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201500191 <br /> 7. Domestic household pets consisting of a maximum of four (4) dogs and/or <br /> cats, along with similar domestic pets confined to cages or aquariums <br /> within the residence shall be permitted in the Subdivision and be <br /> restricted to the owners' premises unless leashed or under direct <br /> responsible supervision. All pets must be restrained, quiet, orderly, and <br /> kept off the premises of other lot owners. All animal waste must be <br /> promptly and appropriately disposed of so as not to disturb or offend any <br /> lot owner. <br /> 8. No commercial or industrial enterprises shall be conducted or operated in <br /> said subdivision. <br /> 9. No sign of any kind shall be displayed in the public view on any lot except <br /> one sign of not more than five (5) feet square, advertising property for <br /> sale or rent, or signs used by builder or developer to advertise property <br /> during construction and sales periods. <br /> 10. No lot shall be divided or split to create a smaller building area, or <br /> combined to establish larger building areas. <br /> 11. No worn out, wrecked, dismantled, inoperable, unlicensed, discarded <br /> automobiles, machinery or parts thereof, junk piles, waste materials or <br /> discarded items shall be stored on any lot. <br /> 12. No outside audio or television antennas, radio towers or poles or large <br /> satellite dishes will be permitted on any lot. Small satellite dishes for <br /> television reception are permitted. <br /> 13. Sodium or Mercury vapor lights are not allowed on any lot except for the <br /> lighting installed by the City of Grand Island, NE or the State of Nebraska. <br /> 14. No campers, trailers, motor homes, recreational vehicles, boats or trucks <br /> larger than one (1) ton capacity shall be stored on any lot except within a <br /> garage. Recreational vehicles may be temporarily parked on a paved <br /> driveway area during the recreation season. <br /> 15. Swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts and volleyball courts <br /> may be constructed in the back half (1/2) of lot. <br /> 16. No lot shall be used for other than one (1) single-family residential <br /> dwelling. <br />