<br /> � I�EEI] DF TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: 1 D'1�S�594 ��ontinued} �Page 4
<br />, compliance with the ferms af this ❑eed of Trust wou[d canstitute a duplication of insurance requiremen�. �� any
<br /> proceeds �r�m the insurance become payahle on lass, the prv�isions in this ❑eed ��Trust for di�ision o�proceeds
<br /> shall apply❑nly to tha�por�ion❑f�he prviceeds na��ayable to the halder o�f the Existing �ndeb�edness.
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENDITURES. �f Trus�tvr �ails 4A} tv I�eep the Property �ree vfi a11 taxes, liens, se�urity in�erests,
<br /> encumbran�es, and�other ciaims, {g} �o pro�ide any required insurance on the Pro�erty, �C} to make repairs �❑ �he
<br /> Prop�rfiy or�� camp[y with any ❑bligation t❑ main�ain Exis�ting lndebtedness in good standing as required below, �hen '
<br /> Lender may do so. 1�F any action ar proc�eding Es cammenced �ha� would mafierial�y a�ffiect Lender's interests in �he
<br /> Property. �hen Lender on Trus��r's behaif may, bu� is no� required to, �ake any action tha� Lender be�ieves �ta be
<br /> appropria�� �❑ prot�c� Lender's in�erests. All expenses incurred or paid by Lender far such purposes will �hen 1�ear
<br /> interest at �he rate charged under fihe Nvte ��-om the dafie incurred ❑r paid by Lender to the date of repayment by
<br /> Trustor. A!i such exp�nses wilf becvme a part af�he Indeb�edness and, at Lende�'s op�ion, w�It {A� be payable on
<br />` demand; �6} be added �o the balance ❑f the Nate and be apportianed among and 1ae payabl� wi�h any insfiaifinent
<br />� paymen�s to be�ome due during either �1} �he term of any applicable Ensurance pa3scy; or {2} the remaining term o�
<br /> . �he Note; or {C} 1ae �reated as a balloan paymen�which will be due and payable at the Nate's ma�ur�ty. The Deed vf
<br /> Trus� also rrvill secu�-e payment o�F fihese amounts, The rights prv�ided �or in this paragraph sha�f be in addi�ion �o any
<br />; other righ�s or any remedies �o which Lender may be en�ki���d on accaunt of any de�ault. Any such actEon 1ay Lender
<br />, shall na�be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender�ram any remedy that it❑therwise would ha�e had.
<br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE qF TITLE. The following pro�isivns relating�o awnership vf the Prvperky are a park❑�this Deed
<br /> vf Trust:
<br />� Title. Trustvr warranfis that: {a} Trustor holds goad and marketalale �i�le of recvrd fiv the Prvperty in fee simpEe,
<br /> � �ree and cl�ar ❑f all liens and encumbrances other�han thase se���rth in �he Real Property descrip�ion or in the
<br /> ExEsting Indebfiedness secfiivn belaw or in any�i�le insurance policy,ti�le repart, or final tifile apinivn issued in fia�vr
<br /> ❑�f, and accep�ed by, Lender in cannec�ion wi�h �khis ❑eed of Trust, and �b} Trustar has the full r�ght, power, and
<br /> authpri�y fio execu�e and deliWer�his Deed a�Trus�to Lender,
<br /> Defense vf Ti#�e. Subjec�ta the exception in the paragraph above, Trus�kor warran�s and wiE� fare�er defend �he
<br /> �i�le to the Property against�he lawful cEaims af all persons. In the e�ent any actinn ar proceeding is commenced
<br /> �ha�ques�ions Trustor's tit�e or the sn�keres�t�fi Trustee vr Lender under�his ❑eed of Trust, Trustor shall d�€end-�he
<br /> ac�ion at Trustv�-'s expens�. Trustar may 1ae�he naminal party in such proceeding, but L�nder shall be entitled �a
<br /> parti�ipate in the proceeding and t❑ b� repr�sent�d in the proceeding 1�y �ouns�[ o-� Lender's awn choicE, and
<br /> Trustor wil� d��f�er, ❑r �ause ta be deli�ered, to Lende�- suGh �nstrumen�s as Lende�-may reques�from time ta tEme
<br /> tv permit such participation.
