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��15����5 <br /> � D�EE�D ��F TRUST <br /> Loan �Nv: '1�'1�8'1�94 {C�r7�lrlued} Page � <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as otherwise pra�ided in this Deed of Trust, Trustor sha�� pay fia Lender all <br /> amoun�s secured by this Deed of Trust as they become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform al� o�F <br /> Trustvr`s ohligations under the No�e,�his C]eed of Trust, and the Related �ocuments. <br /> P�SSES5IDN AND MAlNTENANCE OF THE PR�PERTY. Trus�or agrees �hat Trustor's possessian and use of the <br /> Property shall be go�erned by the follawing pro�isivns: <br /> Pvssess�on and Use. lJn�il �he ❑�currence ❑fi an E�ent �� I�efault, Trus�ar may ��y rema�n in possession and <br />� cantrol of fihe Praperty; {2� use, ❑perate❑�r manage the Proper�y; and {3y c�lfect the Ren�s from�the Proper�y. <br /> Duty to lVlainta�n. Trusfior shall main�ain �he Properky En good condition and pramp�ly perform al[ �-epairs, <br />� replacemen�s, and maintenance necessary to preser�e ifis�alue. <br /> Cvmpliance V1li�h Enrrironmen#al Laws. Trus�or represen�ts and warrants to Lender tha�: {�} During �he perivd vf <br /> Trus�ar's ownership❑f the Property,fihere has 1�een n❑ use, gene�-ation, manufacture, s�orage,fireatmen�, disposat, <br />. �-efease o�-�hreatened re�ease ❑f any Hazardous 5ubs�ance by any persvn ❑n, under, ahou� ❑r �from th� Property; <br />' ��} Trus�or has no knowledge ❑f, ❑r reasan to he��eve tha��here has been, excep� as pre�Eously disclased to and , <br /> a�know�edg�d �y Lender in wri�ing, �a} any breach or �iolatian of any En�iranmental Lawsf �b} any use, <br />� genet-ati�n, manufacture, s�arage, treatment, disposal, re�ease ar�hreatened release ❑� any Ha�ardous Substance <br />� an, under, abaut ❑�- fram �he P�-aperty by any p�ior awners or accupants of �he Proper�ty, ar {c� any actuaE a�- <br />; fihrea�ened lit3gafiion vr claims ofi any kind by any person rela�ing t❑ such matters; and �3} Ex�ep�k as pre�ious[y <br />� disclosed tn and acknowledged by Lender in writing, �a} ne�ther Trustor nor any tenant, con�ractor, ag�nt❑r❑ther <br />� authorized user of the Praperty shal[ use, genera�e, manufac�ure, st�re, treat, dispose ❑�ar release any Hazard�us <br />; , 5ubsfiance vn, under, ahout or�r�m the Property; and� tb} any such acti�ity shall he conducted in compfiance with <br /> all app{i�able �ederal, s�a�e, and locaf [aws, regulatians and ordinances, �ncluding wi�hau�t limstation a�i <br /> En�ironmen�ta� Laws. Trustor authvrizes Lender and its agen�s �o enter upon the Praperty to make such <br /> . IC15P�C�iDnS and tes�s, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate tv determine compliance o�F fihe <br />; Praperty with this sectian v�the ❑eed o# Trust. Any inspections or tes�s made by Lender shall be far Lender's <br />, purposes vn�y and shall no�k be canstrued�o create any responsibility or[iability on the par�v�Lender ta Trus�vr❑r <br />; to any v�her persvn. The representa�ions and warrantEes contained herein are based on Trus�vr's due ciiligence in <br />� investiga�ing the Property for Hazardvus Subs�ances. T�-ustvr hereby �1} releases and waives any fu�ure claims <br />� aga�nst Lender for indemni�y or contribu�i�n in �he e�en�k Trustar becomes �iable �or �leanup or other cvsts unde�- <br />� any such laws; and �2} agrees�ta indemnify, de�end, and h�ld harmless Lender against any and af[ claims, ��55�5. <br />; liabilities, damages, penaltEes, and expenses wh�ch Lender may dire��ly or indirectly sus�ain ❑r suffer resulting�ram <br />: a breach of�his sec�ion o#the L�eed