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��15����5 <br /> Th�property xs xocated�n ...Hall.................................................. at ----..............,..-----,.......... <br /> �C aunty} - <br /> „7713..N..LJS�.Highway„281..............., ..Grand,I�land.................., NebraSka ..6.�8�3....--•--- <br /> --..... .. �Address} �City} �Z�P�ade} <br /> T�gether vv��h al� r�ghts, easements, appurtenances, royalties, minera� rzghts, ozx and gas rights, all wat�r and <br /> riparian rxghts, dztches, and water s�ack and aI� �x�st�ng ar�.d future impravements, structures, fzxtur�s, and <br /> rep�acements that may naw, or a�any�xm��n the futur�, b�part af th�reai estate descrzbed above �aI.X referred <br /> ta as "Property"}. <br /> 3. MCAXIMUM �I3LIGATI�N LIMI'�'`. Th� �otal. pr�nc�pal, am�unt se�ured by thzs Security Znstrument at any <br /> one time shall not exce�d $ �4��oo0.��.4.�.,�......�----------------------- - This ��mztatxan of am.aunt do�s not <br /> xnc�ude �nterest and ather fees and charges vaiidly made pursuant �o �his Se�urzty Instrument. A�sa, th�s <br /> ��m�tatzan does not app�y to advance� made under. the terms nf txiis Security Instrument to protect <br /> Beneficiary's se�urity and ta perform any of the co�enants �ontaxxzed in this Security Instrumen�. <br /> 4. SECURED DEBT ANI3 FUTU]E�E AI�VANCES. The�erm "Secured Debt" �s defzned as fo��aws: <br /> A.Debt �ncurred under the terms of aI.� prnmissory note�s}, contract�s�, guaranty�xes} or other e�rzdence of <br /> debt descrzbed be�ow and aIi the�r �xten5inn5, renewals, mod�ficatxans or subs�xtu�zons. {�'ou rnust <br /> speci�i�a���iden�ify the debt�s� secured and you should ir��lr�de th�,final ma�urity da�e af such d'eb��s�.} <br /> Note Dated Decem�er 15j 2�14 In Th� Amoun� �f $64, aoo.DO <br /> AGGruing At A Variable Ra�e With A. Maturity Date �f December �5, 2419 <br /> 5aid Loan In The Name�s} Uf Mark A Wi�g�rt <br /> And Stacie A Wiegert � <br /> B. A�I future advanc�s from Beneficiary to Trustor or other future obl�gat�ons of Trustor �o Benefxczaxy <br /> under any promissory note, �antract, guaranty, or other evidence �f debt executed by Trustar zn favar <br /> of Beneficia.ry after th�s Security In�trument wheth�r or not this Securxty �nstrument is speczfically <br /> referenced. If more than one pers�n signs �h�� S�cur��y Znstrument, each Trustor agre�s that this <br /> Secur�ty Znstz�u.ment will secure a1� futur� advances and future oblzgatians that are gxven to ar in�urred <br /> by any one or m�re Trustor, or any ane ar mare Trus�or and others. A�� fu�ur� ad�an�es and other <br /> futur� nb�x�ations are secured by this Security Znstrument even �hough aI.� ar par� may not yet b� <br /> advanced. Axx future advances and ath�r future oblzgatxons are secured as �f made on the date af this <br /> Security �nstrument. Nothing in thxs Secur�ty �nstrument shall cons��tute a commztment to make <br /> additional ar future �oans ar advances in any amount, Any such comm�tm�nt mus� be agreed to in a <br /> s ep arate wr�ting. <br /> �.Al�o�her abligatians Trustar owes ta Benefxciar�, whzch may later arzse, ta th��xtent not prohibi�ed by <br /> la�v�r, incxudzng, but na� x�m�ted tn, I�ab���t�es for overdrafts relating �o any d�posit accaunt agre�ment <br /> between Trustor and Benefic�ary, <br /> D.A�� additional sums advanced and expenses �ncurred by Beneficiary for znsuring, prese�ving ar <br /> o�h.erwise protectzng the Proper�y and its value and any o�h�r sums advanced and zncurred by <br /> Benefxc�ary under�he terms of th�s Se�urity Ins�rument. <br /> �n the e�ent that Beneficiary fai�s to pro�ide any required notzc�of the right of rescission, Ben�f�ciary waiv�s <br /> any subsequ�nt securzty znterest�n the Trustnr's pr�ncipal dwel��ng that is created by this S�curzty Instrument. <br /> 5. DEED �F TRiJS'T ��VENANTS. Trustar agr��s that t.he covenants zn thzs se�tion are materiax o��igations <br /> under the Secur�d Debt and this Secur�ty Instrument. If Trustar �br�a�hes any covenant xn �his section, <br /> B�neficiary may refuse to make addi�zanal extenszQns of credit and reduce �h.e credit Irmzt. By na� exercising <br /> ezther renl�dy on Trustar's br�a�h, Benefic�ary does not waz�e Benefx�iar�'s right ta �ater conszder the e�ent a <br /> breach�f�t happens agazn. <br /> Payments. Trus�ar agrees tha� a1� paym�nts under the Secured I�ebt will i�e paxd when due and zn accordance <br /> wzth the terms af the Secured Debt and this Security Ins�rum�nt. <br /> lPrxor Se�ur�ty Int�rests. With regard to any other mortgage, deed af trus�, secur�ty agreement ar ather l�en <br /> da�umen� that cr�ated a prxor s�curity interest or encumbrance on the Propert�r, Trustor agrees to mak� al.� <br /> paym�nts when due and to perform or �ompxy wxth aII covenants. Trustor also agrees not ta al.X�w any <br /> modification or �xtension of, nor ta request any advances under any nate or agreement secured by the <br /> lzen documexzt wzthaut Beneficiary's prxor written appro�al. <br /> ��aims ,�gaxnst �`itZe. Trust�r w�I� pay axx taxes �zn��uding axay tax assessed to this Deed af Trust�, <br /> �.ss�ssmen.ts, Iiens, encumbran�es, �ease payments, gr�und ren�s, utxlztxes, and ather charg�s re�atxng ta t.�.e <br /> Property vvhen due. Beneficiary may requrre �rustar to prov�d� to B�nefzGzary �opzes of ail no�z�es tha� such <br /> am�unts are due and the recezpts evzde�cing Trustor's payment. Trustar wi11 defend title to the Prop�rty <br /> aba�nst any clazms that would impair the lien of this S��ur�ty �ns�rument. Trustor agrees �o assign to <br /> Beneficxary, a� r�quested by Ben�ficia�y, any righ�s, c�a�ms ar cie�enses Trustor may have aga�ns�parties who <br /> supp�y �abnr or mater�al.s t�main�axn ar impra�e�h.e Pr�pez�ty. <br /> S�csarity lnstrument-Qper�-End-Cans�mer-NE CJCP-R��T-NE 71�12Q�� <br /> VMP�BanEcers Systems� VMP-C465{NEy �7 1077.00 <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Finan�iaf S�r�i�es�T 594,2D�'I Page 2 af 6 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br />