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��15���53 <br /> "�a�enant and agreement" is used in SeC��on 9. �f Borrow��is ab�iga�ed�o pay Escraw Items dire���y, pursuan��o <br /> a wai�er, and Borrower faiis�o pay the amount due fo�an Escrow Item, Lender may exercrse r�s rights under Sectio�� <br /> 9 and pay such amaunt and Borrower shal�then b�o��zgated und�r Section 9�o�epay�o Lender any such amouz�.�. <br /> Lender may re�o��e�he vva�ver as to any ar all Escrt�w�tems ati any�imc by a no�ice given�n accardance�i�h Sec��on <br /> 15 and, upon such re�t�cat�on, Borrower shali pay�o Lender ail Funds, and�n such amounts, �hat are then re�u�red <br /> under this Sec�ion 3. <br /> L�ndcr may, at any time, caliec�and hold Funds in an amnun��a3 suffzc�ent�o per�nit Lender�o app�y�h�Funds <br /> a�the time specified under RESPA, and���no�to exceed the maximum amount a lender can re�uire under RESPA. <br /> Lender shall est�ma�e�he amnun�of Fu�ad�due on�he basis af curren�da�a and reasonab�e estimates of e�pendi�ures <br /> of fut� Escrow�tems or a�herwise in accorda�.ce vv�th App�icablc Law. <br /> The Funds shali be he�d in an insti�u�ion tivhflse deposi�s a�e insured by a federal agency, instrurnenta�i�y, ar <br /> enti�y �including L�nder, if Lender �s an �nstitution Whose depos��s are so �nsured� or in any Federa�Home Loan <br /> Ban��. Lender shal�app�y the Funds to pay�he�scrov�r I�ems no�ater�han the��me specified under RESPA. Lender <br /> shall not charge Borrov�er for ha�ding and applying�he Funds, annua��y ana�yzing�he escro�v accounti, or verifying <br /> the Escrow Zt�ms, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and App��cab�e La�r permi�s Lender t❑ma��� <br /> such a charge. Un�ess an agree�nen�is made in wri�ing or App��cable Lavv requ�res in�eres��o be pazd on�he Funds, <br /> Lender shall nt��be required to pay Barrav�er any in�eres�ar earnings on the Funds. Borrovsrer and L�nder can agree <br /> in wri�ing, hovv�ver, that interest shai� be pa�d on the Funds. Lend�r sha�l give to Borrower, without charge, an <br /> annual accoun�zng of the Funds as requir�d by RESPA. <br /> �f thcre is a surplus of Furids held in e�cro�,r, as defined under RESPA, Lender shal� ac�ount to Bflrrower for <br /> �he excess funds in a�cardance v�z�h RESPA. If�here�s a shortage of Funds he�d�n escrow, as de�ned under RESPA, <br /> L�nder shall no�ify�3orravver as required by RESPA, and Borrower shail pay�o Lender the amoun�necessary�o ma��e <br /> up �he shortage �n accQrdance�vith RESPA, bu� in no more�han �2 m.onth�y paymen�s. �f there is a de�c�ency af <br /> Funds held�n escrow, as de�n�d u�.der RESPA, Lender sha��no��fy BorroWer as required by RESPA, and Borrovver <br /> s11aI�pay�o Lender the amour��necessary to mal�e up the defczency�n accordance w�th RESPA, bu��n no more�han <br /> 12 mon�hly pay�ments. <br /> �Upon paymen�in fu.11 of a1�sums secured by�his Security:�ns�ruxnent, Lender shaii promp�ly refuxzd to Barrawer <br /> any Funds h��d by L�nder. <br /> 4, �harg�s;Liens. Borrower shall pay a1I�axes, assessmen�s, charges, �nes, and imp�s�tions a��r�l�u�ab�e�a <br /> �he Property vvhich can attain priority over this Secur�ty Ins�rumen�, Ieasehold payrnen�s or graund ren�s on tihe <br /> Pr�per�y, �f any, and�am.muni�y A�sociat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. To the ex�ent�ha��hese i�e�ns <br /> are Escrow I�ems, Borro�ver shal�pay�hem in t�e manner pro��ded in Sec��on 3. <br /> Borrotiver shali promp�ly discharge any lien whi�h has pr�orzty over thi� Secur�ty�nstrument unless Borrower: <br /> �a�agrees in wr��ing ta�he paym�n�of�he obl�gatian se�ured by the lien�n a manner accep�able�a Lender,but on�y <br /> s� �ong as Borrower i� performing such agreement; �b� cti�n��st� the l�en �ri good faith by, or defends a�;a�nst <br /> enforcemen�of�he l�en�n, legal proceedings vvhich in Lender's opz��o�operate�o preven��he enforcementi�f�he I�e�a . <br /> �vh�le those proceedings are pending, but only un�il such praceedings are�on��uded; or �c�sec�.�res fram�he holder <br /> of �he ��en an agreemen� sa�isfactory to Lender subordinating �he lien �o �his Security �ns�ruxnent. If Lender <br /> d���rmines that any par�of�he Proper�y �s subjec��o a��en �rhich can attain priority over this Securxty�ns�ruxnent, <br /> Lender may gi��Borro�ver a na��ce identifying the �zen. W�thxn �.� days of the date on whi�h tha�notice is given, � <br /> Borrower sha�� sa�xsfy�he lien or ta1�e one or mare flf�he ac���ns se�for�h abo�� in�h�s Sectzon 4. <br /> Lender may requ�re Borrower�a pay a ane-�ixne charge for a r�al es�a��tax verif cation andlor repart�ng service <br /> used by Lender in connec�zon w�th this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrovv�r sha�l l�eep �he impravements naw existing or hereafter erected on �he <br /> Proper�y�nsured agains��oss by f�re, hazards inc�uded vv�tihin the term"extended coverage," and any o�her hazards <br /> inc�uding, bu�na�limited to, earthqua�fes and floods, far wh�ch Lender requ�res�nsurance. This insuranc�shal�be <br /> m�a�n�ained in the amounts �includ�ng deductible �eve�s� and for the periads that Le�.der requires. VVha� Lender <br /> rec�u�r�s pursuan��a�he preceding s�ntences can change during�he�errn af the Loan. The�nsu�ance carrier providing <br /> the insurance sha11 be ch�s��.by B�rravver subj eC��o Lend�r's righ���dzsapprove Borravver's chflice,�nrh�ch right sha�l <br /> NE6RA5KA--Sing�e Fami�y--Fannie Ma�IFreddie IVIaG UNIF4RM INSTRUMENT - MERS Doc�agic � <br /> Form 3��$ �10'� Page 5 of �5 www.docrrragic,cam . <br />