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��15����� <br /> Any app��ca��on�f paymen�s, insurance pro�eeds, �r N��sce�lan�aus Proceeds to principal due under�he Note <br /> sha�I no�ex�end�r postpone the due da�e, or change��.e amoun�, of�he P�riad�c Pa�men�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escraw It�ms. Borrov�er shall pay t� I.ender on�he day Per�od�c Paymen�s are due under�he <br /> N�te, un��l the Note�s pa�d in full, a sum�the "Funds"}to pro�ide for paymen��f amaun�s due f�r: �a}�axes <br /> and assessments and other items whi�h can a��a�n prior�ty o�er this Se�ur����ns�rument as a�ien or <br /> �ncumbrance�n the Proper�y; tb} leasehald payments or gr�und ren�s on the Proper�y, �f any; �c�premiums <br /> for an�and a�� �nsurance required by I.�nder under Sect�on 5; and�d� Mar�gage Insurance premiums, if an�, <br /> or any sums payable b�r Borrower�� Lender�n��eu of�he pa�rment of Mar�gage Insurance premiums in <br /> a�c�rdance wi�h the prov�s�ons of Section �0. These items are cai�ed "Escr�w Items." At orig�nation or at <br /> an��ime during�he term of�he L�an, Lender may require that�ommunit�Associa�ion DUes, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be�scrow�d b�Borrow�r, and suc�dues, fees and assessmr.en�s sha�l be an�scraw <br /> �t�m. B�rr�wer shall prom���y fixrnish�o I1end�r a��na�i�es of amounts�o be paid under this Se���an. <br /> Borrov�rer s�a��pay Le�.der�he Funds for Escrow ��ems unless Lender�rai�es Borrower's abl�ga�ion to pay <br /> �he Funds fflr any or a�1 Escrow ��ems. Lender may waive B�rrov�er's����gation�fl pay�o Lender Funds for <br /> any or a11 Escrow�tems a�a�y time. Any such waiver may on�y�e�n wr�tin�. In�he e�ven�of such wa�ver, <br /> Borrower sha11 pa�direc#�y, when ar�d�vhere payab�e, the amounts due for any Es�row �tems for vvh�ch <br /> pa�ment of Funds has been waived by L�nder a�zd, �f L.ender requires, sha�l furnish�o Lender receip�s <br /> e��den��ng such paymen�within su�h tim�periad as Lender may r�quire. Borrower's obl�gatian to make <br /> such paymen�s a�nd�o pro�xde rece�pts shai� for a11 purposes be�eemed�.o be a c��er�ant and agreemen� <br /> c�ntained in this Securi�y �nstrument, as�he phrase "covenan�and agre�ment" is used in Section 9. If <br /> B�rrov�rer is ob��gat�d to pay Es�raw �tems dir�c���r, pursuant�o a waiver, and Borrov�rer fails to pa�r the <br /> amount due for an�scrov�r �tem, Lend�r may e��r�ise its rxghts under 5�c�ion 9 and pa�such amount and <br /> Borrow�r shall then be ob�igated under Section 9�o r�pay�o Lender any such am�un�. Ilender ma�re�oke <br /> �h�waiv�r as to any or all Escrow ��ems a�any t�m.e b�a notice g�ven in ac�ordance wi�h Se��ion I S a.nd, <br /> upon suGh re�acation, Borrflwer sha�l pa��o Lend�r a�� Funds, and in such amounts, �hat ar�then required <br /> under t�a�s Se���on 3. <br /> L.ender may, at any tim�, coliec�and hald Fu�ds�n an amoun��a} suff�cien���permi�Lender to appiy�he <br /> Funds at�he t�me specified und�r RESPA, and�b}no�to exceed the�ma�.imum amoun�a lender can r�quire <br /> under RESPA. Lender shal�est�mate�he am�unt�f Funds due on�he basis of current da�a and reasonab�e <br /> estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Z�em�s or�therw�se�n acc�rdance w�th App��cab��Law. <br /> The Funds shal�be he�d in an inst�tu��on whose depos�ts are insured by a federai agenc�r, �nstrumenta��t�r, or <br /> ent��y��nc�uding Lender, if L�nder�s an�ns�itution v�rhase�eposi�� are s�insur�d} or in an�r Federa�.I3ome <br /> Laan Bank. L�nder shal� appiy th�Funds��pay the Escrow ��ems no la�er�han t�e�ime spec�fied under <br /> RESPA. Lender sha��not charge Borrov�er for hoxd��g and app�ying the Funds, annua.�ly analyz�ng the <br /> escrnw ac�ount, or�erify�ng�he Escra� Items, un�ess Lenci�r pays Borrawer�nteres�on th�Funds and <br /> App��cab�e Law p�rms�s I.end�r ta make such a charge. Unies� an agr�ement is�made in writing or <br /> App�icab�e Law requ�res interes�to be paid on�h�Funds, Lender sha�l not be requ�red to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earnings�n the�unds. B�rrower and L�ender can agree�n�vr���ng, ho�xre�rer, tha��nteres�shall be <br /> paid or�the Funds. I�:r�der sha1X gi�re�a Borrower, v�ithou�charge, an annual accaun�ing of�he Fun�s as <br /> r�quired by RESPA. <br /> �f there�s a surplus of Funds he�d�n escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for <br /> �he e�c�ss funds �n accordar�ce with RESPA. �f there�s a shor�age of Funds he�d xn escrow, a�de�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender shall not�f� Borrowe�-as r�qu�re�b�R�SPA, and Borrower shal�pay ta Lender�he amoun� <br /> necessar��a make up the shor�age in accordance wi�h RESPA, but in no more than 1�mon�h�y pa�ments. If <br /> �her�is a d�fici�ncy of Funds held in escrow, as defin�d under RESPA, I.,ender shall notify B�rr�vver as <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3028 11�9 <br /> VMP(� VMP6�N�y��3��) <br /> Wo�t�rs Ktuwer�inancia�Ser�ices Page 5❑f 7 7 <br />