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��15���53 <br /> �n the even�of a�otal�al{ing, c�estruc��on, or Ioss in va�ue af��e Property, �he Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be <br /> applied t� the sums secur�d�by this Secur��y�nstrumen�, �tnrhe�h�r or not �hen due, v��th �he excess, if any, paid t� <br /> Borrower. <br /> In�he event of a par�ia�tal�ing, des�ructi�n, flr lass �n�a�ue of�he Prop�rty �n v�hzch the fair marl�et�a�ue of <br /> the Property immediately before�he partial tal�ing, des�:�u�tion, �r loss in value is ec�ua�to or grea�er than the amoun� <br /> af�he sums secur�d by�his Securiicy�n��rumen��mmedia�ely befare�he par��a1 �alcing, d�struc�ion, or�ass in�value, <br /> unless Borrower and Lender a�her.wise agree in wri�ing, the sums secured by�his Secur�ty�ns�rument sha��be redu�ed <br /> hy�he amount of�he Misce��aneaus Prnceeds mu�tip�ied by the following frac�ifln: �a}the�otal amoun�of�he sums <br /> secured im�nediately before�h�par��a��al��ng, des�ructiion, ar loss in va�ue di�ided by tb3�he fa�r mark��value of�he <br /> P�op�r�y�mmedia�ely befoz e�he par��a��al�ing, d�struc��on, or I�ss i�va1u�. Any balance shall be paid to Bo�rower. <br /> �n�he event of a par�ia�ta�ing, des�ruction, ar �oss ��.value of�he Praper�y in which�he fa�r marke�value of <br /> �he Froperty�mm.edia�ely before the partial ta��ing, destruc�ian, or loss in value is less�han�he amoun�af the sums <br /> secured im�nedia�e�y before the par��a�taking, destruction, or Ioss in vaiue, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise <br /> agree in wr��ing, the I1II�scellan�ous Proceeds shal�be app�xed to the sums secured by this SeCu�r�ty�ns�rument vvhether <br /> flr no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Praper�y is abandoned by Barrav�r�r,or if, af�er noti�e by Lender to Borrflwer�ha�the Dppos�ng Party�as <br /> def�ned in �he nex� sentence� offers �o malce an award ta settle a claim f�r damages, Borrow�r fails �o respflnd ta <br /> Lender v���h�n 3D days after�he da�e the nat�ce�s given, Lender is au�hnz ized to co�lect and app�y the Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds ei�her ta restara�ion or repair of the Proper�y or to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, �vhe�her <br /> or not then due. "Opposing Par�y" means the�hird party that owes Borrower Mis�ellaneous Proc�eds or the party <br /> agains�wha�n Borro�ver has a righ�of action �n regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. <br /> Barrovver sha�l be in defaul�if any ac�ion or praceeding, �vhether civ�l flr crim�nal, is begun�ha�, in Lender's <br /> judgm�n�, could resul�in forfeiture af the Propertiy or o�her material impa�rmen�of Lender's in�eres�in the Property <br /> ar righ�s under th�s Securi�y�nstrument. Barrov�rer can cure such a default and, if acceleration has occurred,reinstate <br /> as provided �n Section 19, by causing tihe action or proceeding tio be dismzss�d with a ruling �ha�, in Lender's <br /> judgment, precludes forfei�ure af the Proper�y or o�h�r material impairmen�af Lender's interes�in�he Property or <br /> righ�s under tihis Securi�y�ns�rumen�. The proceeds af any avvard or clairn for damages�ha�ar�attr�butable to �he <br /> �m�airment of Lender's in�erest in�he Praperty are hereby assigned and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> All Misce�laneaus Pro�eeds tha�are no�app�ied��res�oratro�or repair❑f the Prop�r�y sha11 be applz�d in the <br /> �rd�r provided for in Sect�on�. <br /> 1�. Borrower No�Released; Forbearan�e By Lender Nfl� a�V'aiver. Ex�ens�on of�he��me for paym�n�or <br /> xnodif�ca�xon of axnor���ation of the sums secured by this Securi�y�nstrument gran�ed by Lender to Borrower flr any <br /> Succes�or�n�nterest of Bo�rrower sha�l not opez a�e ta release the Iiability of Borrower or any Successors�n�nterest <br /> of Borr�vver. Lender shaXX no�be required�o commence proceedings against any Successar�n�n�eres�of Borr�wer <br /> or �o refuse �o ex�end ��me for payment or otherwise mod�fy a�nor��zatian �f�he sums secur�d by �his Security <br /> �nstrumen�by reas�n of any demand made by the origina�Borrower or any Successors in�n�eres�of Borrower. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in �xerc�s�ng any right ar re�c�edy �n��ud�ng, �uithout I�mitation, Lender`s accep�arice of <br /> paym�n�s from�hird p�rsons, entities or Successors�n�nteres��f Borrow�r or in am.oun�s�ess�han the amou�t�he� <br /> du�, shail nat be a wa�ver of or preclud�the exercis�nf any right or r�medy. <br /> 13. Joint and Se�era�Lia�ili�y; �a-signer�;Success�rs and Assigns Bound. Borrotiver�ovenan�s a�d agrees <br /> �ha�Borrower's obl�gations and��ability sha�l be j oin�and se�eral. However,any Borrower who coPsigns this S�cur��y <br /> �z�s�rument�but daes no�e�ecu�e�he No�e�a"co-�zgner"�: �a)�s c��s�gn�ng�his Secur�ty�ns�rument on�y ta mortgage, <br /> grant and convey �he co�signer's interes� in the Proper�y under the ��rms of this Securi� �nstru�nent; �h� is not <br /> persor�ally o�liga�ed �o pay the sums secured by th�s Secur��y�ns�rument; and�c}agrees tha�Lender and an�other <br /> Bflrrower can agree�Q ex�end, modify, forb�ar or ma�{e ar�y accom�noda��ons w�th regard to the terms of�his Securi�y <br /> �nsfrument or��e Note�vi�hou� the co-signer's consen�. <br /> Sub�ect to the pro��s�ons af Sec�i�n �.8, ar�y Successor in �n�eres� of Borrower vvho assumes Barrower's <br /> ob���ations under�hxs Secur�ty Znstrunaent in wri�ing, and is approved by Lender, shali ob�ain all of Borrawer's righ�s <br /> and benefi�s under�h�s Securi�y�ns�rument. �-3orrower sha��no�be reieased from Barrawer's obliga�ians and Iia���ity <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family�-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RNi INSTRtJMENT - MERS ,����,���� o , <br /> Farm 3D�$ 'i1�1 Page 9 of �5�rrragic.c�m . <br />