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��15���53 <br /> �onsen�sha11 nat be unreasonably w�thhe�d, ar un�ess ex�enuating circums�ances exist wh�ch are beyond�-3orro�ver's <br /> cantrol. <br /> 7. Preserva�ion, Main�enance and Protectian af the Propert�; Insp��tions. Borro�ver sha11 not destroy, <br /> damage or�mpair �he Pr�pe�rty, allow the Prflper�y�a de�eriorate ar commi�waste on�he Praper�y. �]Vhe�her or no� <br /> Borrowe��s res�ding in �he Property, Borrower sha�l main�ain �he Prflperty in orde�-to pre�ent�he Property from <br /> de��riara�ing or decreasing in�a1ue due ta i�s cand�tion. Unless it is de�ermin�d pu�suant�o Section 5 tha�repair ar <br /> restoration is nat econamxcally feasibie, Borrawer shal� promptly repair �he Property if damaged to avoid fur�.her <br /> deteriora�ian ar damag�. �f insurance or cond�mnation proceeds are paid in conriec�ian vv��h damage to, or the fa��ing <br /> of, the Proper�y, Borro�uer sha11 b�responsibie for repair�ng or res�oring �he�'roper�y only if Lend�r has re�eased <br /> proceeds f�r su�h purposes. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds for�he repairs and restorat�on�n a s�ngle paymen�or ir� <br /> a ser�es of progres�paymen�s as the wor��is comple�ed. �f�he insurance�r condemna��on proceeds are not sufficient <br /> �o repa�r ar res�are�he Property, Borrower is not re�ieved of Borrower's�bliga��on for�he compietian of such repa�r <br /> or res�oration. <br /> Lend�r or i�s agen�may nnai�e reasona��e en�ries upon and�nspec��ans of the Property. �f i�has reasox�ab�e caus�, <br /> Lender may inspec�the in�er�or of�he improvements on�he Property. Lender shall give Borrower no�ice a�the�:ime <br /> of ar prior to suCh an interiar inspection spec�fyzng such reasonab�e cause. <br /> $. Barrawer's Loan Appli�at�on. Borrow�r shall be in defaul� if, during �he Loan app��cation pro�ess, <br /> Borrov�er or an�persons or�nt�ties acting a��he direction of Borr�wer ar wi�h Borrawer's kno�nrledge ar consent gav� <br /> ma�erially false, mzs�eading, or �naccura�e information or sta�emen�s �o Lender �or faiied �o provide Lender with <br /> ma�erzai infarma�ion} zn connec���n with �he Loan. Material represen�a�ians include, bu� ax� no� limited to, <br /> representa�ions concern�ng Borrovver's occupancy of the Proper�y as Borrower's principa�residence. <br /> 9. Pratec�ion of Lender's In�erest in the Property and Right� Under th�s Security InStrurnent. If�a} <br /> Borrower fai�s to perf�rm the covenan�s and agreemen�s cantained in this Securi�y�ns�rumen�, �b} there is a lega� <br /> proceeding�hat migh�significantly affect Lend�r's�n�eresl;in the Praperty andlor righ�s under�his Security�nst�umen� <br /> �such as a proceeding zn bankrup�cy, probate, for condemnatian or farf�itu�°e, for e�for�emen��f a�X�n which may <br /> atta�n priority o�er this Secur�ty�ns�:rumen�or�n enfarce Iaws or regula��ons}, or �c} Borrower has abandoned�he <br /> Proper�y, �hen Lender xnay do and pay far Wha�ever is r�as�nab�e or appropria�e�o protect L�nder's interest�n the <br /> Praperty and rights under this Securi�y Instrux�.en�, including protec�zng andlor assess�ng the va�ue of the Proper�y, <br /> and securing andJor repairing the Property. Lender's ac�ions can�nc�ude, bu�are no�lim�t�d ta: �a�paying any sums <br /> secured by a���n which has priori�y ovcr�his Security Ins�rument; �b� appearing in cour�; and(c�paying rcasonable <br /> a���rneys' fees ta protec�i�s in�erest in the Proper�y andl or rights u�.der this Security�ns�rument, including its secured <br /> position �n a banl�rup��y proceed�ng. Securing�he Property includes, hu�is no��imited�o, enter�ng the Property to <br /> ma��e repazrs, change�oc��s, replace or board up doars and w�ndow�, drain vvater froxn pipes, elim��.ate building or <br /> athcr code viola�io�.s or dangerous conditions, a�d hav�u�iii��es turned an or off. .A�though Lend�r may�a��e ac�i�n <br /> under�h�s Sectifln 9, Lender daes n��ha�e to do so and�s no�under any duty t�r ob��ga�ian to do sa. I��s agreed�ha� <br /> Lender�ncurs na Iiabi�i�y for nat taking any ar a��a��ions au�horized under this Sec�ion 9. <br /> Any amounts disbu.rsed by Lender under�h�s Sec��t�n 9 s�aa�l�ecome additi�nal debt�f Borrower�ecured by�his <br /> Security�r�s�rumen�. These amaunts sha�� bear in�erest at the No�e rate from the da�e�f disbursement and shal� be � <br /> payable, with such in�eres�, upon no�ice frflm Lender t�Bo�rovver rec�uesting paymen�. <br /> �f�his Secur�ty �nstrument �s on a �easeho�d, B�rrovver shal� c�mp�y w�th aI� the pra��sions of th� Iease. <br /> B�rrower shall no�surrender the I�asehold es�ate and�n�erests herein conveyed or�erminate or cancel�he ground Xease. � <br /> Borrow�r sha�l n��, vvithout �he express v�rrit�en consen� of Lend�r, al�er or am�end�he ground lease. �f B�rrower � <br /> acqu�re� fee tit�e �o �he Property, the l�asehold and th�fee�itle sha�l not merge un�ess Lende�agrees�o �he merger <br /> �n writinge <br /> 1 U. Martgage Insurance. �f Lender required Mor��;age Insurance as a condi�ion of ma���ng the Loan,Borrovver <br /> shal� pay �he premiums requ�red�:o m.ain�ain �he Mor�gage �nsurancc in effect. �f, for any reason, the Mortgage <br /> �nsurance coverage requ�red by Lender ce�ses to be a�ailable fraxn the mnr�gage insurer that previously provzd�d such <br /> insurance and Bflrrower�vas requ�red�o ma���s�para�e�y designated paymen�s�oward��ae premiums for Mor�gagc <br /> Insurance, Borravver sha�� pay th� prem�u�ns requ�red to ob�ain ca�erage substan��a�ly ec�uivalen��o �he Mor�gage <br /> NEBRASKA--S�ngle Fami(y--Fannie MaelFr�ddie Ma� UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT - MERS �������c a <br /> Form 30Z8 �10� Page 7 of 15 www.docmagfc,com <br />