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��15����5 <br /> Property �and�tion, .Alterations and Insp�ction. Trustar wi11 keep the Property in gaod condition and <br /> make a11 repairs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not cammi� or allow any waste, impairment, �r <br /> deterxoration of�.he Property. Trustar agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially <br /> change without Benefi�Yary's prior writ�en consent. Trustar will na� permit any change in any Iicens�, <br /> restri�ti�e ca�enan� or �asement without Benefi�iary's prior wr�tten consent. Trustor wi�� notify Beneficiary <br /> of all demands, proceedings, claims, and a�tions against Trustor, and of any loss or damage to the Property. <br /> Benef�ciary or Beneficiary's agents may, at Benefxc�ary's optian, en�er the Property a�any r�asonable�ime for <br /> the purpose of rn�p�cting the �roperty. Benefxc�ary sha11 give Trustar not�ce at �he �ime of or hefore an <br /> inspect�on sp�cify�ng a reasona�l�purpose f�r the inspect�on. Any inspectian of�he Proper�y shall be entir�ly <br /> for Beneficiary's benefit and Trus�or v�ill in n�way rely an Beneficiary's inspect�on. <br /> Authority to Perform. Zf Trustor faiXs to perfarm any duty or any of the cavenants conta�ned in this Securit�r <br /> rnstrument, Benef�ciary may, withaut notxce, perfarm or �ause them to be perform�d. Trus�or appoYnts <br /> Bene�ciary as attorney �n fact to szgn Trustor's name or pay any amoun� ne�essary for performance. <br /> Beneficiary's righ��o perform for Trustor sha.X1 not creat� an ab�igatzon to perfarm, and Benef�ciary's failure <br /> ta perf�rm will not pre�lude Ben�ficiary from exercising any of Benefxc�ary's a�her rights under �ie �aw or <br /> this Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> Leaseho�ds; �ondominiums; Planned U�n�t I3evelopments. Trustor agrees ta comply wi�h the prowisions �f <br /> any l�ase if thYs Security Instrument is on a�easehold. Zf the Prapex�y includes a un�t in a condam�nium or a <br /> planned unit de�e�opment, Trustor will perform all of Trustor's du�ies under the covenants, by--�aws, or <br /> regulat�ons af the condominrum ar planned unit develapment. <br /> �ondemnatxan. Trustor wi11 g�ve B�nefi�iary prompt notrce af any pending or threatened action, by private <br /> or publ�c entities ta purchase ar take any or a�l of the Froperty through condemnation, emuxent�domain, or <br /> any other means. Trustor authorizes Beneficiary t� in��rv�n� zn Trustor's name in any of�b.e a�ove descr�bed <br /> actions �r �laims. Trus�or assigns ta Beneficiary the proceeds of any award or �laim. for damages conn�cted <br /> with a candemnation or ather takzn.g of all or any part of the Proper�y. Such proceeds shall be c�nsidered <br /> paymen�s and wiix �e applied as prflvrded �n this Security rnstrumen�. This assignment �f proceeds is subject <br /> t�the terms of any prior mortgage, deed af trust, secur�ty agreement ar ather Iien docum�nt. <br /> Insu�rance. Trustor shal� keep Prop�rty �nsured against loss by f�re, flood, �heft and other hazards and r�sks <br /> reasanably associated with the Property due to rts type and locatian. This insurance shali be maintained�n the <br /> amaunt� and for the periods that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary requzres pursuant to the preced�ng <br /> two sentences can change during the term af the Se�ured Debt. The insuran�e carr�er providing the insurance <br /> shal.I be chosen by Trustor subject ta Bene�ciary's appraval, wh�ch shall no� be unreasona�Iy withheld. �f <br /> Trustor fails to maintain the cov�rag� described abave, Beneficiary may, at Benef�c�ary's opt�an, obtain <br /> co�erage to protect Benef�c�ary's rights in the Proper�y according to th�terms nf thxs Se�urity In.strument. <br /> A11 insurance policies and renewals sha11 be acceptabi� to Beneficxary and shal.I include a standard "mortgage <br /> clause" and, where applicabie, "�flss payee clause." Trustor sha11 immediately notify Ben��c�ary of <br /> �anceXlatian or terminatzon af the insurance. Ben�f�czary shall hav� �he rzght to ho�d �he palic�es and <br /> renewais. If B�neficiary requires, Trustor shall immed�ate�y gi�e to Ben�ficrary a.�I receipts of paid pr�m�ums <br /> and renewa.� na�i�es. LTpon loss, Trus�or shall give immediate nat�ce �a the insuran�e carrier and Benefic�ary. <br /> Benefic�ary may make pr�of of loss if not made immediately by Trustor. <br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all insurance proce�ds sha.11 be applied to the res�aration �r repair of the <br /> Properry or to th� Secured Debt, whether or not then due, a� Benefi��ary's option. Any app�icat�on of <br /> pro�eeds to pr�ncipal sha11 not extend or postpane �he due date of the s�heduled payment nar change the <br /> amaun� of any paym�nt. Any excess wx�l be pa�d to �he Trustor. �f the Property is acquxred by Beneficiary, <br /> Trustor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage ta the Property before the <br /> acquxsitr�n shal.l pass ta Benefic�ary to the exten�of the Secured Debt�mmedrately before the acquisit�on. <br /> F�namcial Reports and Add�tionai DocumQnts. Trustor wi11 provide to Beneficiary upon requ�st, any <br /> financial statement ar �nfarmatian Beneficiary may deem reasonab�y n��essary. Trustar agrees to sign, <br /> de���er, and fi�e any additiona�dacuments or certifications�hat Ben�f�ciary may�ons�der necessary to perfec�, <br /> cant�nue, and preserve Trustor's obl�tgations under this Securxty Instrument and Ben�fzciary's lien status on <br /> the Property. <br /> 6. W TY �F TITLE, Trustor warrants that Trustor is or wi�l be lawfully seized of the �sta�e conveyed <br /> by�his Security rnstrument and has th�right to �rre�ocably grant, convey, and sell the Praper�y to Trustee, in <br /> trust, with power of sale. Trustor also warrants that �he Property is unencumbered, except far �ncum�rances <br /> a f record. <br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Benef�ciary may, at its option, declar� the entire balance af the Secured Debt to be <br /> immediate�y due and payab�e upon the creation of, or contract for the crea�ion of, a transfer or sale of a11 or <br /> any part of the Prop�r�y. Th�s r�ght is subj ect to the restr�ctions imposed by federa� �aw �12 C.F.R. S 9�}, as <br /> applYcable. <br /> Se�urity lnstr�ment-�p�n-End-Consumer-NE qCP-R�DT-NE 71�12�1� <br /> VMPD Bankers 5ystemsT�" VMP-C4E5�NEy �1'l07}.D� <br /> Wolters KiUwer Financial Ser�ices a1994,2Q�'1 Page 3❑f 5 <br />