<br />; Complian�e VIlith Laws. Trusto� warranfis that the Prvperty and Trusfivr`s use vf�he P�-oper�y camplies v►r�th all
<br />� exis�ing applicable iaws, ordinances, and regula�ions of g��ernmen�al authorities.
<br />: Sur►rival of Promises. All p�-omises, agreements, and statemenfis T�ustvr�has made �n �his Deed ❑fi Trust shal�
<br /> sur�i�e-�he execution and deli�e�y of this ❑eed of Trus�, shai� be cont�nuing�in na�ure and shall remain in�ut! for�e
<br />� and effect un�il such tEm� as Trustar's ]ndebtedness is paid in fu[�.
<br /> EXISTING INDEBTEDNESS. The following pro�isions concerning Existing lndeb�edness are a park of this ❑eed of Trus�:
<br />; Exis�ing Lien. The lien of this Deed �f Trust securing �he lndeb�edness may be secondary and inf�rior to an
<br /> existing lien. Trus�vr expressfy covenan�s and agrees to pay, vr see to the payment o�, the Ex�sfiing lndebfiedness
<br /> and to preWent any default an such indebtedness, any default under�he instruments e��dencing su�h indebtedness,
<br /> or any default under any securifiy dvcumen�s for su�h indeb�edness.
<br /> No Modifi�ativn. Trustor sha�i nvt enter int❑ any agreemenfi with the hofder ❑f any mart�age, deed o� trust, or
<br /> v�her security agreement which has priority ❑�er this Deed of Trust by which that agreement is modi�ied,
<br />� amended, ex�ended, or renewed wEthou� the prior writ�en consent of Lender. Trustor shal! nei�her request nor
<br /> accep�any�uture ad�ances under any such securi�y agreemen�withaut fihe prior wri�ten consent of Lender.
<br /> C�NI3EMNAT��N. The fvllvwing pro�isivns relating tv candemna�ion praceedings are a part o�this Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Praceedings. I� any proc�eding in candemnatian is �iled, Trustvr shaiE p�-vmp�ly na�ify Lender in w�-i�ing, and
<br /> Trustar sha11 prvmptly take such steps as may be ne�essary tv de�end the ac�ivn and ❑btain �he award. Trus�or
<br /> may be�he nomina� party in su�h proceeding, bu�Lender shall be entitied�� partE�ipa�e in the p�-oceeding and�❑ �e
<br /> represen�ed in the proceeding by cvunsel ❑t its vwn choice, and Trustvr wil[ deli�er ❑r cause tv be de�i�er�d �o
<br /> Lender such instrum�nts and dvcumentation as may be requested by Lender from time �o time t❑ permit such
<br /> par�icipation.
<br /> Applica�ion of Net Proce�ds. �f all or any par�v�the P�raper#y is cvndemned by eminent domain prflceedEngs or by
<br /> any proceedtng or purchas� in Iieu❑�candemnation, Lender may a�i�s efection require that aEi❑r any pvrtion❑��he
<br /> ne� proceeds o� the award he app[ied t❑ �he fndeb�edness �r th� repai� or restoration ❑f the Praper�y. The net
<br /> �roceeds of�he award shall mean the award af-ter paymen�o#all reasonable costs, expenses, and attvrneys' �ees �
<br /> in�urred by Trust��or Lender in connec�ion wi�h�he condemna�ion.
<br /> IMPDSiTIDN ❑F TA�ES, FEES AN❑ CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AIJTH�RITIES. The following pro�isions rela�ing ,
<br /> to go�ernmen�al�axes,fees and charges are a par�of this ❑eed of Trus�:
<br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. lJpon request by Lender, Trus�ar shall execute such documents in addi�ion fi❑
<br />