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��15���53 <br /> no�be exerc�sed unreasonab�y. Lender n-zay require Boz ro�ver�o pay, �n c�ri��ec�ion v���h�his Loan, ei�her: �a}a one� <br /> time charge for flood zone de�ermina�ion, cert�ficat�on and�x ac���ng ser�ices; ox�b�a one-�ime charge fo�flood zane <br /> de�e�xnina�ion and c�r�ifcation ser�r��s and subsequent charges each time rernap�ings ar similar changes occu�r�vhic�a <br /> reasonably migh� affec�su�h de�ermina��ori ox cer�i�cation. Borrovsrer shall a�so be responsib�e fnr the payment of <br /> any fees impt�sed by the Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency in connec�ion�vith �h�re�iew�f any�.aod�nne <br /> determination resu�ting from an abj ec�ion by Borrower. <br /> zf Borrower fails �fl main�ain any af�he co�erages descr�l�ed al�o�e, Lender may flbtain insurance�overag�, at <br /> Lender's opt�on and Borrovver's expense. Lender is under no obliga�it�n �o purchase any parti�ular type�r a�noun� <br /> of�overage. Therefore, such coverage shall co�er Len�ier, bu�migh� or migh�no�prot�ct Borrov�er, Borrower's <br /> equity in�he Property, or�he con�ents of�he Praperty, against any risl�, hazard or�iabil���and m�ght pro��de greater <br /> or lesser co�erage than was previou�ly in effec�. Borra�rer ac��no�wledges that the cost of�he insurance co�erage so <br /> o�ta�ned might significan�ly exceed��ae cas�af insurance tha�Borrower could ha��ab�ained. Any amoun�s disbursed <br /> by Lender under this Sec�ion 5 sha�I become addi�iona�d�bt of Borrower secured by�his Securit��nstrument. Thes� <br /> amounts shall bea�r in�eres�at th�N��e rate fr��n the da�e�f dis�ursemen�and sha11 be payable, w��h such xn�eres�, <br /> upon no���e fram L�nder f:o Borrourer rcquest�ng payment. <br /> All �nsurance polz�zes r�quired by Lender and renevva�s of su�h polic�es shal�be subj ect �o Lender's righ�to <br /> dzsapprove such policies, shal��nclude a s�andard m�r�gage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an <br /> addi�iana� �oss payee. Lender sha�l have�.he righ��o ho�t�th�policies and renewal cer��fica�es. �f Lender requ�res, <br /> I3orrower shall promptly give�o Lender a�l receipts of pa�d premxums and renewal nat�ces. �f Barrower ob�ains ariy <br /> form of insurance coverage, no� o�hervvise rec�uired by Lender, for damage tt�, or des��u���an af, th�Prope��y, su�h <br /> pol�cy sha�l inc�ude a s�andard mortgage clausc and shal� name Lender as mor�gagee andl o� as an addztiona� loss <br /> pay�e. <br /> �n the event of Ioss, Borra�er shail give prompt not�Ce�n the�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may ma��e <br /> pr�of of�oss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrt�vver otherw�se agree in writing, any <br /> insurance praceeds, v�rh�ther or no�the underly�ng insurance was requ�red by Lender, sha��be applied to restora��on <br /> or repa�r of the Prop�r�y, if�he res�ora�ion or repa�r�s econom�ca��y feas�b�e and Lender's se�ur��y i�no� �essen�d. <br /> During such repair ar�d restora�ion period, Lender shall have�he r�ght to ho�d such insurance proceeds unt��Lender <br /> has had an opportunity �o inspec� such Praperty �o ensure the �r�r��has been comp�eted to Lender's sa�isfa���o�, <br /> pr�v�ded �hat such �rispection shall bc under�aken promp�ly, Lender may disburse proceeds for �he repa�rs and <br /> res�oration in a s�ngle paymen�ar�n a scr�es of progress payments as the vvork is campleted. I.Jnless an agreemen� <br /> is made in v�rri��ng or Applicable Law re�u�res �nterest to be paid on such insurance�roceeds, L�nder shall nat�e <br /> requ�red to pay Borrow�r any�nteres�or earnings��.such proceed�. Fees for public adjus�ers, ar other�h�rd par�ies, <br /> reta�ned by Barrower shall nat be paid ou� of�h� insurance p�oceeds and sha�l�e the s�1e abl�ga�ian of Bo�ro�rer. <br /> �f the res�ora�ion ar reparr is no�economically feasib�e or Lender's secur�ty would be lessened,th�insurance proc�eds <br /> shal�be appl�ed�o the sums secured by�his�ecur�ty�nstrument, v�he�her ar no��hen due,�vxth�he excess,if any,�aid <br /> �o Borrov�er. Such insuran�e pro�eeds shail be applzed in the arder pro�ided for in Sec�ion 2. <br /> �f Borrower abandons the Proper�y, Lender may file, nega�ia�e and se��ie any avai�ab�e insurance c�a�m and <br /> re�ated mat�ers. �f Borrawer does no�respond wi�hin 3D days�a a no�ice from Lender�hat�he insurance carrier has � <br /> offered�o �ett�� a c�airn, �h�n Lend�r may negotiate and se�t�� �he c�aim. The 3�-day period will begin urhen the <br /> notic� is gi�en. In either even�, or if Lender acc�uzres the Property under Section 2�or other�ise, Borro�rer h�reby � <br /> assigns to Lender �a} Borrovver's r�ghtis to any insurance proceeds �n an amoun�no�to exceed the amoun�s unpaid <br /> under th�No�e or this Secu�-ity Ins�rumen�, and�b}any o�her of Borr�wer`s rights�other�han the righ�tc�any refund �. <br /> af unearned premiums pa�d by Borrower�urider a�l insurance po�icies covering�he Proper�y, insofar as such righ�s <br /> are applicable to the co�erage of�he Property. Lender may use�h�insurance proceeds ei�her tfl repair or res�ore fihe <br /> Proper�r or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or th�s Securitiy�nstrument, whether or na�then due. <br /> �. �e�upan�y. Borrower shali oc�upy, es�ab��sh, and u�e the Property as Barrower's principal r�siden�e <br /> wi�hin 6�days after the execution of�h�s Security�nstrumeni and sha��cant�nue to occupy�he Property as Bar�ower's <br /> . prir�cipal res�dence far a�least on�year af�er the da�e of occupancy, unless Lender��herwise agrees in wr�ting, �hich <br /> NEBRASKAW-Single Fami�ytl�Fannie MaelF�eddie Mac UN�F�RIVI INSTRUMENT - MERS �o������ a <br /> Farm 3�28 11D'� Page 6 af �5 www.docrrtag� <br />