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��15���53 <br /> �nsu�ance�re�iously in effeC�, at a cost subs�antially e�u��aier�t �o �he cost to Ba�ro�ver of the M�r�gag��nsurance <br /> pre�iously Yn effec�, frorn an a��erna�e martgage �nsurer se�ec�ed by Lender. �f sul�s�an�ia�ly equi�alent Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance co��rage�s no�available, �3orro�ver sha�l Con�inue�o pay�o Lender�he amaun�of�he sepa�ate�y des�gnated <br /> paymen�s that were due�vvh�n the�nsura�.�e co�erage ceased ta bc in cffec�. Lender vvill accep�, use and retain thes� <br /> payments as a non--refundable loss reserve in�ieu of Mor�gage�nsurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundahle, <br /> notw�ths�and�ng�he fa���ha��he Loan is ul�imatie�y paid in full, and Lender sha��no�be required to pay B�rrov�rer any <br /> interes�or earnings on such loss reser�e. Lender can na longer�requ�re loss reserve paymen�s�f Mortgag�Insurance <br /> c�verage��n �he amoun� a�d for the period that Lender requires�pro�ided by an insurer selected by Lender agai� <br /> becames ava��ab�e, is ob�ained, a�d Lender r�quires separa�ely designa�ed paymen�s tavvard the premiums for <br /> Mor�gage �nsurance. �f Lender rec�uired Mor�gage Insu�ance as a condi�ian of ma��ing the Laan and Barrowe�r was <br /> required�o ma���separate�y designated paym��.�s toward�he premiums far Mor�gage�nsurance, Borrovver sha��pay <br /> the premiums requir�d to main�a�n Mor�gage Insurance zn effec�, or�o prav�de a non-refundable loss reserW�, until <br /> Lender's requirexnen�for Mor�gage�nsurance ends in accordance w��h any writ�en agreement betvveen Barrovver and <br /> Lender prfl�id�ng for such�ermination. or un�il term�nation is requ�red by App�icab�e Lavsr. Noth�x�g in this Se�tion <br /> �ti affec�s Borrower's obligation to pay interes�at the ra�e pro��ded�n the No�e. <br /> Mor�gage �nsurance reim�urses Ler�der �flr any en���y that purchases the No�e� for cer�ain losses i�may incur <br /> if Borrov�er does n��repay the Laan a�agreed. B�rrow�r�s not a party�o�he Mor�gage �nsurance. <br /> Mor�gage insurers e�alua�e thexr�otal risl�on all such insurance in f�rce from timc to tim�, and m.ay en�er in�� <br /> agreemen�s with a�her part�es that share or modify�he�r r�sk, ar redu�e losses. These agreements are on terms and <br /> cond�tzons that are sa�isfac�ory to �he xnor�gage insurer and�he other parfiy�or part�es� t� �hese agreements. These <br /> agreements may requ�re the mor�gage insurer�o malfe payments using any sourCe�f funds�hat the mort�age insurer <br /> may have avai�ab�e�which�ay include funds ob�ained fro�Mortgage�nsuran�e premiums}. <br /> As a resul�of these agreern.en�s, Lender, any purchase�of the No�e, ano�her �nsurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> entity, or any affilia�e of any of the faregoing, may rece��e�d��rectly or�nd��rect�y}amaun�s�hat der�ve from��r might <br /> bc charac�erized as�a por�ion of Barrower's paym�n�s far Mor�gage Insurance, in exchange for sharing�r mod�fying <br /> �he mortgage insur�r's ris��, or reducing Iasses. rf suCh agreement pro�ides that an aff��ate of Lender�a�ces a share <br /> of the insurer's ris�in ex�han�e for a share�f�he prexniums�aid to the insurer, �he arrangement�s often�ermed <br /> "�ap�xve reinsurance." Fu�ther: <br /> �a� Any such agreements will not affect the a�a.oun�s that Barrower has agrced ta pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insuranc�, or any a�her terms af th�Laan. Such agreem�nts will not increase the amoun� Borrov�er vvrll owe <br /> f�r Mortbag� Insurance, and they will no�ent���e Borrow�r to any refund. <br /> �b} Any such abreemen�s w�Z� not affect the r�gh�s Borrow�r has -zf any-w��h respec�fa the Mor�gage <br /> Insuranc�under the Home�wners Pro�ection Ac�af 19�8 ar any other�aw. These rxgh�s may�nc�ude the r�gh� <br /> to rece�v� certain disc�osures, to r�quest and vb�a�n canceZ�at�on of the �Vlor�bage Insurance, �a have the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance termina�Qd autama��ca��y, andlor to receiv�a refund of any Mnrtga�e Insuran�e premiums <br /> that vvere unearned at the�ime of such cance��a�ion or terminat�on. <br /> 11. Ass�gnmen� of Miscellaneous Proceeds;Forfei�ure, Al� Miscel�aneous Proce�ds are her��y assigned to <br /> and shal�be pa�d�a Lender. <br /> If the Pr�per�ty�s damaged,su�h Miscel�aneous Proceeds sha�i be applied to res�oration or repa�r af the Prop�rty, <br /> if�he res�ora�ior�or r�paiz �s economically feasib�e and Lender's security �s not lessened. Du�r�ng such repair and <br /> res�ora�ion p�riad, Lender sha�� have �he right tn ho�d such M�s�e��an�ous Procecds unt�� Lender has had an <br /> oppor�unity �o inspect such Proper�y�o ensure�he war��has been compl�ted ta Lender's satisfac�ifln, pr�vided that � <br /> such�nspee�ion shall he under�al��n prornpt�y. Lender xnay pay for�he repairs and res�oratian in a singl�disbursement <br /> or in a series�f progress payments as�he vtrork is camp��t�d. Unl�ss an agreemen�is made�n v�rri�ing or App��cabXe <br /> Lavv r�quires in�erest to be paid on such Misce�lane�us Pro�eeds, Lender shall not be requzred to pay Borrawer any <br /> in��res� or earnings on such Miscellan�ous Praceeds. �f�he restara�ion or repair is no� ecanamzcally feasible flr <br /> Lender's security would be iessened,�he Mis�ellar�eous Proc�eds sha�l be app��ed�a�he sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen�, vvhether ar no�then due, vv�th the excess, �f any, paid to Bo�ravv�r. Such Misce��aneous Proceeds shali <br /> be appli�d in tihe arder�rovided for in Sect�on Z. <br /> NEBRASKA�-Single Fami�y--Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac UN(F�RM iNSTR�MENT - NiERS �r�cNla�fc o <br /> Form 3�28 11n� Page 8 0� 15 www.dvcmagic.corrr <br />