed ta each Trustar at the address prov�ded in Section � aba�e. <br /> At th� option of Beneficzar�, a�x or any part af�he agreed fees and charges, accrued �nt�rest and prin�ipal <br /> sha1� becom� immedzat�xy due and payabX�, after givzng natice if requzred by Iaw, upon the occurrence af a <br /> defau�t ar anytzme ther�after. <br /> �f� is a defauX�, Trustee sha1�, at the request of Beneficxary, advertis� and sell the Property as a whole or <br /> in separate parc��s at pub�ic auctxon to �he highest bxdd�r for cash and convey absolute ��t�e free and c�ear of <br /> aII right, tzt�e and interest af Trustor a� such time and p�ace as Trust�e desi�nate�. Trust��shaX� give notzce af <br /> sal.e in�lud�ng the tim�, terms and place af sa�e and a descriptian of the pr�perty t�be sold as r�quired by the <br /> app�zcable�aw�n effect at the t�me af the propased sale. <br /> Upon sale of the Property and�o the exten� not prahibi�ed �y iaw, Trustee shal� mak� and dexx�er a deed �o <br /> the Proper�y so�d which con�eys absoXu�e title to th� purchas�r, and after first pay�ng all fees, charge� and <br /> costs, shal�pay to Benefzc�ary aII moneys ad�anced fnr, taxes, �nsurance, lzens, assessments and priar <br /> encumbrances and interest therean, and th�princ�pal and interes� on�he Secured D�bt, paying the surplus, if <br /> ar�.y, to Trus�or. Benefic�ary may purchase the Properry. The r�citals �n any de�d of conveyanc� sha1� b� <br /> pr�ma facie ev�d�nce of the facts set farth there�n, <br /> The a�ceptance by Ben�ficiary �f any sum in payment ar partxal payment on the 5ecured Debt �f�er th� <br /> ba.�ance rs due or is acce�era��d or after forec�osur� proc�edings ar� filed �ha�.� not �onstituLe a waxver �f <br /> Benef�cxary's right to requ�re �amplete �ur� of any existing defaul�, By not exercis�ng any remedy on <br /> Trustor's default, Beneficiary does not waxve Beneficzary's r�ght to Iater consider th� event a default xf zt <br /> happens again. <br /> 10. E�PENSES; ADVANCES �N C�VENANTS; ATT�RNEYS' �EES; C�LLECTI�N ��STS. �f <br /> Trustor breaChes any �ovenant xn this Secur�ty Instrument, Trustor agrees to pay a1� expenses B��.eficxary <br /> incurs xn p�rfarmxng such cav�nants ar prot�cting its security �nterest zn the Property. Su�h�xpenses in��ude, <br /> but are not Iimzt�d ta, fees �n�urred far inspect�ng, preservzng, or atherwise pr�tecting �h.e Property az�d <br /> Benef�ciary's securxty interest. These expenses ar� payable on demand and wi11 bear �nterest froxn th� date �f <br /> payment untrl paxd in ful� at the h�ghest rate of znt�r�st in effect as pro�zded in the terms of th.e Secured I]ebt. <br /> Trustar agrees to pay a11 �osts and �xpenses �n�urred by B�n�f��iary in ca��ect�ng, enforCing ar protecting <br /> Benefzczary's rrghts and r�medzes und�r�hzs Security �ns�rum�nt. Th�s amoun�may include, but is nat l�m�ted <br /> to, Trustee's fees, court costs, and other legal. expens��. T� the extent permztted by t.h.e Unzt�d States <br /> Bankruptcy Cade, Trustor agre�s �o pay th� r�asonabl� attorneys' fees Ben�fic�ary incurs ta ��llect �he <br /> S ecured D eb t as awarded by any court exerci s ing j uri s dictio n und�r the B ankrupt�y �a de. Thi s Se�urity <br /> Instrum�nt sha�.� r� �n �ffe�t unti.l released. Trustor agrees �a pay for any recordation costs of su�h <br /> relea�e. <br /> 5ecurity Instrument-Open-�nd-Cansumer-N� �CP-R��T-NE 71ZI2�1 1 <br /> VMP�Bankers SystemsT"� VMP-C4�5{N�� (��07).OQ <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Finan�ial Ser�ices n1994,2Q 1 1 Page 4 vf 6 <br /> � <br /> . <br /> , <br />
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