of Trust ar as a cansequenc� of any use, generation, manufac�ure, storage, <br />: disposal, release or threaten�d release vccurring prior tv Trus�vr's�wnership or interes�in�he Property, whether❑r <br /> nofi the same was or shc�uld have been known �v Trustor. The pro�isions o� �his secfiion o� the Deed af Trust, <br /> including�he vbliga�ion�o indemnify and defend, shali sur�iWe�he paymen�ot the lndeb�edness and the safiis�ac�ian <br /> and recon�eyance of�he iien vf�his Deed ❑�F Trust and shall na�be affec�ed�by Lender's acquisifiivn❑�any interes�k <br /> �n the Property,whether by foreclosure❑r otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vlraste. Trus�or shall no� cause, condu�� or permit any nuisance nvr commi�� permit, ❑r suffe� any <br /> stripping vf vr was�e on ❑r t� the Property �r any par�i�n ❑f�khe Property. 111Jithout Eimiting the generali�y ❑f the <br />� fvre�oin�, Trustor will not remvve, ❑r grant�v any ofiher party'�he righ��o remo�e, any timber, minerals �including <br /> �il and gas}, coaf, c[ay,sc�ria,soil, grave[❑r roek products wi�hout Lender's priar writ�en consent. <br /> Remv►ral a#lmprovemen�s. Trus�ar shall not demoEish or r�mo�e any lmprvvements�ram the Real Property wifihvu� <br /> Lender's privr writ�en cansen�. As a condition to#he remo�al af any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trustor�❑ <br />� make arrangemen�s sa�is�ac�ory tv Lender -�❑ replace such lmpro�emen�s with tmpr�vemen�s of at leasfi equal <br /> �aEue. <br /> Lender's Right to En�er. Lender and Lender's agen�s and repr�sen�ati��s may enter upon the Reaf Pr�perty a� all <br /> reasvnable times �o atkend to Lender's interests and ta �nspect �he Real Property for purposes ❑f Trus�or's <br /> �ampliance with the�erms and c�nditions a-�this L�eed of Trus�. <br /> Complianc� with Governmen#al Requirements. Trus�ar shaE! promp�ly comply wi�h all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulat�vns, now �r hereafter �n e��Fect, o� aEl gv�ernmental authvri�ies appl�cable t❑ th� use ❑r ❑c�upancy ���he <br />� Property. Trustor may cantes�in good-�aith any such law, ❑rdinance, ❑r regulatEvn and withhvld compliance du�-ing <br /> any prviceeding, incEuding appropriate appeals, so iong as Trustor has nvti�ied Lender in writing prior�o daing so <br /> and s❑ lang as, in Lender's soEe opinian, Lender's in�erests in the Pr�perty are no��eopardized. Lende�-may require <br />� Trus�or�o posfi adequa�e securi�y❑r a sur�ty bond, reasonabEy sa�isfactory to Lender,ta prote�t Lender's interest. <br /> ❑uty tv Protect. Trus��r agrees neither�a abandon o�- leave unattended �he Property. Trustor shall d❑ all vther <br /> ac#s, in addition to�hase acts set��r�h abo�e in this section, which f�-am�he character and use vf the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to pro�e��and preser�e the Prvperty. <br />. DUE❑N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's vp�ivn, de�la�-e Emmediately due and payahle all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed vf Trusfi upan#he sale ar�rans�er, withvut Lender's pr�or written consent, vf all vr any par�af�he <br /> Real Property, ar any in�eres�in�he Real Praperty. A "sale ❑r transfer" means�he �vnveyan�� v�Real Praperty or any <br /> righfi, titfe vr interest in fihe Rea� Prvperty; whefiher fegal, beneficial o�- equitable; whe�her �o[un�ary ❑r in�alun�ary; <br /> whether by ❑utrigh� sale, deed, installment sa�e cvn�ract, land cont�ract, cantract �or deed, leasehold interes�k wi�h a <br /> �erm grea�er�han�hree 43} years, �eas�-ap�ivn con�ract� or by sale� assignment. air transf�r of any bene�icial interest in <br />