<br /> vEEv oF TRusT
<br /> Laan No: '1 D'128�a94 �Continued} Page �
<br /> this Deed o�Trust and take what��er athe�r action is reques�ed by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's [i�n ❑n
<br /> th� Real Prvperty. Trus�or shall reimburse Lender far af[ taxes, as described �aelaw, fivge�her with all expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, per�ecting ❑r continuing this Deed of Trust, inc�uding wi�hout limitation all taxes, �ees,
<br /> documenfiary stamps, and a�her charges�or recordin� ❑r registering�his Deed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The fallowing shall �vnstitute �axes to which �his secfiion applies: �'�� a speci�fic tax upon �his typ� of
<br /> Deed of Trust or upvn all or any part ❑�the lndeh�edness secu�red by�his Deed o�Trust; �2� a s�ecific �ax on
<br /> Trus�ar whi�h Trustor�is authorized ❑r required tv deduc�frvm paymen�s ❑n the Indebtedness secured by�his type
<br /> o� ❑eed vf Trust; �3} a tax on this fiype❑�❑eed o�Trus��hargeable againsfi the Lender❑r fhe h�lder of the Note;
<br /> and {4} a specifi�fiax on all �r any portion ❑f the lndebtedn�ss o�-on paymen�s of principal and in�teres� rnade by
<br /> Trus�tor.
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. �f any tax �o which this sec�ion applies is �nacted subsequen� ta �he da�e a� �his Deed o�F
<br /> Trust, �his ��ent shaE� ha�e �he same effect as an E�en� o� De�Fault, and Lender may exercise any or afl v� its
<br /> a�ailala�e remedies �For an E�en� ❑f ❑e�fault as praWided be�vw unless Trustor eithe�- ��} pays �he �ax be�ore it
<br /> becomes de{inquent, a�r {2� confiests the�tax as proWided abo�e in fihe Taxes and Liens section and depvsifis wi�th
<br /> Lender cash vr-a su�ficien�corporate surety bond ar a�her security satisfactary to L�nd�r.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEIVIENTS. The �a[lawing pra�isians reEating to this Deed of Trus�k as a
<br /> security agreement are a part of this Deed ❑f Trus�:
<br /> Se�urity Agreement. This ins�rument shall �vnsti�ute a Security Agreement �v fihe exten� any af the Praperty
<br /> constitut�s fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e all.❑�f�h� rights v� a secured party under�the Uni�orm CvmmerciaE C�de
<br /> as amended from�ime�o time.
<br /> Security �n#eres#. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shaft �ake whate�er ac�ion is request�d by Lender ta per�e��
<br /> and �ontinue Lender's security interes� in the Personal Property. In addition t❑ recvrding this I]eed o�Trust in the
<br /> real pr�perty re�ords, Lender may, a� any �ime and wi�hout fur�her aufihorizativn frvm Trus�or, fife executed '
<br /> caun�erparts, copies or rep�-adu�tions ❑� �his aeed af Trust as a �inancing sta�ement. Trusfior shal! reimburse
<br /> Lender fvr ai� expenses incurred in pe�fecting or continuing �his security interest. Upon de�aui�, Trustor shall nat
<br /> �emo�e, se�er ❑r de�ach the Personaf Property �r�m the Proper-�ty. Upan default, Trustor shal� assemhle any
<br /> Personal Property nofi a��ixed fiv the Proper�y in a manner and at a place reasonab�y con�enient ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make �fi a�ailable ta Lender wi�hin th�-ee {3� days after receip�t ❑f wri�tten demand from Lender t❑ the
<br /> exfien�permitted by applicable �aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �dehtar} and Lender �secured party} from which informatian
<br /> concerning the securi�y in�eres� granted by th�s Deed vf Trus� may be obtained. �each as required by fihe Uni�arm
<br /> Cammercial Code} are as s�ated on�he first page�f�his ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The following pr��isions relating �a �urfiher assurances and
<br /> at�orney�in�fact are a part afi this De�d❑�Trus�:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any�ime, and from�ime t❑�ime, upon request of Lender, Trustvr will make, �xecute and
<br /> de�i�er, ❑�r will cause to be made, executed or de�i�ered, �a Lender or�❑ Lender's designee, and when requested i�y
<br /> Lender, cause �o be fiied, recorded, re�filed, a� rerecarded, as the case may be, at such �imes and in such ❑f�ices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem apprvpria�e, any and ail such martgages, deeds ❑�trust, securi�y deeds, se�uri�y
<br /> agreemenfis, �inan�ing statemen�s, cantinua�ion s�atemen�s, instruments ❑f turther assurance, certi�Ecates, and
<br /> �a�her documen�s as may, in�he sole apinian v�Lender, tae necessary❑r desira}�le in arder t❑ effectuate, comp�ete,
<br /> per�ect, �ontinue, or prese��e ��} Trus�or's obligations under �he Nate,�this ❑eed o� Trus�, and the Related
<br /> D��uments, and ��} the tiens and security interests created by�his Deed v�Trust on the Proper�y, whether now
<br /> owned ❑r hereafter a�quired by Trustor. lJnfess prohibi�ed by Iaw ar Lender agrees �n the con�ra�y in w�iting,
<br /> Trustor shaii reimburse Lender for aEl costs and expenses incur�-ed in connecfiion wEth�he mat�ers referred to in this �
<br /> � para�raph.
<br /> Attvrney�in�Fact. lf Trustor fails to da any o�F the things re�ferred to in the pr��eding paragraph, Lender may d❑ so
<br /> �or and in the name of Trus�or and a�Trustor's expense. Far such purposes, Trusfio� hereby irre�acably appoinfis
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attarney--in-fa��for the purpose o�making, execufiing, deli�ertng, filing, recording, and doing aE�
<br /> other things as may be necessary or desirahie, in Lender's so�e apinion, �fl accamplish the matt�rs referred tv in
<br /> the preceding paragraph. �
<br /> FULL PERF�RIIJIANCE. lf Trustor pays a!I�he lndebtedness, inc�uding wifihout limi�ation all future ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and atherwise performs al� the abliga�tions imposed upvn Trus�or under �his Deed ❑f Trust, Lender shail execute and
<br /> deli�er to Truste� a request �ar �ull re�on�eyance and shall ex�cute and deli�er t� Trustvr suitable statements ❑f
<br /> termina�ion afi any f�nancing sta�ement ❑n #ile e�idencing Lender's security interes� in �fihe Rents and the Personai
<br /> Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee required hy law shal� l�e paid by Trustor, i�perm�##ed hy app�icah�e�aw.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. A� L�nder's op�ifln, Trustor wi�� be in de�Faul� under this Deed ofi Trust if any ��the fvliowing
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payment Default. Trus�or fails�� ma�e any paymen�when due under�he Ind�b�edness.
<br /> 6reak 0#her Promises. Trus�or breaks any pramise made ta Lender ar fails tv per��rm promptly at the �ime and
<br /> stric�ly in the manner pro�ided in fihis Deed❑f Trust or ir� any agreemen�related�t❑this Deed o�Trus�.
<br />