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��15���53 <br /> und�r �he Nflte and this Securi�y Instrument shall be made in IJ.S. currency. Howev�r, �f any checic or o�her <br /> �nst�umen�rec�ived by Lender as pay�nent under the Na��or this Securx�y�nstru�nen��s re�u�ned to Lender unpa�d, <br /> Lender may requ�z e tha�any or a�� subsequen�payments due under the No�e and�his Security�ns�rumen��e made in <br /> ane ar more of the fallowing forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash;�b}money order;��}cer�if ed checl�,�an1�che�l�, <br /> treasurer�s checic ar cashier's check,provided any such checl�is drawn upon an ins�i�u��on whose deposi�s are insured <br /> by a federa�agency, �ns�ruznen�ali�y, or entzty; or (d} E�ectronac Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deem�d receiv�d by Lender when rece�ved at�he�oca�ion desxgna�ed in�he Note or at such other <br /> lo�at�an as may be designa�ed by Lender�n accardance wz�h�he no�i�e prov�sians in Sec�ion �S. Lender�nay return <br /> any payment or par�ia�paymen�if�he paymen�or par�ial payments are�nsuf�cien��o bring the Laan current. Lender <br /> may aceep� any payment or pa�txal payment insufficient to bring the Laan current, wi�hau� wai�er of any r�gh�s <br /> hereunder or prejudice tia i�s righ�s to refuse such payment or part�a� paym�n�s in �he future, but Lender is not <br /> flb��gated�o apply such paymen�s at�he time su�h payments are accep�ed. �f each Periodi�Paymen�is app�ied as of <br /> i�s sch�du�ed due da�e,then Lender need no�pay in�eres�on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unappli�d funds <br /> un�ii Bnrrovver makes paymen�to bring thc Loan curren�. �f Borrourer does no�do�o wzthxn a reasonab��period of <br /> time, L�nder sha�� e�ther apply s�.�ch funds or return them�o Borravver. �f no� applied earlier, such funds vvi�� be <br /> applied �o th� flut5�and�ng principal ba�ance under the Note imm�dia�e�y pr�or ta foreclosure. No offse� or �laim <br /> which Barrawer migh� have naw�r in the future against L�nder sha11 relieve Borr�vver from ma���ng paymenfs due <br /> under�he No�e and this Securi�y Instrumen� ar performing�he co�enan�s and agreements secured by�his Security <br /> In��rument. <br /> 2. Appliea�ion of Paymen�s or Proceeds. Excep� as otherWise d�sCribed in �his Section �, a�� paymen�s <br /> a�cepted and applied l�y Lend�r shail be applied in the follaw�ng arder of przori�y: �a� in�erest due unde�r the Note; <br /> (b�principai due und�r�he No�e; �c�amount�due under Sec�ion 3. Such paymen�s shall be applied�fl ea�h Periodic <br /> Payment in the ordcr in which i�became due. Any rema�nzng amoun�s shall be applied first to la�e chaxges, secand <br /> to any o�her amounts due under�his Securi�y�ns�rument, and then�a redu�e�he principai ba�ance of th�Note. <br /> If Lender receives a paymen� from Barro�ver for a delinc�uent Perxodic Paymen� whi�h includes a sufficien� <br /> amount�o pay any la�e charge due, th�payment may be applied to �h� del�nquent payrnent and the la�e charg�. �f <br /> more than onE Per�od�c Paymen� �s ou�s�anding, Lender may apply any payxnen� received from Bfl�rower to �he <br /> repayment t�f�he Per��dic Paym�n�� if, and�o the extent �hat, each paymen�can be paid in fu�l. T�the ex�ent�hat <br /> any excess�x�s�s after the paymen�is appiied to the fuli paymen�of one or xnore Periadic Paymen�s, su�h excess may <br /> be appiied�fl any�a�e charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied firs��o any prcpaynr�ent charges and�hen <br /> as described�n the Note, <br /> Any app�ica�ion of paymen�s, insurance proceeds, ar Miscellaneous Proceeds�o pr�ncipa� due u�.der�he No�e <br /> sha�� not extend ar postpane�he due da��, or change�he axnount, of th�Period�c Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower sha�1 pay to Lender on�he day P�r�od�c Paymen�s are due under �he <br /> Note, until the No�e is pa�d in full, a.sum��he "Funds"� �o provide far payment of amaunts due for: �a}ta.xes and <br /> assessments and o�her ��ems�vhich can attain priority over�his Secur��y�nstrumen�as a��en or encumbrance on the <br /> Proper�y; �b} IeasehQld pay�nen�s or ground rents on the Property, if any; �c�prerniums far any and al� �nsurance <br /> requir�d by Lender under Sec��an 5; and�d�Mortgage�nsura�ce premiurns, if any, or any sums payable by B�rrower - <br /> to L�nd�r in lzeu of the paymen�of Mor�gag� Insurance prem�ums in acCordance wi�h�he prov�s�ons of Sec�ian I�. <br /> These�t�ms are called"Es�row Ttems." A�origina�zon or at any��me during�he term of�he Loan, L�nder may require <br /> �hat Commun�ty Assoc�at�on Dues,F�es,and Assessmen�s, xf any,be escrowed by Borro�uer,and such dues, f�es and <br /> asse�sments shall be an Escrow��em. Borrovver shal�prompt�y fuxnish ta Lend�r all no�ices af amounts to be pa�d <br /> und�r �h�s Sec��on. Borrower sha�l �ay Ler�der �he Funds for Escrow �texns un��ss Lender wa�ves Borrower's <br /> obligation ta pay the Funds for any or a1�Escrow��erns. Lender may waive Borrou�er's o��xga�ion tio pay to Lende�r <br /> Funds for a�y or a��Escrow Items a�any�ime. Any such r7vaiver may on�y be�n wri�ing. Zn the event af such�ra��er, <br /> Borrower shal�pay d�rec�ly, tivhen and where payab�e, �he amounts due for any Escraw�tems for wh�ch paymen�of <br /> Funds has been�waived by Lend�r and, if Lend�r requx�es, shall furn�sh ta Lender rece�p�s evidenc�ng such payment <br /> wi�hin such�ime perifld as Lender may requir�. Borro�ver's obligatian ta ma��e such payments and to pro�xde�eceipts <br /> shall for aII purposes be deemed to be a cavenan�and agreement can�ained in th�s Security�ns�rumen�, as�he phrase <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e FamilyW--Fann�e MaelFreddie Ma� UN(F�RM IfVSTRUMENT - MERS t��c1Ularyic�� <br /> Farm 302$ �1a'i Page 4 of '�5 <br />