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��15����5 <br /> 'DEED �F TRUST <br /> L�an �Na: ��'l��'1594 {Cantinued� . Page 3 <br /> �r tv any land trus�t holding titfe �a �he�Real Proper�y, ar by any ❑ther method of can�eyance-of an in�erest �n the Real <br /> Properky. Howe�er, th€s vpfiivn sha�� no� be exercised by Lender i� such exercise is prohibi�ed by federal law or 1ay <br /> Nebraska law. � <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fvl�owing pro�isions relating fio the taxes and liens on �he Property are part o�this Deed o�F <br /> T�ust: <br /> Payment. Trus�or shall pay when due �and in afE e�ents prior�o delinquencyy all taxes, special�axes, assessments, <br /> charges �in�luding water and sewer�, fines and impositions le�ied agains�or on account o��he Praperty, and sha[I <br /> pay when due all claims for work dane on ❑r fivr servi�es rendered ❑r ma�erial �u�n�shed �o�he Properky. T�-ustor <br /> shall matntain the Proper�ty free o�all liens ha�ing priority ❑�er or equal t�fihe in�eres�af Lender under�this ❑eed o� <br /> . Trust, except �For the lien v� taxes and assessmen�s not due, except �vr the Exis�ing Indebt�dness refierred to <br /> below, and ex�ep�as vtherwise pra�ided in this Deed v�r Trust. <br /> Right to Contest. Trus�ar may withhold payment❑#any�ax, assessment, or claim in connectivn wi�h a gaod fai�h <br /> dispu�e o�er the ohligation t❑ pay, so fong as Lender's interes�in the Proper�y is no�jeopardized. lf a lien arises vr <br /> is filed as a result of nonpaymen�, Trustor sha�[ within �ifteen ��5} days af�er the lien arises ❑r, if a lien is #iled, <br /> within �ifteen {�5} days after Trustor has na�ice ❑�f the filing, secure the discharge ❑�the lien, vr i� requ�s�ed by <br /> Lender, depvsit wi�h Lender cash or a suf�icient carparate surety bond ar ather security satisfac�ory ta L�nder in an <br /> amount sufficient fio dis�harge fihe fien plus any �osts and attorneys' �ees, ❑r v�h�r�harges that could accrue as a <br /> resuEt of a fvreciasure or sa�e under�he lien. �n any canfiest,Trust�r shall de�end itself and Lender and shali satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment�e�Fore en�o�-cement agains�the Properky. Trusfior shall name Lender as an additionaf vb�igee <br /> under any surefiy bvnd furnished in the contest proceedings. <br /> Evidence vf Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish�v Lender sa�kisfactory e�idence o�payment ❑�the taxes <br /> or assessments and shall authorize the apprapriate ga�ernmenta[ of�icia[fio deli�er to Lender at any�ime a written <br /> s�a�ement❑��he fiaxes and assessments against the Property. <br /> Nv�ice af Cvns�ruction. Trus�or shall no�ify Lender a� least fifteen �15} days befvre any wvrk is �ommenced, any <br /> ser�ices are fu�-nished, or any materials are supp[ied to the Property, if any mechani�'s iien, ma�erialm�n's �ien, ❑r <br /> ather lien could be asserted ❑n a�cvunt vf the wvrk, ser�ices, ar materia�s. Trustvr will upon request o� Lender <br /> furnish t❑ Lender ad�ance assurances satis�actory to Lender that Trus�or can and will pay the cost of such <br /> imprv�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE 1N5URANCE. The�o�lawing pro�isions reEafiing ta insu�-ing the Property are a part v��his Deed of <br /> Trusfi. <br /> �ain�enance vf lnsurance. Trus�or shall pracure and maFntain palicies a� �i�-e insurance wifh s�andard extended <br /> cvverage end�rsements an a fair �alue basis �vr the full insurable �afue covering ali lmprovements on �he Real <br /> Prop�rty �n an amoun� sufficient tv a�oid app[ication o� any cvinsurance clause, and w�th a s�andard mar�gagee � <br /> �[ause in fa�or of Lender,together with such❑ther hazard and liabili�y�nsurance as Lender may reasanab�y require. <br /> PoEici�s shalf be writ�en in �vrm,.amoun�s, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptable ta Lender and issued by a <br /> c�mpany or campanies reasonab�y acceptal�le tv Lender. Trustor, upon reques�t o�r Lender, wil� deli�er tv Lender <br /> �ram fiime to�ime the poficies o�r cer�E�ica#�s af insurance in tvrm satisfactory�❑ Lender, �nciuding stipula�ions that <br /> co�erag�s will nofi be can�elled ❑r dim�nished wi�haut at least ten �"�D} days prior wri��en noti�e tv Lender. Each <br /> insuran�e policy also shall include an �ndorsement prv�id�ng tha� �a�erage in faWar v� Lender will nvt be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, amission ❑r de�auit v�Trus�vr or any o�her person. Should the Real Property be lacated in <br /> an area designa�ed by the Administrator of�he F�deral Emergen�y Management Agency as a special �Ivod hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees to ola�ain and maintain Federal Flood lnsurance, i� a�ailable, within 45 days after notice is <br /> gi�en by Lender that the Praperfiy is Ioca�ed in a specia[ �lood ha�ard area, �or the �full unpaid principaf i�afance ❑f <br /> �he Ivan and any prior liens an the praperty securing fihe Enan, up ta the maximum pa�i�y limits set under the <br /> Nationai Flvvd lnsurance Program, nr as❑therwise required by Lender, and�o maintain such insurance fior�he�erm <br /> of the lvan. <br /> Appl��atinn vf Proceeds, Trustor shall prvmpfify n�fiify Lender of any loss ❑r damage fia�he Proper�y. Lender may <br /> make prvo� ❑f [vss i� Trus�ar fails to da so within -fifte�n �'�5} days of �he casua�ty. Whe�her vr nat Lender's <br /> security Es impaired, Lender may, at Lender`s elec�ion, recei�e and retain �the proceeds ❑�any insurance and app[y <br /> the prviceeds t� fihe redu��ion o�the Inde��edness, paymen� vf any lien a��e���ng �khe Praperty, ❑r the restvra�i�n <br /> and repair of the Property. If Lender efec�ts to app{y the prviceeds t❑ resto�-a�tivn and repair, Trus�or shall repair �r <br /> replace the damaged ❑r destroyed lmprovements in a manner satisfacfiory to Lender. Lender shall, upan <br /> sa�isfactory probf of such expenditure, pay ar reimburse Trustor from �he proceeds for the reasvnahle �ast �� <br /> repair �r res�oratEori i� Trustor is not in defaul� under �his Deed ❑f Trust. Any prv�eeds which ha�e not been <br /> . -�disbursed w�fihin �8� days after their r�ceip� and which Lender has n�t commi��ed to the repair o�- restvra�ion ❑f <br /> �he Prvperty shall be used �irst ta pay any amoun� vwing�� Lend�r under this Deed v�Trus�, then ta pay accrued <br /> in'terest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied tv the pr�ncipa[ balance o��he lndebtedness. [� Lender holds <br /> any proceeds af�er paymen� in full of �he Indebtedness, such proceeds shafl be paid t❑ Trustor as Trustor's <br /> fn�eres�s may appear. <br /> Cvmpliance with Existing �ndebtedness. During the perEod in which any Existing fndebtedness described belvvv is <br /> in effecfi, camplian�e w�th the insurance pra�isEons contained in the instrument eWidencin� suGh Exis�ing <br /> lndebtedness shall consti�ute cvmplian�e wi�h the insurance p�rv�tsions under�this �eed ❑� Trust, ta the extent <br />