<br /> 11. ENVIR�NIV�NTAL LAWS AND HAZARDQUS SUESTANCES. As us�d rn this sec�ion,
<br /> �1} Envxranmen�a.� Law m�ans, w�thout Iimita�ion, the Comprehens��e En�iranmental Response,
<br /> �omp�n�atron and Liab�lYty Ac� �CERCLA, 42 CT.S.C. 96�� e� �eq.}, and a11 ather federai, stat� and Ioca1
<br /> laws, r�gula�ions, ardinances, cour� orders, attorney genera� opinions ar interpretive �etters c�ncern�ng the
<br /> public hea.lth, safety, welfare, en�ironment or a hazardaus substance; and�2� Hazardous Substance means any
<br /> taxic, radioact�ve or hazardous material, waste, pollutan� ar contaminan� whrch has charact�rzstzcs whYch
<br /> render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous ta the public heal�h, safety, we�fare or envYronment.
<br /> The term in�ludes, v�rithout limita�ion, any sub�tances defined as "hazardous mater�alyrr "taxic substances,"
<br /> "hazardous waste" ar "hazardous substance" under an.y EnvYronmental Law.
<br /> Trustor repres�nt�, warrants and agrees tha�:
<br /> A,Except as pre�iousiy disclos�d and acknaw�edged Yn writzng to B�neficiary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> ar wx�I be located, stored or releas�d an or an th� Property. Th�s restrictian daes no� apply to smaX1
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Substances that are genera�.�y r�cogxuzed ta be approprxate for the n�rmal us�
<br /> and maintenance of th�Prflperty.
<br /> B. Ex�ept as pre�YausXy disc�osed and acknowledged in wri�xn� to B�neficiary, Trustor and every tenant
<br /> have been, are, and shall remain�n fulX compliance with any applrcable En�ironmental Law.
<br /> G.Trustor shall imm�d�ately natify Beneficiary �f a reiease ar threatened release of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> nccurs on, under or about th� Property or�here is a violation of any Environmental Law conc�rning the
<br /> Prop�r�ty. In such an e�ent, Trustor shall take a.II necessary remedial actian �n a�cordance with any
<br /> Envxronmental Law.
<br /> ]�.Trustor sha.�l immediately no�ify Beneficiary in wrxting as saon as Trustar has reason to believe�here rs
<br /> any pending or threatened �nvestigatinn, c�aim, or pro�eeding relating to the release or threatened
<br /> r�lease of any Hazardous Subs�ance or the vialation of any Enuiranmenta.� Law.
<br /> 1Z. ESCR��W' F�R TA�ES ANI� INSURANCE. Unless otherwis� provided �n a separate agreem�nt, Trustor
<br /> �w�ll not be required to pay to Beneficiary funds for tax�s and insurance in escraw.
<br /> dutYes under thYs Security Instrument are j aint and indivzdual. If Trustor signs thrs Se�urity Instrum�nt bu�
<br /> does not s�gn an e�rzdenc� of debt, Trustor does sa oxi�y ta mor��age Trustor's interest in the Praperty �o
<br /> secure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustor does nat agree to be personally��able on the S�cured Debt. If
<br /> this Secur�ty �nstrument secures a guaranty �etween Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustar agrees to wa.i�e any
<br /> rights that may prevent Benefi�Yary fram bringing any action ar claim against Trus�ar or any party inc�eb�ed
<br /> under the obligati�n. These r�ghts may includ�, but are not Iimited to, any anti-deficiency ar one-action Iaw�.
<br /> The duties and b�n�f�ts of th�s Security �nstrument shall bxnd and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustar
<br /> and Benefic�ary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This Security Instrumen� is camplete and fu11y �ntegrated. Th�s
<br /> Security Instrument may not be amended or mod�fied by oral agreement. Any sectzan in thrs 5ecurity
<br /> Instrumen�, attachments, or any agreement related to the Secured Deb�that con�licts vcrrth applicable 1av� wi�I
<br /> n�t be effe�tYve, unless that law expr�ss�y or �mpliedly permits the �ariatxans by written abreement. �f any
<br /> s��tion of this 5ecurity �nstrument cannnt b�enfarced according ta its terms, that sect�on wili b� severed and
<br /> wx�l no� affect the enforc�ahility of the remainder of this Security Instrument. Whenever used, the s�ngular
<br /> shax� include the p�ural and �he plural the singu�ar. The captions and headings of the sectxons of th�s S�curity
<br /> Instrument are far �anvenience on�y and are not to be used �o int�rpret ar define the t�rms of thYs S�curity
<br /> Instrum�nt. Time is of the essence xn this Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> 15. SU�CESS�R TRUSTEE. Beneficxary, at Beneficiary's optian, may from trme to time remo�e Trustee and
<br /> appoxnt a successor trustee without any other forma.I�ty than the des�gnat�on in wrzt�ng. The successor trustee,
<br /> w��hnut con�eyance af the Property, sha].X succeed to aII.the�z��e, povver'and duties conferred upan Truste�by
<br /> �h.is Secur�ty 7nstrument and a�plicable�aw. . . _ �. __ � "� �. .: �; .
<br /> .
<br /> 1�. N�TICE. �C..rnless otherw�se required by law, any notice�sha11 be giVen by del�vering it ❑r by maYlYng �t �y
<br /> first c�ass maix �o the appropriate party's address on page 1 of th�s Security �nstrument, ar to any ather
<br /> address designated in writing. Noti�e to one trustor wi�� �� d��med �a be notice to a�� trustars. Trustor and
<br /> Benef�ciary hereby r�ques� a �opy of any natice of defau�t, and a copy of any notice of sale �hereunder, be
<br /> ma�led t�each party at the address for such party set forth on page � of this Secur�ty�nstrument.
<br /> 17. WAIV�RS. Ex�ept to the extent prohibited by law, Trus�or wai�es aII appraYsement and homestead
<br /> exemption rights r��ating ta the Property.
<br /> 1S. LINE QF CRE]DIT. The Secur�d Debt includes a re�fll�ing Iine of credYt. Alth.augh the Secured De�t may
<br /> be reduced�o a zero balance, thxs 5ecurity�nstrument wzll rema�n�n effect until released.
<br /> SecUrity Instrument-Open-End-Car�sum�r-NE ❑CF'-RE�T-N� 71�12011
<br /> VMPD BanEc�rs Systems�'" VMP-C4B5{NE7 {��D7y.[}D
<br /> Walt�rs Kluwer�inan�ial Ser�i�es CG71994,24'1 1 Page 5 af S
<br /> �
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