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��15���53 <br /> under�his Secuz ity Instrumen�unless Lender agrees�o such re�eas�in vvr�ting. The co�enants and agreemen�s of this <br /> Security Instrumen�sha��bind �except as provided in Sec�ion 2�} and benef��he successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14, Laan�harg�sa Le��der may charge Barr�vSrer fee�for services perfor�ned in cannec�ian�r�th Bo�ra�ver's <br /> defau��, for �he purpose of pro�ecting Lender's interest �n �he Proper�y and r�gh�s under �his Securifiy �nstrument, <br /> zncluding, bu�no�1im���d.�o, a��oz neys' fees, p�oper�y�nspection and�a1ua��an fees. In rega�d to any other fees, �he <br /> a�sence of express author�ty in�his Securxty �nstz um�n� �a charge a speci�� f�e to Borr�wer sha�� not be co��strued <br /> as a pr�hibit�on on�he charging af such fee. Lender xnay no��harge fees�hat are expressly proh�bi�ed by this Secur��y <br /> rnstrument ar by Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> Zf�he Loan is sub�ect to a Iaw which se�s max�mum�aan charges, and�hat Ia�v is f nally interpreted so that�he <br /> znteres� or ather loan charges co��ec�ed or to�e ca���c�ed �n connectic�n w��h the Loan exceed tihe permit�ed lim��s, <br /> �hen: �a}any such�oan charge sha��be reduced by�he amoun�n�cessary to reduce�he charge�o�he perm�tted limr�; <br /> and�b} any sums a�ready co�iec�ed frt�m.Barrovver v�rhich exceeded permi�tied iimi�s will be refunded to Borrower. <br /> Lender xnay chaase ta malfc�his refund by reduc�ng the princ�pal fl�ved under the Note or by ma��ing a direct payment <br /> �o Borro�ver. If a refund reduces principa�, the r�ductian vcri�l b� �rea�ed as a par�ial prepayment �ri�hflut any <br /> prepaymen�cha�ge�vvhe�her ar no�a prepaymen�charg�is pro�ided for urider the Note}. Borrower's aCcep�ance of <br /> any such refund made by dire��payrnent to Borrower will consti�u�e a v�raiver af any righ�of action Borro�ver might <br /> have arising out of such o�ercharge. <br /> 15. Na�ic�s. A�.� no�ices g��en by Barro�ver or Lender in connec��on v�ri�h this Security�nstrument mus�be�n <br /> vvrit�ng. Any no��ce�o Borrov�r�r in�onnectian wx�h�his Se�urity�nstrumen��ha��be deemcd�a have been g���n�o <br /> Borrower vvhen ma�led by fzrs�ciass ma�l or when ac�ually d��z�ered ta Borrower's na�ice address�f sen�by a�her <br /> means. No�ice�o any on�Borro�rer shal�constitute no�ice�o al1 Borrowers unless Applicable Lavv expressiy requires <br /> o�h�rwise. The natice address shdil b� �he Property Address un�ess Borrowver has designated a substitute n��ice <br /> address by no�i�e to Lender. Borr��uer shal�promp�ly no�ify Lender�f Borro�rer's chang�of address. �f Lender <br /> spec�f es a procedure fnr repor�ing Borrower's�haz�.ge of address,�h�n B�rrower sha�l oniy report a change of address <br /> through that specif�ed��ocedure. There m.ay be only one designated n�tice address under this Secur�ty�ns�rumen� <br /> a�a�.y one time. Any no�zce�a Lend�r shal�be given by delivering��or by maiXing it by firs�c�ass mail�o Lender's <br /> address stated herein unle�s Lender has designa�ed ana�her address by no�ice�o Borrower. Ariy nati�e in connection <br /> �v��h �h�s Secur�ty�n��rum.en�: sha�i x�ot be deemed ta have been given�o Lender until ac�ually re�eived by Lender. <br /> If any no�ice required by this S�curi.ty �nstrumen� is a�so required under App��cable Lavv, �he Applicable Law <br /> requirement w��l sa�isfy�he corresponding r�qu�rement under this Security�ris�rumen�. <br /> 1�. Go�erning I.�aw; S��era�iXity; Rules of�on��ruct�on. This Secur��y Instrum�nt shall �be governed by <br /> fed�ral�aw and the �av�r of the�}urisd�c��on in v�rhich the Property xs Iaca�ed. All rights and abligat�ons c�ntained in <br /> this Secur�ty�ristrumen�are subje��to any requircments and iim�ta��ons �f Applicab�e La�r. Applz�able Law m�gh� <br /> e�p�icx�ly ar implzcitly al�o� the par��.es to agrec by contrac� flr it might be siien�, bu� su�h si�ence shall no� be <br /> cons�rued as a proh�bi�ion agains�agreemen�by�;ontract. rn the event�ha�any provision or clause of th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�or the Na�e canflic�s urith App��cable Law, such confl�ct sha���oti affect other pra�isians of this Security <br /> Instrument or the No�e which�an�e g�ven effecti w��hou� the conflict��.g provis�on. <br /> As used in this ��curity�ns�rumen�: �a�words of the m.asculine gender sha��mean and include corresponding <br /> neu�er words or words�f�he fcmin�ne gender; �b� �rords in the singular shall�n.ean and inc�ude the plura�and vice <br /> versa; and�c� the ward"may" gives sole disG�et�an without any ob��gation �o talfe any ac�i�n. � <br /> 17. Borro�t�ver's �opy. Barr�wer sha�l be given one copy af the No�e and of�his Security Instrum�nt. <br /> 1$. Transfer of thc Property ar a Eenef�cial Interest in Borrowcr. As used rn this Sectian I$, "�n�erest�n � <br /> the PrQp�r�y" means any legal or beneficial �n�eres�in the Property, including, but not limited ta, those benef"rcial <br /> interes�s transferred�n a bond for deed, contract for deed, �nstiallrnen�sales contrac�or escro�v agreement, the in�en� <br /> of wh�ch�s�he�ransfer of��t�e by Borrower a�a fu�ure da�e to a purchaser. <br /> �f all or any par�of�he Pra�er�y or any Interest in the Property is soid or �ransferred(ar �f Borrawer�s no� a <br /> na�ural persfln and a laer��f��a� �nteres� in Borrow�r�s sold ar�ransferred��vithou� Lender's prior vvri��en consen�, <br /> Lender may requ�re im�xned�ate paym�n��n full of aIl sums secured by th�s Se�uritiy�ns�rumen�. However, �his option <br /> shall not be exerc�sed by Lender �f su�h exercise is prohibi�ed by App�icab�e Law. <br /> NEBRASKA---Single Family�-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFQRM �NSTf�UMENT w MERS �c�cN1'a,�ic a <br /> Form 3QZ8 �1D� Page �Q of �5 www.dncrraagrc,corr� , <br />